Success in exams is often a result of effective study habits, engagement, and a proactive approach to learning. In this article, we highlight five student archetypes who are on track to excel in their upcoming exams. Recognizing these positive patterns can provide insights into strategies for academic success and motivate other students to adopt similar approaches.
That said, let’s find out if you’re the type of student who will pass their exams and which category of you belong to using the list below.
- Types of students who will pass their exams
- The hard worker
- The Toppers
- Early Planners
- The Researchers
- The average students
The Hard Worker
As a hard worker, you believe that there is no success without hard work. You don’t find schoolwork easy but you do everything possible to scale through. Even if it means dropping your last blood.
You make school tasks a top priority in action and dedication; by completing your assignments and submitting on time, writing tests, you don’t intentionally skip classes and give maximum effort to study for quizzes and exams.
Exam periods are the busiest for you because you make sure to leave no stone unturned before writing any exams. You tackle each exam question diligently to the best of your knowledge, and In the end, you smile at the result board because you know you will pass with good grades.
Every serious student should emulate a hard worker.
The Toppers
You are naturally intelligent and you are confident in yourself, although you still work hard, but not as much as the hard worker.
As a topper, you find it easy to understand the teacher/lecturer as he teaches in class. You engage well in classwork and have a clear answer to every question. Most times, it looks like you’re the teachers assistant.
Because your classmates come to you with the most problematic classwork and want to read with you so they can understand better. You might not study regularly, but when you do, you understand and retain virtually everything.
Your grades are always excellent and you top the class almost regularly.
Early Planners
You are a firm believer in “make hay while the sun shines”. You hate exam pressure so you start off reading from the first day of class.
You make sure your notes are regularly updated so you can revise and not down points after every class; you start your assignments immediately after the teacher leaves the class, submit days before the deadline and attend classes as early as possible.
Exam periods are for revising your diary/jotter because you already read your notebooks from front to back. You find exams easy because you’re conversant with most, if not all the exam questions.
The Researcher
As a researcher, you don’t just stop at where the teacher stopped. You believe that a student should be as good as the teacher in terms of academic research.
You read wide and far, study ahead of the teacher, download texts from the internet and occasionally visit the library to immerse yourself with more knowledge on every given topic.
Interestingly, your teacher always wants to go through your note because there is always something new to learn from you after every class. You are very confident during exams and you surprise your teachers with points that they never taught in class.
The Average Students
As an average student, you’re an all-rounder. You go to class, turn in your assignments, read for your exams without much ado and also have fun while in school. Your main focus is to know enough to help you pass your exams.
You understand quite well during classes, put in a little effort for tedious courses and read, only when the quizzes or exams are drawing close.
Many students are in this category. Truth is, your grades fluctuate and you mostly narrowly escape failing the very tedious courses. But you can do better if you put in more effort because you’re naturally bright and with a little more hard work, your grades will be excellent.
Let’s talk about you…
Which of these categories do you belong to? Feel free to tell us in the comment section. We would love to know how you smash your grades in school.
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