How do I practice self care? The idea of self care is simple. It is the practice of being at your best as an individual.
We all need to take care of ourselves but that does not mean being hard on one’s self to come to terms with everything advertised on TV for the skin or a mouthwash.
Self care is very important and for students in the university, it could mean looking good and feeling good. It’s cool but that’s not all that it is with self-care.
What Is Self-Care?
Honestly, a definition may be biased because what self care is to one, is not to another. Self care activities can vary widely depending on individual preferences and needs, but they generally revolve around personal health, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and self-nurturing.
According to the World Health Organization, self care is the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.
The definition above is within the health context, which means, context influences definition and self-care practice.
5 Areas University Students Should Practice Self Care
Where there are many activities vying for one’s attention, the best self care practice will be just on the surface. Meanwhile, the 5 areas below need attention to practice self-care for students in the university.
5. Physical Well Being
This area to practice self care cannot be overemphasized. Students crave wellness in terms of movement, healthy meals, good relaxation, and rest. The desire is good but the practice is better. Students can improve their physical well-being by practicing regular exercise, practicing good hygiene nutritious eating, and getting enough sleep amidst other physical health routines.
4. Mental Alertness
A healthy mind makes a healthy life. The mind is very powerful that it controls the energy we generate in the brain and body. Students are assumed to be well-read and mentally alert due to their daily activities that involve learning and exposure to diverse information.
University students are expected to know a bit of everything. If this will be possible, the need to practice self-care mentally becomes necessary. Students need to engage in activities that stimulate and nurture the mind, such as reading, learning new stuff, exploring, and developing new skills. There is also a need to involve in mind activities that boost mental alertness such as playing games, solving puzzles, and engaging in intellectual conversations.
3. Social Life
An author titled his book “Relationship is Everything”. The book’s title speaks volumes. Building healthy relationships is another area for students to practice self care. Spending quality time with friends and family, seeking social support, setting healthy boundaries in relationships, and participating in activities that foster a sense of connection and belonging is very vital.
2. Emotions
The best emotions involve deliberate consciousness to practice. Just as individuals commit to being successful in different areas, is the same way to cultivate and maintain the right and favorable emotions.
Feelings of anger, hate, resentment, self-pity, and other negative emotion stem from uncared and negligence in emotional self care.
As a student in the university, take steps to understand and manage your emotions such that you will be in control of your atmosphere and interaction with others. You can practice self care to work on your emotions such as seeking counseling and practicing mindfulness and good thinking. It is also important to engage in hobbies and activities that bring joy, and peace to your soul.
1. Spirituality
Nurturing one’s sense of purpose and meaning is a great habit to practice self care. It is spirituality that gives life to other life areas of individuals consciously and unconsciously. know that fact today.
The ability to maintain and connect to the Author of Life such as practicing personal study, quiet time, prayer, and engaging in spiritual activities is very vital. To practice self-care in other areas while neglecting spirituality is unwise.