Jamb 2019 Registration Began In January 2019: So many Jamb Candidates have been asking, is it true that Jamb 2020 registration will also begin in January? I doubt that. However, registration starting date for Jamb 2020 will be between this December and January next year.
You may want to click here now for how to register for Jamb or continue reading to see the official Jamb registration date, registration deadline and centres update for 2020.
Candidates are advised to check the JAMB syllabus and Brochure so that they can study the process and minimise the errors that usually occurs during the registration process.
We will also not tolerate candidates leaving the centre to go out to use the toilet. It is expected that all accredited CBT centres have an in-house convenience,” Said Jamb.
Follow my series for amazing success in Jamb… Click here now.
Adekunle ayomide says
What subject am I to register for jamb if studying English language
Halimat says
The first people that brought it 6500,are we still going to get our 300 back
Anonymous says
never get the exact date
Benedict Obeji says
Ok, thanks for the info but I haven’t seen the exact date that registration will commence.