SAT Stands for Scholastic Assessment Test. It is used by colleges to evaluate an applicant’s eligibility for admission. The SAT is designed to test a student’s aptitude and knowledge in three subject areas: reading, writing, and math.
SAT is an entrance exam for students who wish to be admitted for undergraduate courses abroad. The SAT is composed of 5 sections:
- Reading,
- Writing and Language,
- Math (No Calculator),
- Math (Calculator), and
- Essay (optional).
How To Pass SAT – High Score
- Look at SAT Like every other test you have written
- Engage in constant practice. The more you practice, the more you get used to SAT Questions.
- Read instructions Carefully before answering the test questions.
- Answer the questions you know very well first to save time
- Don’t change an answer unless you’re certain you made an error
- Make sure you understand a question before answering
- Don’t skip questions, simply do a wise guess and answer
- Time is an asset, Keep track of time.
- Understand the different types of questions to expect on the SAT.
- Make effective use of your test booklet for brought work
- When it comes to comprehension and essay, don’t give your own opinion
Sat Critical Reading – Sentence Completion
- Complete each sentence in your mind using your own words first, then look at the correct answers.
- Always choose the answer that is closest to the one on your mind
- Don’t rush through each selection. Don’t waste time but make sure to review all the answers before selecting the best choice.
- If you come across words you’re unfamiliar with, use the context of the sentence to figure out what they mean.
- One common mistake that students make is that they tend to overlook the reversing effect of negative words (such as not) or prefixes (such as un-).
- Allow transition words, such as likewise and although, to suggest the better answer.
- If you just can’t figure out what a word means, then try to get the meaning from the context which it was used.
- Eliminate choices in double-blank questions if the first word doesn’t make sense in the sentence.
SAT Critical Reading – Comprehension
- Identify the main idea of each passage.
- Always make sure to read the italicized introductory text.
- Always answer the easy questions first to save time.
- Use the line referenced numbers that appear in the questions to find the correct spot in each passage.
- You should limit your answer for reading comprehension questions to what is stated or implied in the passages.
- Read each passage through at least once before the questions.
- The most important sentences of each paragraph are the first and the last. Pay particular attention to these sentences.
- Don’t waste time memorizing the details of each passage.
- First, answer all the questions for the topics that you are familiar with. Afterwards, go back and answer the questions for the topics you are unfamiliar with.
- Some reading comprehension passages are presented in pairs. In order to see how these passages relate read the brief introduction first.
- Focus the majority of your time answering the questions — not reading and re-reading the text.
- All reading comprehension content comes from Social Science, Science, Humanities, and Literary Fiction.
- There is no shortcut to improving your critical reading skills other than practice.
SAT Writing Section – Written Essay
- Answer questions as you read to save time.
- You’ll be asked to write a relatively short (250-300 words), persuasive essay on a specific topic.
- Your essay must include introduction, body and conclusion .
- Use a total of 5 paragraphs. Use three paragraphs for the body and one each for introduction and conclusion.
- Read questions as fast as possible. You’re provided 25 minutes to complete the written essay portion of the test.
- The introduction paragraph of your persuasive essay should clearly state your position on the topic.
- Let the introduction highlight some of your points.
- The body paragraphs should provide specific detail and examples to support each of your points.
- Your essay’s conclusion should summarize your position by restating your thesis statement in a shortened form.
- Keep your writing clear, concise and simple. Don’t use words and “filler” text that is not needed to support your position.
- Read what is needed to answer a given question.
- Make sure you understand the relationship between ideas, including Reinforcement, Contract, Cause-and-effect, and Sequence.
- Predict answers before reading the options
- Read questions before the passage to make it easy for you to pick out the answers
- Ensure that you understand the questions and passages as well
- Finish fast so that you can have time to cross check
SAT Writing Section – Multiple Choice
Usage, Sentence Correction, and Paragraph Correction
- Think hard about each question before attempting to answer it.
- Each usage and sentence correction question is based on an individual sentence.
- Paragraph correction questions are based on two passages.
- Make sure you understand the rules for using commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), dashes (–), and apostrophes (‘)
SAT Math – Student Produced Response
- No negative marking, answer all the questions here.
- No negative answers are allowed here, simply make sure your answers are positive.
- You’re able to enter a short answer in any column provided.
- If your answer has repeated decimal, put as many decimal points as you can.
- Don’t put answers in mixed fraction, Either improper fraction or decimal numbers.
SAT Math Section – Standard Multiple Choice
- Read the question thoroughly and make sure you understand.
- Do alot of personal study and practice before taking the test.
- Learn the important math definitions, formulas, and concepts that might appear.
- Use only the test booklet provided to show your work and for marking up diagrams or graphs presented.
- The first sets of questions in this section of the test are usually easier questions, so don’t spend too much time answering them.
- Look for shortcuts to get answers if possible,
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