Botanical name is the scientific name given to a particular plant species. For example, the botanical name of Orange is Citrus X sinensis whole Banana is Musa. Banana belongs to the family Musaceae
I have compiled a list of trees commonly found in different parts of the country along with their botanical names and uses. Continue reading and don’t fail to let me know how you feel using the comment box.
1. Mountain Fig
Botanical name
Ficus glumosa (Moraceae)
Uses of Mountain Fig
- One of the beneficial parts of this tree is the root. The juice from this root can be used to treat cough and conditions like difficulty in breathing.
- The bark can also be boiled and used to treat diarrhea.
2. Bush Fig
Botanical name
Ficus sur (Moraceae)
Uses of Bush Fig
- The leaves are used as fodder for livestock
- The roots can also be boiled with potash and used to treat intestinal worms
3. Sycamore
Botanical name
Ficus sycamorus (Moraceae)
Uses of Sycamore
- The leaves can be used to make traditional soups. They can also be used to treat jaundice
- The fruits are also edible
- The latex can be used in treating cough
- The root can be used as a purgative
4. Gmelina Tree
It is most common exotic tree in the country.
Botanical name
Gmelina arborea (Verbenaceae)
Uses of Gmelina
- The leaves can be used as fodder to livestock
- Gmelina can be used as a source of timber
- The trees can also serve as windbreaks in windy areas
- It can also be used for a wide variety of ailments such as diarrhoea, dysentery, food poisoning, menstrual pain, chicken pox and small pox.
5. Jan Yaro (Fulafulfulde)
Botanical name
Hymenocardia acida (Hymenocardiaceae)
Uses of Jan Yaro
- The root can be boiled and used as aphrodisiacs in men. It can also be used to give mental strength
- The fresh bark can be used as poultice on abscesses and tumours
- The ripe fruit has been known to cure deafness
6. Mahogany
Botanical name
Khaya senegalensis (Meliaceae)
Uses of Mahogany
- The bark can be soaked in water and ingested to clear intestinal worms in both humans and animals
- The pounded bark can also be used to treat bile disease in cattles
- The oil from the seed can be used to treat arthritis and skin rashes.
- Also, the decoction from the bark can be used to treat certain heart diseases
- The latex from the bark can also be used to cure ear pain
7. Bakin Faru
Botanical name (Family)
Lannea acida (Anacardiaceae)
Uses of Bakin Furu
- The boiled bark can be used as a treatment for pile. Also the infusion from the bark can be used to treat stomach troubles
- The root bark can be used to treat skin infection
- The kernel of this tree can be used as purgative
- The leaves can be used as an astringent and remedy for tooth ache
8. Mango
Botanical name (Family)
Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae)
Uses of Mango
- The fruit juice can be taken to treat jaundice
- The boiled bark and leaves can be used to treat fever
- The decoction from the fresh leaves can be used to treat diarrhoea
9. Moringa (Zogale)
Botanical name (Family)
Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae)
Uses of Moringa
- The root is used in the treatment of epilepsy and convulsions
- The seeds can also be used for water purification
- The barks and leaves have antimicrobial properties
- The leaf juice can be applied to the eyes to treat eye problems
10. African Peach
Botanical name (Family)
Nauclea latifolia (Anacardiaceae)
Uses of African Peach
- The root can be boiled in potash to treat gonorrhea. It can also be used to treat stomach upset.
- The boiled leaves can also be used as a purgative.
11. Cashew
Botanical name (Family)
Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae)
Use of Cashew
- The cashew nuts are edible
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