Understanding and recognizing genuine love in a relationship is essential for its growth and success. When a girl truly loves you, her actions and behaviors will reflect her deep affection and commitment towards you. In this article, we will explore 15 clear signs that indicate a girl genuinely loves you. This therefore makes it important for us to consider in this Article the signs which a girl who really loves you and is indirectly giving you the green light may exhibit.
Without mincing words any further, let’s consider these signs which a girl who really love you may exhibit towards you.
How to Know a Girl Really Loves You
1. She gives you attention: One obvious sign which a girl who really loves you will exhibit is treating you importantly and giving you all necessary attention. Such a girl will be attentive to whatever you are saying and will be willing to converse with you, hear you speak, ask questions, and seek ways to provide solution to any problem you may be facing.
It is important to note that while a girl who loves you will give you the necessary attention, she will also want you in turn to give her proper attention too. Thus, when you notice that a girl gives you so much attention and she wants attention from you, then it is a sign she really likes you.
2. She is happy around you: While a girl who likes you will give you all attention, she will do so happily as she enjoys conversing with you, and importantly enjoys your company. Hence, she is always happy when she is around you or in your warm company.
I guess it is quite easy to know if a person is happy around you. So therefore where you notice that a girl is always happy around you, gives you attention while around you, and also communicate with you when you are not around her, she definitely loves you.
3. Communication: While it is said that Communication is key to every successful relationship, I will say that it is the root of every relationship. This is because every relationship starts by communication between both parties.
A girl who loves you will want to communicate with you even while you are not around each other. Hence, when both of you are not with each other, she will always want to call, send a message via social media, chat you up or converse with you generally.
Where for instance, a girl is always in your DM hitting you up, checking up on you, seeking to get across you or she is so active on your Social Media(checking your posts, liking them and other social media activities), then that girl really loves you.
4. Remembering things: While communicating with you, such girl will most often remember things which you tell her. This is because she listens to you with interest and keen attention too.
Thus, where you notice that a girl is always remembering little details which you tell her, she definitely has an interest in you and likes you.
5. So caring: Where there is love, there is concern and care. The truth is that girls are so caring to people they hold dear to their heart, either as a friend or lover. Hence, the fact a girl is caring doesn’t necessarily means that she loves you. However, where she exhibits these aforementioned four signs and is so caring towards you, then she really loves you.
6. Eye contact: Constant eye contact is another conspicuous sign that a girl really loves you. I remember my first ever relationship, it started off via eye contact. Every time the girl was staring at me from distance, and sometimes I will stare at her back. We kept making eye contact before everything kicked from there henceforth.
Thus, where a girl is constantly looking at you straight at your eyes, even in situations where you are preoccupied with other things; she really loves you.
7. Jealousy: Jealousy is quite relative. However, generally most girls who really love a person are usually jealous or display signs of jealousy whenever they see such person closer to a stranger than them.
Hence, whenever you notice that a girl loves being around you and that girl is jealous while you are deeply around strangers romantically or otherwise, then that girl really loves you.
8. Touchy: A girl who loves you will always be touchy. That is to say that she will always want to touch you, hold your hands, passionately hug you or maintain a body contact while she is around you.
So therefore, when you notice that a girl who is caring, loves being around you, and is giving you attention is touchy towards you, then it is a sign that she really loves you.
9. Wants to be with you alone: Another sign that a girl really loves you is that she is not always comfortable conversing with you in the midst of your friends. Sometimes, she wants to be with you alone, talk only with you, spend some good time together with you, and is willing to fix a secret meeting with you.
10. Change of behavioural pattern: Where you have known a girl for a while, and suddenly that same girl begins to love you, you may easily know through her change in behavioural pattern towards you. For example, where such a girl was talking or chatting with you casually, she will now begin to be more flirty and funny in conversations, and also during conversations she is now willing to bring up new topics of discuss, ask you questions about yourself, and start showing care and concern about you, that girl really loves you.
11. You do less work to keep her: If you have ever had a relationship with a lady that doesn’t require you to do too much to make her happy or interesting then it means she loves you. Ladies are very interesting people and if they like you, there will be no need for you to chase them or try to get their attention.
Trust me, this is a very significant sign that a girl really loves you. The truth is that, any lady who loves you will want to keep you too. Naturally, you will find her talking to you about things that happened to her during the day. She will be the only one making the conversation interesting even without you putting in any effort at all.
Funnily enough, while this is happening, she will find it very difficult to spend good time with other guys. This is a good sign she loves you.
12. Trying to create an impression: Where a girl really loves you, such can be detected through her behavior towards you and the fact she is always trying to impress you either by dressing, looking good and beautiful, scenting nice, being neat, being caring towards you, acting sweet around you, and trying to get your attention so that you may take cognizance of her outstanding nature.
13. When she start asking if you have a girlfriend. One of the signs that shows that a woman is not in love with you or have any romantic feeling for you is that, she barely concern herself with you having a girlfriend or wanting to be in a romantic relationship with anyone. She keeps to herself and respects whatever you do with your time and emotions. It barely crosses her mind.
However, ones a girl develops romantic love and affection towards you, one of the first thing she does is try to survey and mark territory. She starts the process by asking if you have a girlfriend or not. Asking if you have a girlfriend often comes as a trivial question but the answer you supply to the question and their reaction would be a determinant of the real intention why they asked the question in the first place.
So, ones a woman starts asking you if you have a girlfriend and requires an honest answer, chances are that she’s in love with you.
14. When she starts showing concern about how you look. Ordinarily, people tend to respect other people’s privacy and that includes allowing then express themselves the way they want through their dressings, however, it changes when a woman is in love with a man, she begins to take a proper look at how he appears, especially in public.
This goes to show that she loves you and want you to stand out.
15. When she start showing interest in what you do and who you do it with. Just as mentioned above, it is usually a matter of less concern to a woman that doesn’t love you.
What you do and who you do it with doesn’t really matter until she develops love for you, she then concern herself with the kind of company you keep and how it would be of interest to you.
In finality, while there may be other noticeable signs that a girl loves you, without prejudice to other signs these mentioned in this article are the most obvious signs.
Importantly, as a guy it is important to be sensitive so as to observe or take notice of these signs as when a girl loves you, most times she doesn’t tell you. Hence, making it hard for you to know whether she really loves you. However, if you are sensitive enough you may take notice of any of these signs mentioned in this article which will be manifested by the girl either directly or indirectly, and when you take notice of these signs you will know that she surely loves you and if you share same mutual feelings for her, it is important you express it and communicate such feelings to her.
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