Integrity is a popular keyword that companies use both in their mission statements and job descriptions. Having integrity in the workplace can help you succeed and advance in your career as it means you act with a firm standard of moral principles that guide you to do what is right in every situation. Employers are always seeking candidates who show integrity because they are trustworthy and dependable.
In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about workplace integrity including how to show integrity in the workplace with examples.
What is integrity?
Workplace integrity is a set of core values and attributes that guide you to be honest, trustworthy, dependable and use good judgment in your work. Having integrity in the workplace means always choosing to do what is right and being accountable for your actions. There are several ways you can use your actions and behavior to show integrity in the workplace.
Why is integrity important in the workplace?
Having integrity in the workplace is important because it helps create a positive work environment where everyone communicates openly and contributes to the overall success of the company by working together and making good decisions. Showing integrity in the workplace is also important because it will help you gain respect and trust from your colleagues and supervisors.
How to demonstrate integrity in the workplace
Follow these steps to help you show integrity while at work:
Always act morally and ethically.
Treat everyone with respect.
Be honest and transparent in your communication.
Always put your best effort into your work.
Follow through on commitments and promises.
Be accountable for your actions.
Practice integrity in your personal life.
1. Always act morally and ethically
Having integrity means always choosing to let your moral principles and standards guide your behavior and actions to do the right thing, even when no one else is watching what you do. You can show integrity in the workplace by proving your employer and team can rely on you to do your work correctly without requiring direct supervision. Having a personal set of core values you remain loyal to in every situation can help you show integrity in the workplace.
You can also use your employer’s policies and procedures to guide you when making decisions at work. Your company’s established rules should be consistent with the mission and values of the organization and should encourage you to make the right decision in every situation.
2. Treat everyone with respect
Another way you can show integrity in the workplace is by being respectful and building meaningful relationships with everyone in the workplace, including supervisors, colleagues and customers. Treating people with respect in all situations will help you earn their respect.
3. Be honest and transparent in your communication
Having strong communication skills can help you show integrity in the workplace by being honest and transparent while also acknowledging the needs of others and showing empathy. Doing this helps others see you as someone trustworthy and dependable. Having the ability to communicate effectively with customers also helps your company build a brand that customers respect and are loyal to.
4. Always put your best effort into your work
Making sure you are doing the best you can on each project or task you complete and helping your team members complete their work when you can is a great way to show integrity at work. You can also show your commitment to doing a great job by working at the appropriate time and waiting to socialize or handle personal matters on your breaks. Doing this shows you are dedicated to achieving great results and that your team can trust you to contribute to the overall success of the team.
5. Follow through on commitments and promises
Dependability is a key component of workplace integrity. To show integrity at work, always do the best you can to follow through on any commitments or promises you have made to co-workers, supervisors or customers, even if it means you have to put in the extra effort. People with integrity are always willing to go above and beyond what is expected of them to ensure they keep their promises.
6. Be accountable for your actions
One of the most important components of integrity is being able to recognize when you have made a mistake and to acknowledge and learn from it. You can also show accountability by making sure your team members receive the credit they deserve for the work they have done.
7. Practice integrity in your personal life
Showing you are a person of integrity outside the workplace can help you prove you have integrity in the workplace. There are several things you can do to practice integrity in your everyday life such as staying loyal to a friend, avoiding gossip, being honest when someone gives you too much change, maintaining confidentiality and being accountable for mistakes you make. When you practice showing integrity in your personal life, the same actions and behaviors naturally carry over into your professional life.
Examples of integrity in the workplace
Here are a couple of examples of what behaving with integrity may look like in the workplace:
Leading by example
John is a supervisor of a customer service associate team in a large call center. During a meeting with his team, several members of his team informed him they were having difficulty meeting their expected key performance metrics because of the time it took them to make the notes in each account after the call. John promised his team he would make the note taking easier for them so they could increase their call response time.
While John couldn’t change the company’s policy of what each note was expected to include, he could make a list of pre-written notes and note templates his team could use to complete their notes in less time. When John found these pre-written notes to be effective in improving his team’s metrics, he shared the feedback with his superiors and a similar procedure was implemented throughout the company.
Stopping workplace gossip
Karen is on her lunch break when she overhears a group of co-workers discussing an issue they had with the work of another co-worker, Carla. While Karen could understand the frustration of the group, she made it a priority to point out that talking about it in the break room wouldn’t do anything to help resolve the issue.
Karen let the group know that she had a close working relationship with Carla and volunteered to discuss the issue with her directly. Carla was already aware she was struggling in this specific area and appreciated Karen for offering advice to help improve her work. The actions Karen took to stop workplace gossip also resulted in an improvement of the overall work of the team.
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