An email has made connecting quite simpler, especially in the professional world. The digital age we are in lets you connect to anybody across the globe. Requesting an email introduction can do a lot of good for you especially when you are hoping somebody to lend you their network. You can follow some simple yet effective practices while requesting an email introduction. This will also respect the circumstances and time of all parties involved.
How to Ask for an Email Introduction?
Whenever you request somebody for an email introduction, they need to invest their precious time in drafting an email. They have to make the other person understand why you and they should connect in the first place. A request or two made occasionally wouldn’t bother them much. If they have a busy schedule and are in a prime position in their career, then they would often be getting many requests in a week. This would add up hours in drafting emails for email introductions with their contacts.
Women may find it difficult to accommodate email introduction requests. This is because they get frequent requests for special favours from academic students. This matter was also a highlight of a study which demonstrated that women are conceived to be more approachable in the workplace.
Regardless of your intention, you can simplify the task of the introducer by sending a forwardable email along with your note. Your intention may be anything. You may be looking for funds for your new business idea. You may be looking for a piece of advice on your future career plan. It can be anything. Make sure to be a little considerate. This will make it easier for them to accommodate your request despite their busy schedule.
You as a requester need to include short info about yourself. You should also specify your motivation to connect with the other individual. A working mother who dons several professional titles is less inclined to respond to any introduction requests. If you specify what you intend to achieve from a connection, they are more likely to respond.
Follow these simple steps to write an effective email.
1. Make a Brief Introduction
Composing a forwardable email ensures that the introducer is aware of your basic info. Begin the intro with a few lines. You need to create a detailed introduction while making a business connection. You need to remember that you should write a summary and not a full-length bio.
2. Specify Your Motive
You need to specify your motive for requesting a connection. It has to be done in no more than three lines. You need to stick to the same rule while writing an introduction. For instance, you can state that you are looking to meet an investor for your new food venture. If you are looking for a piece of advice on how to apply for a program at a university, you can state it. You need to mention any other salient feature of the request.
3. Do Your Homework
You need to show that you have already researched the third party you seek an introduction with. If you are looking for funds for your food business just mention it. Specifying your intention simplifies the entire process. You can say that you know that the other person is a student advisor at the college you intend to apply to. Before sending an email, make sure to double-check the spelling of their name.
4. Make It Easier for Them
End the email with an easy way to connect to you. Specify the meeting times. For instance, you can say that you are based in Seattle and would be happy to meet them at their convenience during the weekdays. You can share a link for scheduling the meeting if you use any online calendaring software. You can also close the email by providing a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you have a website, then you can share the link for it as well in the email. This will make it easier for them to research you and your professional activity.
5. Expect a Double-Opt-In Introduction
The forwardable email permits the introducer to ensure the other party is open to connecting. They can easily forward the email to the other person by asking them to check if they are eager to connect. This simplifies the entire process. The introducer will be more than willing to assist you if you take care of this.
6. Send a Calendar Invite
Upon forwarding an email to the introducer and upon receiving a reply from the other person, it becomes your sole responsibility to send them a calendar invite. You can also share a short agenda outlining why you are interested in meeting them. This can be the title of the request. You can go for a more detailed agenda. It is up to you. Write your name first while sending a calendar invite. This will be helpful to keep a tab on your meetings.
7. Do Not Forget to Express Gratitude
This is the most vital step when asking for an email introduction. You shouldn’t forget to express your gratitude towards the person who took out their precious time to introduce you to their contact. Not all connections are fruitful. There is a certain probability of a connection becoming fruitful. You need to circle back the introducer after a meeting and you should let them know how your meeting with the other individual went. They will truly appreciate it and may make another introduction out of appreciation.
Over 300 million emails are sent and received on an everyday basis. The number is only expected to rise in the coming days. While requesting an email introduction, you should be courteous enough to make the entire process easier for you. Putting care and thought while making an introduction request will help you develop more meaningful connections. You would take the burden away from people who receive introduction requests regularly.
I hope you find this article helpful.
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