Startup companies can offer exciting careers in a dynamic environment. Roles change quickly, and many startup job titles have overlapping responsibilities. From the founder or CEO down the organizational structure, startup employees — regardless of their job titles — need to be flexible and adaptable to make sure that the company meets its goals. In this article, we discuss what a startup company is and some of the job titles you’ll find in them.
What is a startup company?
A startup company is a new business launched to fill an identified gap in the marketplace. Startups seek to provide services or products designed to help their customers solve problems. They typically begin with limited funding, minimal staff, and aggressive timeframes, and may be involved in any industry but are most commonly found in new and emerging technology, e-commerce, health care, and software as a service (SaaS) lines of business. Startup companies have the reputation of being fast-paced, creativity-driven enterprises staffed with energetic employees who are passionate about innovation.
Why are some job titles different at startups than at established companies?
Job titles at startups may be the same as at traditional, well-established companies or be creative, customized titles reflective of the workplace culture. In new businesses, the founders have the freedom to create not just business models and operating structures but also unique job titles to support their vision. Startup founders also determine if their businesses will follow a hierarchical structure — one that would benefit from traditional job titles — or another approach, like a flat structure, where nontraditional job titles make more sense.
Titles for Startup Jobs
Here are eight job titles of startup companies and some examples of alternative titles for those roles:
1. Web developer
Web developers are responsible for creating the code that makes a website or digital application work. Developers handle front-end work like responsive design, and back-end work like database and API management and are involved in product development. Web developers need to have computer language and programming skills, project management abilities, and webmaster capabilities. Web developers must stay informed of industry developments and remain agile enough in their thinking to be able to pivot quickly when necessary.
Web developers at startup companies may also have titles like:
Chief technology officer
Vice president of engineering
Full-stack magician
Tech guru
Head hacker
2. User experience designer
User experience designers, also known as UX designers, determine how end-users interact with software, apps, devices, and websites. UX designers bridge the users’ needs to tech deliverables, ensuring seamless digital experiences through research, wireframing, testing, and information architecture. User experience designers need to be able to code, conduct market research, communicate with end-users and internal partners, and stay current with industry breakthroughs and best practices.
User experience designers at startup companies may also have titles like:
User interface (UI) designer
User researcher
Product designer
Director of user satisfaction
Information Architect
3. Product manager
Product managers, often shortened to PMs, identify market opportunities for new products, define those new products, and ultimately report on the products’ return on investment. In addition to having project management skills, product managers are proficient in market research, business model design pricing, and financial modeling. PM skill sets range from highly technical to analytical to strategic.
Product managers at startup companies may also have titles like:
Product lead
Product owner
Chief product officer
Product ninja
4. Data analyst
The job of a data analyst is to collect and organize data, evaluate it, and then make business-driving recommendations. Analysts need to be well-versed in data modeling and visualization, critical thinking, statistics, and presentation. Data analysts must be mathematically proficient and have strong computer science skills.
Analysts at startup companies may also have titles like:
Data Engineer
Data scientist
Quantitative researcher
Master of machine
Learning data storyteller
5. Marketer
Startup company marketers bring together elements of traditional marketing with tactics geared toward new technologies. To successfully market a startup, marketers need to be proficient in customer relationship management (CRM), social media, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), paid and organic online advertising, email marketing, and content marketing. Startup marketers combine creative and critical thinking skills in their work.
Marketers at startup companies may also have titles like:
Chief marketing officer
Director of Digital Marketing
Content and media lead
Chief content creator
Brand evangelist
6. Sales director
Selling at a startup requires salespeople to convince prospects to try products or services that may not have a proven track record. Startups need as many closed deals as possible as they get established. Successful startup salespeople are tenacious, driven, and self-motivated. In addition to soft skills like good interpersonal communication, adaptability, and empathy, salespeople at startups should understand business development theory and have strong negotiation techniques. Their skill sets also include prospecting and closing, defining sales strategies, and problem-solving.
Sales directors at startup companies may also have titles like:
Head of sales
Customer engagement manager
Chief of new business development
Sales Engineer
Chief rainmaker
Accounts manager
7. Financial officer
A startup needs someone to oversee and manage the company’s financial assets. These startup financial officers need to be proficient in basic accounting functions while being flexible enough to find creative solutions to any unusual problems that arise. They are also responsible for creating financial processes, managing reporting requirements, and forming and maintaining relationships with other companies.
Financial officers at startup companies may also have titles like:
Fiscal engineer
Budget guru
Money maven
8. Customer success manager
Customer success managers are responsible for making sure startup’ customers are smoothly onboarded from the sales process to activation and use of the product or service they bought. Customer success managers build workflows and processes, manage product implementation, generate revenue, and relay customer feedback. Key skills for good customer success managers include emotional intelligence, project management, problem-solving, resolution, expectation setting, and interpersonal communication skills.
Customer success managers at startup companies may also have titles like:
Customer success engineer
Customer Champion
Customer experience expert
Chief satisfaction officer
Onboarding champion
I hope you find this article helpful.
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