People who enjoy working with children often reflect this passion in their education and career choices. Some pursue a child and family development degree, allowing them to help families as their job. Understanding what careers are available with this degree may help you choose a position that aligns with your interests. In this article, we discuss what you can do with a child and family development degree and list nine related jobs to help you find the right career.
What is a child and family development degree?
A child and family development degree is an interdisciplinary study of how humans mature and socialize throughout their lives. While the degree relies on many fields, psychology and social sciences are among the two most influential. Many courses emphasize the development of children and adolescents by describing what traits they typically demonstrate at each age. Courses also address how children interact with their families and how these interactions can impact their growth. Other topics students may learn about include:
Human sexuality
Families in a multiethnic society
Infant development
Early childhood education
Contemporary family issues
What can you do with a child and family development degree?
Here are nine jobs you can pursue with a child and family development degree:
1. Child care provider
National average salary: $29,733 per year
Primary duties: A child care provider is a professional who supervises children while their parents are away. These professionals are responsible for keeping children safe, preparing meals and providing entertainment. They often oversee activities that facilitate a child’s development, including puzzles and coloring. Some child care providers teach academic subjects, like math and reading, while others focus on practicing life skills, like manners. These professionals tend to benefit from skills like good communication, active listening and patience.
2. Parent educator
National average salary: $30,365 per year
Primary duties: A parent educator is a professional who prepares parents to raise their children. They meet with clients to discuss their situations and determine which services would be most beneficial. For instance, they might provide counseling to help couples develop a consistent parenting strategy. They could also teach techniques to help parents improve a child’s behavior. Some parent educators focus on connecting clients with resources to encourage healthy psychological development.
3. Kindergarten teacher
National average salary: $36,035 per year
Primary duties: A kindergarten teacher educates children between the ages of five and six. They expand on preschool concepts, with common topics including reading, writing, adding and subtracting. Aside from teaching in the classroom, these professionals create lesson plans and communicate with parents and school administrators about their students’ progress. Kindergarten teachers also supervise children during lunch and recess to ensure their safety throughout the school day.
4. Preschool teacher
National average salary: $40,592 per year
Primary duties: A preschool teacher is responsible for managing classrooms of young children, usually between three and five years old. They prepare their students for kindergarten by teaching them simple topics like letters, numbers, shapes and colors. These professionals also teach basic social skills and encourage good behavior by enforcing rules. Preschool teachers are responsible for evaluating their student’s progress, sharing results with their caregivers and adjusting lesson plans accordingly.
5. Child welfare specialist
National average salary: $47,765 per year
Primary duties: A child welfare specialist investigates homes and residential facilities to determine if they’re suitable for a child. They often perform these inspections as part of foster care or adoption cases, ensuring they place children with responsible adults. Other duties include maintaining case records and consulting with a child’s teachers and doctors. Child welfare specialists tend to work in local or state government offices and public policy organizations. They can specialize in fields like disabilities, neglect prevention and child abuse investigation.
6. Reading specialist
National average salary: $49,694 per year
Primary duties: A reading specialist helps students overcome challenges with reading comprehension. They evaluate a child’s current reading abilities and develop a plan to help them improve. A standard goal is to achieve a higher reading level, whether it be to succeed in school or read recreationally. Successful reading specialists tend to account for each child’s traits, including physical or psychological issues that may limit their progress. They also work with parents and teachers to ensure the child has the right resources, such as extra time to take tests or books at the appropriate reading level.
7. Child life specialist
National average salary: $55,303 per year
Primary duties: A child life specialist is a professional who assists children and their families with health care challenges. The support they provide can reduce the family’s stress and facilitate healthy childhood development. For instance, a child life specialist might work with a child undergoing an operation. They can schedule a preoperative tour to help the family feel more comfortable about the surgery. The professional can also educate the parents about their child’s diagnosis and prepare them to care for their child after the operation.
8. Social worker
National average salary: $56,807 per year
Primary duties: A social worker is a professional who helps children, adults and families overcome challenges, like trauma and injuries. They develop personalized care plans by evaluating their client’s situations and connecting them with the appropriate resources. For instance, a social worker might help a mother attend therapy and ensure her children remain safe. Other important duties include adhering to government regulations, communicating with insurance companies and maintaining client records.
9. Elementary school teacher
National average salary: $64,481 per year
Primary duties: An elementary school teacher educates young students, typically in grades one through five. These professionals design lesson plans that cater to their students’ needs while adhering to state learning standards. They also track attendance, grade assignments and evaluate progress by using formative assessments. By facilitating cooperative activities, elementary school teachers can support their students’ emotional and social growth, in addition to their academic development.
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