The following message has been shown to many candidates while checking their admission status and trying to print out admission letter for 2020 Jamb:
“You must apply for change of course/institution before printing your admission letter. The admission can be revoked if the change is not affected online within two weeks”.
Now, you may be wondering about what is actually happening. It is a very simple concept. You did not meet the requirements to get the course or institution that you applied for. For example, if you applied for Uniben but could not score up to the cut off, you would be offered a related course or Institution.
Jamb has considered you and offered you another course. But, since you did not apply for the school or course initially, you will be required to do change of course or institution.
You must note the following points:
- You are to change institution if Jamb admits you in a different school entirely.
- You are to do only change of course if your course was changed but in the same school you applied to earlier.
- Don’t change to another course or institution outside the one that you are offered by Jamb.
- You need to follow the instructions given you in the Jamb admission status and admission letter printing page.
- Ensure to take all actions within two weeks of the notice.
How To Apply For Change Of Course/Institution: I have done a great Job on the easiest step to do Jamb change of course and institution. Check here now for how to do change of course and institution.
See Also: How to do Jamb change of institution effectively
That’s all for now. Feel feel free to ask me any question using the comment box below and don’t fail to share this article with friends using the share buttons below.
Chris says
Please I want to do change of course… And the course I want to put, I didn’t meet the cut off mark .. Is it possible for me to change it??
Peter says
Does it mean the admission will be cancelled if the change of course is not been done???
Favor says
Please I already printed my admission letter before applying for change of course….what do I do??… please answer it’s very urgent
Anonymous says
Pls same is happening here pls can you tell me how you did it
Anonymous says
i did the change of institution but my CAPS still shows me my former course
Sidik says
I did the change of course twice and still seeing the same thing about the change of course
Oreoluwa says
I already did the change of course but am still seeing admission in progress from unilag
Ben says
I have done change of course twice and I was ask to change again by jamb,what should I do? ANSWER PLEASE
Abioye seyi says
I have same problem but I have change course twice before what can I do
Anonymous says
Pls sir!
I’ve been offered admission by uniben, they told me to change my course to the course they offered me or else they will revoke the admission, i went to the cafe and change it, i checked again they ve cleared that “revoke admission before two weeks”
but jamb caps has not offered me admission
why? it’s just showing ‘welcome’
Tsure says
please sir. i already printed my jamb admission letter without first doing a change of course form to the one I was given. will this affect it and what do I do.
Favor says
Same here and I don’t know what to do
Simon Freeman says
Sir I was offered admission in fed university lokoja, my first choice,but not the course I applied for. what do I do?
usman martins says
good day sir,I applied through direct entry into the university this year,at the point of physical screening,my course was changed,but my CAPS is still showing my former course I applied. please what should I do? thanks.
Anonymous says
I applied for Civil engineering but the school gave me industrial and production engineering while Jamb offered me the civil engineering. Pls,what should I do?
Bae says
I initially chose unilag, microbiology for the first time so I changed to UI microbiology,so after post utme I did UI change of course to biochemistry and I was offered admission to biochemistry in the school and on jamb portal do I still have to collect jamb change of course
Aliyu Abdulrazak says
I was given plant science and biotechnology and I accepted and even print out my admission Letter. Can I still change the course
Goodness says
Sir,after JAMB revokes the admission,do I still have chances of getting admitted by other institutions?
Anonymous says
Jamb gave me admission but I didn’t couldn’t purchase the school screening form of which I was given. Please what do I do?
Wuraola says
When I wanted to register for unilorin post utme…I was asked to change my course because i didn’t meet up to the cut off mark for medicine…so I changed to biochemistry on the school portal but now I can still see the same message on my admission status
Daniel says
my course ve been change but not yet admitted is still at my page what should I do, or I can go and do change of course
abbas ishaq says
What if you are satisfied with the course jamb chose for you,although your jamb score didn’t reach the course you choose it compulsory that you do change of course??
Ifelee says
Please jamb change my course and still ask me to change it orelse my admission will be revoked
Ayo says
Please jamb change my course and still ask me to change it orelse my admission will be revoked
Miracle says
My course changed on caps
But it is still the same on my school portal
Did jamb caps make mistake??
Pls reply
Ishaq anda says
Mine is just simple no long story..
I applied for pharmacy but recently when i checked my jamb caps it was showing me Biochemistry [not yet admitted] and d school of choice i choosed is yet to release her question is would i b given admission
nick says
same here
i applied for architecture but i checked recently its geography
what does this mean
Anonymous says
pls which do you applied.
maybe you did not meet up with the requirement thats y jamb change your course
Anonymous says
Pls did u get admitted because I am in a similar position
Jane says
Please I applied bsc chemistry but didn’t reach there cutoff mark so last three days jamb changed my course to zoology but didn’t admit me will dy admit me