Preparing a week for an exam can be challenging, but with a focused and strategic approach, it’s entirely possible to succeed. In this article, we’ll outline a comprehensive plan for preparing for an exam in a short time, helping you make the most of your limited study period.
So therefore we can all agree that writing an examination is inevitable and passing such an Examination is equally important! But most times it is not easy to pass an Examination especially when you’re not prepared for it.
Lack of Preparedness for Examination on the path of Student’s usually comes from the fact that some students are unserious or as most often is the caStudentse in University students are focusing on other things like skills or job which will fetch them money. This is a normal thing all over the World, as at the University level and beyond you must exercise some level of financial Independence and this only comes when you are earning your own money through your work.
However, most at times it is not easy for Students to balance their work with the intense Academic demands. Thus, leaving these Students with very little time to prepare for their school work and Examination, but do you know that despite the relatively short time you can still prepare adequately for and pass your Examination?
This Article therefore examines hacks on how you can adequately prepare for an Examination in the shortest time possible, most likely a week to the Examination and still pass such Examination. I trust at the end of reading this Article you will be acquainted with effective Hacks on how you can prepare for your Examination just seven days before the Examination.
How To Prepare For An Examination In A Week: 1 Week Exam Tips
The following are the hacks which will definitely help you in preparing for your Examination in just seven days or less:
1. Understanding The Curriculum: Every Examination question is extracted from the topics under the curriculum of a Course for the given academic session. So, the first step to preparing for your Examination in the shortest time possible is understanding the Course Curriculum.
Understanding your curriculum comes with you having basic knowledge of all the topics within the curriculum, and knowing your strength and weakness in these Topics.
2. Asking For Explanation: When you understand your curriculum, so therefore realizing your strengths and weakness in the Topics under your curriculum, the next step is for you to ask your classmate, senior Colleague or Teacher for explanation on the Topics which seems like your weakness.
Doing this will help breakdown such Topic to you and aid you in your Reading.
3. Creating A Reading Plan: Importantly, to begin your reading of the topics under your curriculum you need to create a Reading Plan. A Reading Plan is basically a timetable or structure on how you want to read and cover the topics at the shortest time possible.
Creating a Reading Plan will definitely help you in devising a strategy to effectively cover your curriculum in days through strategic and voracious reading.
4. Voracious Reading: There is no hard or fast rule to preparing for an Examination like Reading. Reading is the potent tool to cover your curriculum at the shortest time possible. It is not enough for you to create a Reading Plan, but to discipline yourself to stick to that reading plan and cover all topics as set out in your Reading Plan through voracious reading each day.
Voraciously Reading for hours each day could help you in covering the necessary topics within four days or less, and so therefore leaving you well prepared for your Examination.
5. Choosing A Topic: It is not enough to read voraciously, but to voraciously read wisely by choosing Topics which happens to have the meat of Questions billed to come out in the Examination and dismantling these topics, while placing a bit of focus on other topics in case it also comes out.
Choosing and dismantling strategic selected topics may give you a better result than someone who has covered all the Topics in the curriculum. Let’s say for instance, there are 16 Topics in a course curriculum, you consider 8 Topics that will most likely come out and master these Topics and possible questions from these topics, you will definitely smash your Examination if any question comes out from these 8 topics regardless of the little time you had for Preparation to the Examination.
Choosing and mastering sensitive topics in your curriculum will help you to prepare effectively for an Examination at the shortest time possible.
6. Solving Past Questions: There is no easier way to prepare for an Examination than anticipating and solving possible past questions. It happens that in most institutions, the past questions are recycled in an examination. Thus, when you solve past questions you will have a hint of possible Exam questions and will definitely be more prepared than one who has read the curriculum but haven’t solved past questions.
During my Law Examination, I have been in an instance wherein two days to the Examination I was yet to prepare. The simple strategy I employed was solving past questions and reading in line with past questions. Funny enough 3 out of the 5 theoretical questions came verbatim from the Past questions which I solved just a day to the Exam and I easily passed the Examination like I was well prepared for it prior.
The above goes to show how much solving past questions will help you in preparedness for your Examination. If you can solve all possible past question on your course even just two days to the Examination, be rest assured that you will be well prepared for the Examination and will definitely pass it as well.
7. Seeking For Help: No human is a paragon of knowledge. Thus, after Reading and solving past questions it happens that there may be some topics or past question which may still seem difficult to us, this is where seeking for help comes into place.
Seeking for help basically means seeking for the assistance of your Classmate, Senior Colleague, or Teacher to explain the things you don’t still understand after you must have read or solved past question, or for them to help you grade the past question you have solved so as to test your Exam preparedness.
Seeking and getting the Academic help of your Classmate, Senior colleague, or Teacher will help you understand some topics better and to be more prepared for your examination at the shortest time possible. I have been in instances wherein the concept a classmate explained to me a day before the examination was what helped me the next day to pass the examination.
8. Eating and Resting Well: While Examination period is a really tense period most especially when you have not prepared for the examination and you have got few days left, It’s still a period to take good care of yourself by eating healthy foods and resting too
Eating healthy foods will nourish your body and brain, so therefore helping it be perform more efficiently. When you don’t eat well during Exam period chances are that you may experience difficulty in understanding what you are reading which of course will affect your preparedness for such an examination, but the reverse is the case when you eat well and healthy too.
It is not enough to eat well during examination period, but you equally need to rest well to prevent breakdown as it is only a healthy person that can write an Examination. When you are eating healthy foods and resting well it will help you properly assimilate all the things you have read just days before the examination and it will help you to remember them too, so therefore leaving you well prepared for the exam at the shortest time possible.
9. Applying your Best examination Preparation Technique: Aristotle once said ‘Man know thy way‘ so irrespective of all the tips I have given so far it is important for everyone to know their best examination preparation technique and employ same too.
Some person’s prepare better through cramming few days to the examination, some preferably indulge in study group discussion, some just meet intelligent people in the class for explanation, some understand better through illustration or watching a video, some understand better through asking questions or solving past question, some prepare better through gambling possible topics and smashing it, while some prepare better only through reading and studying their materials very well.
It is always good to know what works best for you. When you know what works best for you marry it with the aforementioned exam hacks and you will be rest assured of getting adequately prepared for your examination in just a few days.
10. Do Not Panic: Finally after you must have done your part in preparing for the examination in days, it’s now left for your inner self not to panic. Try as much as possible to be confident while entering the exam Hall and writing the examination, as confidence really helps.
When you panic for instance you will most likely forget some of the things you must have read or crammed and your thoughts might no longer be organized in the exam hall because of fear. So therefore, fear and panic is a major thing to avoid as it could mar your preparation for the examination.
11. Identify your vulnerabilities and strengths: You must be used to taking exams and handling the pressure that comes with them to write final exams. Students may experience increased anxiety as they get ready for their final examinations, but you should have known your strengths and limitations a long time ago.
You must go over the list once more, consider your strengths and weaknesses, and—more importantly—concentrate on your weaknesses.
12. Do some research on the format of your test: Every student has to know what to concentrate on before beginning each study session, especially when the test is coming so soon. Start by being aware of what to anticipate on test day, including the test style (essay or multiple-choice questions), the number of questions, and the time allotted for answering them.
Knowing about all of these will help you better understand how to become ready.Make an effort to ask your teacher for the materials you will need for the exam as well as a list of pertinent subjects to pay attention to. More importantly, check at test questions of former years; this will inform you what to expect as they are similar in structure and content.
Hope you enjoyed these hacks? Implementation of them will be even more enjoyable as it will help you in getting prepared for your examination in a short period and also smashing such an examination.