Jamb Change Of Course and Institution is ongoing. But before I go into the procedures for Jamb change of institution and course, You may want to read the stories in the first few paragraphs below to be convinced about the action you are taking.
For one or two reasons, you would want to change the institution or course of study after Jamb registration. If this is true, then you are not alone. Right now, Jamb is even telling candidates to do a change of institution. Below are other major reasons why Jamb change, of course, is necessary.
See Also: Jamb caps as the new admission method
Why You Should Change Course or Institution
The following are valid reasons you may consider buying a Jamb change of course or institution form this year.
1. Not Scoring Up To Or More Than Jamb Cut Off Mark
Every Jamb candidate usually have the dream of scoring above 300. However, this doesn’t work for everybody in reality. If you scored less than the general cut off mark for your school of choice, you will not be admitted.
On the other hand, If you score around the Jamb cut off mark, you may also not get admitted as a result of competition. This is a good reason to change your course or school of choice.
2. Loss Of Interest In The Study Course Or Institution
Some candidates say, “I don’t want to study in the University I chose earlier, in fact, I have lost interest in the choice course I put in during Jamb registration.”
This could be that you never liked the school or your parents asked you to change the course. In addition, it could just be that you have a Jamb score that can take you to a better school.
Read Also: The secrets of highly successful students
3. Mistakes In Jamb Form And Subject Combinations
So many persons reported to me that the wrong institution was chosen for them during registration.
For others, they had issues in their Jamb subject combinations and could not fix it when Jamb gave room for correction of details.
If this is your situation you may want to change to your desired institution. Change of course and institution form gives you room to do this.

Steps For Jamb Change Of Institution And Course
Recommended: How to properly do Jamb change of course/school
- Visit the Jamb portal by clicking here
- Enter your username and password
- Login to your jamb profile
- After you have logged in, you will see correction of data at the left sidebar. For phone users, you will need to click the menu to access Correction of data. See arrow in the image above to locate menu.
- Click on correction of data.
- Under correction of data, you will see course/institution, names, date of birth, gender and LGA. Click on the one you want to change or correct.
- You will be taken to payment portal
- Click on pay and continue to payment.
- Follow the steps to pay either online with remitta or bank. You can make your payment online via JAMB portal. If you are having difficulties doing that, you can pay to the bank. You need ATM Card to pay online via remita
- Fill the form you are given to fill, follow what you are told and JAMB will now process your application. If Approved, your details will be changed as requested.
Also, note the following;
– You can change one or all your courses/institutions at the same time.
– Once the form is submitted, you can no longer make any changes again except for change of course and institution that can be done twice.
-There may be a limited number of schools or courses you can change to, so be sure to have 3 or 4 options, just in case the one you want to change to is not available.
– The cost for the change of course and Data correction is N2,500.
– You can use the one-time payment of N2, 500 to change your institution, course, name, date of birth, State and Local Government of origin.
You Proceed, ensure the following;
- That you know exactly the Changes of Course/Institution you would like to make changes to.
- Please ensure you do your research to ensure that the school you are changing to does not usually cut-off higher than your score.
- That you can change one or all your courses/institutions at the same time.
- That once the form is submitted, you can no longer make any changes again (or else the system has changed)
- That you select a Course/Institution that aligns with your subject combination. If you don’t do this, your school will screen you out…
- There may be a limited number of schools or courses you can change to, so be sure to have 3 or 4 options, just in case the one you want to change to is not available.
Note: Change of institution allows candidates to apply for a change of course or Institution immediately after the release of results. This service has a time-lapse.
Jamb change of institution could also be done at approved cbt centres through your Jamb profile.
Recommended: Jamb score that guarantees your admission.
Phoebe says
I was transferred from my course to another course last 2 months. I’ve been trying to do my change of course, all to no avail. Why! Because I lost my sim card and all efforts to retrieve it proved abortive . I’ve gone to Jamb office but, n we were left outside. Please, what should I do sir?
Ayodele Omotayo says
Ayodele Omotayo
Jamb center made mistake In changing of institution/course , please sir can I change the institution & course again because the jamb portal is saying institution & courses can on only be change once.Please kindly advice me on what to do.And if you can kindly help me out please let me know.
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Yes, you can change it
Ola says
Sir,have the change of institution for jamb started??
Renny lawson says
Jamb pitty us na, we are makeing payment but still no solid reply . We are all discouraged
Hello, I have sat for jamb this year and I need to do change of institution, can I apply for it now?
sandra says
can i change my course before utme?
Onuoha precious says
Pls can I study economies in lasu with English,maths, account and economies as my jamb subject
Anonymous says
Please is it too late to change my course?
Promise says
Pls will I have my course changed, if I applied for biochemistry with an E8 in physics? I want to know if I will be denied admission entirely or I will have my course changed??
Oladosu ibraheem akanji says
Please is the change of course still available?
Anonymous says
please can i still do change of institution
Paul Emmanuel says
Can change of institution be done two times
Anonymous says
Please is change of course still on