If you have ever wondered about the best order to answer Jamb questions so as to finish on time, this article is for you. You are about to learn the Jamb time management skills.
Let me begin by saying that, “75% will not be able to finish everything in Jamb exam hall”. This could be due to different factors.
One of the factors that can prevent you from answering all Jamb questions is the order in which you attempt questions. Now you may be asking, what order is best in answering Jamb questions? I will go into that right now.
In 2017, Jamb reduced the number of UTME questions for candidates. And as usual, it will be marked over 400.
The Jamb use of English usually carries more questions. It features four time-consuming topics which are comprehension passages, registers, interpretations and Oral form. You might End up spending the whole time on only English. As a result, it is not advisable to start with the Use of English.
It is good to end the exam with the use of English because the consciousness of limited time will fasten your reasoning and speed. This will dramatically make you answer more questions than usual.
What subject should I start with? Begin with your best subject and do not waste time on it.
What if Jamb English is my best subject? That’s a good question. You should still not begin with it. This is as a result of the fact that you will begin to analyze and enjoy the passages without consciousness of time. However, You are free to answer it as your third subject.
NOTE: you may not be able to answer everything in the exam hall.
Immediately it is 10 Minutes to the end of the examination, stop solving and begin to answer your blank questions randomly.
Do not leave any question unanswered. There won’t be negative marking. What do you think about this? Drop your comment.
See also: How to answer Jamb questions.
Israelite says
It’s helping and knowing the consciousness of limited time will fasten my reasoning and speed is flabbergasting
Paul A.ski says
You too much🔥🔥
Adeoye Emmanuel says
how can i answer jamb question faster
Anonymous says
how can i answer jamb question faster
Anonymous says
Please can I get literature in English questions
emmanuel says
thank you mr isaac. will they repeat the same for all candidate in this year.
Henrietta says
thank you sir this is really helpfull, God bless you sir
Precious nyeche says
Thanks sir, but is thier any means on how to solve faster
Isaac Inegbenehi says
See how to answer questions at the speed of light here http://flashlearners.com/answer-exam-questions-speed-light/
Jatau Maryam yeyedu says
Thanks Sir U have really helped me