A sales team requires strong oversight to succeed. The sales leader is in charge of ensuring that success. However, there can be some confusion as to what that entails and what separates them from sales managers.
In this article, we explain what that difference is, as well as describe the qualities of an effective sales leader to help you better understand the role and what sets them apart from other team members.
What is a sales leader?
The sales leader sets the goals and tone for the entire sales team. They create the sales guide, sometimes referred to as a sales playbook, to define the goals, vision, culture and sales processes that lead their team to success. They can do this on their own or work with their sales operations team to create the document which will then be used by their managers to train and maintain a successful sales team.
The sales leader also serves to inspire and motivate their team to understand the goals and processes, helping them reach an individual passion for those goals to better benefit the entire team.
Sales leader vs. sales manager
The differences between a sales lead and a sales manager come in the specifics of their duties. The sales leader develops the strategies for the entire team. They train and coach their team’s managers in the strategies defined in the sales guide. Sales managers then train and coach their sales team to implement that strategy to achieve the desired results.
The sales leader uses data and sets the long-term goals of the company’s sales team. The managers oversee those teams to ensure those goals are met. Leaders develop the strategy, culture, vision and processes to ensure the company’s long-term sales success. The managers utilize these to build day-to-day successes in an effort to reach the end goals. In the simplest terms, the leaders plan goals and the managers act on those plans.
Seven qualities of an effective sales leader
Sales leaders need to be equipped to oversee and set the tone for the entire team. Here are the top qualities the position requires to be effective and achieve success:
1. Strategy-focused
The sales leader’s first job is to set the strategy the team will use. An effective sales leader needs to recognize their team’s goals and make a plan that achieves those goals. This requires consistently researching the data to discover what works and refining those strategies to improve the most effective methods for the team to use. They coach and mentor their managers and their team to ensure the strategy is clear and understood.
They also must understand how to maneuver those on the team to put them where they can do their best work and achieve the greatest results.
2. Flexibility
Though the sales leader has already written the sales guide, they need to recognize when it does and doesn’t work. They are responsible for the company’s long-term sales goals and must utilize whatever tools they may have to attain them. This requires the flexibility to make changes when necessary.
This flexibility is also useful when coaching and mentoring their managers and teams. The same coaching strategy may not be effective for all employees. Instead, sales leaders need to use different strategies to get the best results from the individual members of their team.
3. Empathy
It is the sales leader’s job to give their team a passion for success. For this, they need to make sure their team members understand the vision outlined in the sales guide on an individual level. Empathizing with their team members’ individual styles and needs can help achieve this. To strengthen the team as a whole, the sales leader needs to recognize and nurture each member’s unique talents.
This also means understanding the importance of transparency. There may be times when members of the team are unhappy with the job they’ve done or feel the expectations on them are too high. The sales leader should listen, build an atmosphere of trust and encourage their team members to voice their concerns. A good leader listens to these concerns and removes any problems that prevent the team from succeeding.
4. Goal-driven
An effective sales leader doesn’t just set their team’s goals, they actively work to drive their team towards meeting and exceeding them. The end goal is what drives every aspect of the sales leader’s work. The leader’s job is to make sure those goals are always within reach, then use the strategies they’ve defined and outlined to meet those goals.
5. Inspirational
Every sales manager and salesperson should understand that each individual goal they meet drives the entire team to success. Through coaching and mentoring, the sales leader ensures that this success is what each member of their team wants.
However, the most effective sales leaders understand that inspiring their team requires more than coaching. A good sales leader cultivates a workplace culture that instills pride in a job well done. They may do this by recognizing individual work and rewarding it with bonuses and prizes. They find ways to inspire their team beyond their paychecks to make employees want to succeed.
6. Strong supervision skills
The best sales leaders keep a firm grasp on their team by consistently monitoring their goals and achievements and stepping in to make adjustments when needed. They ensure their team is always aware of what is expected of them by coaching their sales managers and individual team members.
Consistent coaching is needed to keep the team on track to meet their sales goals. When those goals aren’t met, reprimanding and terminating employees is sometimes necessary. A good sales leader should understand when each approach is the most effective.
7. Leadership
An effective sales leader teaches their team not only by writing the sales guide and coaching them but also by personally following the vision and culture they set. Seeing the work ethic of their sales leader shows the team how the expectations, codes of conduct, and processes work. Leading by example allows the team to see what success within the company looks like.
I hope you find this article helpful.