Public speaking effectively can help you to both articulate what you want to say and convince your audience of your points. A public speaking certificate allows you to learn peer-reviewed principles in a variety of academic settings and prove your ability to present information well. Learning what public speaking certifications can do for your career may help you advance your job search with new skills. In this article, we discuss the benefits of a public speaking certification and provide nine public speaking certifications you can get to improve your skills.
Benefits of earning a public speaking certification
Some benefits of obtaining a public speaking certification include:
More confidence
In addition to gaining more public speaking experience, obtaining a public speaking certification can help improve your overall confidence. This is because understanding the principles of public speaking can help you focus on what you want to say and communicate information to your audience more effectively. Public speaking certification training can help prepare you for multiple situations in your job search by helping you learn to organize your thoughts, speak clearly, and present yourself with assertiveness.
Improved professional presence for resumes and interviews
By pursuing a public speaking certification, you can gauge your current abilities and receive feedback. Continuously learning about how your presentation skills appear to others can help you impact your career positively. Specifically, a public speaking certificate can improve your speaking abilities in interviews and impress employers as a credential on your resume. Learning how to publicly speak can also help improve your professional presence, including how you appear during meetings, how you present facts, and how well you negotiate with both employees and customers.
Greater thought clarity
Working toward a public speaking certificate allows you to further understand how to clarify your thoughts to an audience. Different certifications may place emphasis throughout their material or exam on thought organization, which can help you improve your clarity of thought during a speech. Additionally, these courses may also teach you how to transform a complex point into a clear statement, making it easier for audience members to understand. Having further thought clarity can also help during longer presentations so that you can explain multiple points no matter your speech length.
Enhanced personal and professional opportunities
One of the many opportunities that public speaking certifications provide is the option to improve not only your speaking for professional opportunities but personal ones as well. Certifications can prepare you for speaking positions within schools, libraries or other opportunities you may find in your local area to lecture and present your thoughts. If you’re the leader of a business, you can present your business through opening speeches and articulately represent the function and purpose of your work.
Stronger brand awareness options
With a public speaking certificate, you can learn the principles of why customers become interested in a presentation and why they may become interested in your brand. Additionally, as a public speaker, you may be able to further market and advertise your brand through presentation, mobile, and online mediums with your speeches. Understanding why customers choose one brand and not another can help you promote and extend your brand’s opportunities.
Better negotiation skills
Because public speaking certificates teach basic presentation skills, you may be able to improve your negotiation skills as well. This is because articulating your thoughts clearly enough for the other party to understand may influence them to consider or accept your ideas. Public speaking principles also cover the basics of persuasive public speaking. This type of public speaking can help improve your negotiation skills by showing you how to be a better salesperson to your customers. For example, showing them how a product may help them in a presentation may persuade them to make a purchase.
Heightened customer focus
By gaining a public speaking certification, you can learn about how to focus on your audience and understand how they react to your speech. Through understanding their reactions, you may be able to change your presentation during your speech to better appeal to your audience. Learning these skills can help you when speaking to customers so that you can better understand their motives, what they want, and what compromise you can reach with them that would result in a purchase.
11 certifications in public speaking
If you’re considering getting a public speaking certification, explore some of the following ones you can obtain to help improve your business endeavors:
1. Dynamic Public Speaking Certification
The Dynamic Public Speaking Certification is for those who want to improve their general public speaking and persuasion abilities. A professor from the University of Washington Department of Communication teaches the course, providing a tutorial on basic speaking principles. This certification can teach you innovative techniques on how to design presentations and deliver them most effectively for your audience depending on their reaction. This certification helps establish basic principles for those new to public speaking and can be an effective start for anyone wanting to learn. This program takes eight months to complete.
2. The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking/Speech Course
The certificate you gain from this course can help you learn how to overcome anxieties associated with public speaking and convey your message clearly to your audience. This presentation guide that Udemy created can help you learn how to write and present a speech. It offers tips and learning principles for identifying your topic’s key points, the interest level of your audience, and how you can articulate your message during your speech. The course also reviews how to appear confident to your audience. This program takes 16 hours.
3. Speak and Inspire
This certification program from Mindvalley is a 30-day course that focuses on basic communication and conquering any fears related to public speaking. The course not only instructs based on basic principles but also focuses on insight from public speaking experts to present the best tips for both learning and mastering the practice. The program also emphasizes allowing the speaker to be honest with their intentions and to both understand and appease their audience in a genuine way.
4. Complete Public Speaking Masterclass
This certification course by Udemy teaches you how to speak to audiences of various sizes. With a special emphasis on managing fear and anxiety, this certification course can help you speak to audiences with minimal preparation, regardless of the audience size. Comprehensive guides within the course teach students how to influence their audience with not only their words but also with their tone, inflection, and body language. It can help teach you how to maintain composure during anxiety periods in your presentation. This program takes 31 hours.
5. Improve Your English Communication Skills
This program from the Georgia Institute of Technology places heavy emphasis on improving your communication skills, no matter your first language. It contains individual courses containing knowledge on public speaking as a subject and how to generally improve your English communication skills. The four categorized modules in the course include communication with peers, subordinates, upper management, and stakeholders. Additionally, the course instructs on how to write effectively to those groups of people. The program takes around five months depending on student aptitude.
6. Effective Communication: Writing, Design and Presentation
This diverse course offers substantial presentation and speech training and instruction for other aspects of communication. The four-model course can teach you how to write effective business emails, improve message delivery, design graphics for presentation backgrounds, and organize visual aspects according to your project needs. Included in this certification is a capstone project opportunity that allows you to apply everything you’ve learned to one final project. This course emphasizes that each person is a personal brand and that you can promote your brand through a variety of mediums. The duration of this course is five months.
7. Certified Public Speaker Program
The Certified Public Speaker Program is a self-taught and self-paced certification program that teaches public speaking fundamentals, best practices, and industry terms. It’s a fully online program that provides fundamental tools, including a public classroom, that can help you get started in learning how to speak to your audience. The program allows you to learn at your own pace with all the tools you need to learn every component of public speaking. This certification varies in length because there is no time limit for how long students can take to learn the material.
8. Public Speaking by Rochester Institute of Technology
This certification course on edX teaches specifically how to publicly speak in a formal setting. Each lesson in the course trains applicants on how to improve their confidence as speakers, including tone of voice training, specialized presentations, and dress code. The course also teaches how to use simple tools to speak effectively to a wide range of formal audiences. Most applicants can complete this course in three weeks or less.
9. Public Speaking
The free public speaking classes from Alison offer certification in many different areas of public speaking, and you can enroll and learn according to your pace and preference. The Public Speaking course instructs every step of the presentation process, including drafting, audience planning, speech practice, and final presentation preparations. The course can help you understand how to modify a speech and what parts may require modification for different audiences.
This course also has a module on research training and can instruct you on how to properly study material for presentations. It teaches you how to both present and prove your points to your audience. Overall, this certification can help you be more confident and factual in your delivery. Most students can complete the full range of programs within two hours.
I hope you find this article helpful.
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