Do you want to know why Christians celebrate Easter? Easter is the hallmark of Christianity. For without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there will be nothing called the Christian Faith.
What Is The Meaning Of Easter?
Christians, who celebrate Easter do so as a means of commemorating the event that happened in history, over 2000 years ago. It is held on the premise that God, came in the form of a man, Jesus to save the whole world from their sins.
The life Jesus lived on earth was to meet all the requirements to be the perfect and ultimate sacrifice to save the world from sin.
What this means is that man will not have to atone for sins with the blood of rams, goats, and oxen. Instead, anyone who comes in the name of Jesus, believing He died and resurrected from the dead, shall be saved from his or her sins (Romans 10:10).
What is the Significance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday?
As you celebrate Easter, know that Jesus paid the ultimate price of sin, which is by being beaten, bruised, and crucified on the cross of Calvary.
Although He was God himself, for his love for man, He took the shame and died the death of a criminal.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. 2Corinthians 5:21
That exact day Jesus suffered death is regarded as Good Friday. It is not a bad Friday because it was for the good of mankind. The third day after his death was when He arose from the dead. This is what is known as Easter Sunday.
Series of events led to the death and resurrection of Jesus. All of the events are being commemorated up to date. For instance, Lent, Passover, and Palm Sunday are all events that got culminated in the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ called Easter.
How Should Christians Celebrate Easter?
Are there any identified ways to celebrate Easter? While there is a lot of fiesta and jamboree concerning Easter, it essentially should be targeted at winning souls for Jesus.
If you have been saved by Jesus, it’s only proper you help another get saved by telling him about Jesus.
It is also a time to present oneself to receive the power to be and do all it takes to be what you should become. That does not take away the event to celebrate Easter with family and loved ones but attention must be given to the crucial matters.
Key Points To Note About Easter.
The things significant to celebrate Easter for are the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For each of these, I have listed key points you should not take for granted.
The Death Of Jesus Christ
- Everyone was born a sinner but not everyone needs to die a sinner. The only way to be saved is to accept the love of God. That love is revealed in John 3:16
For God, the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life
The Burial of Jesus Christ
- Jesus took back the authority that was lost to the enemy.
- When he was laid in the tomb, he was in working out the salvation of men in the unseen realm.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Physical death is the last event that will end the life of all humans on the earth. But death could not hold down the body of Jesus.
- The resurrection of Jesus proves He is one with God for only God alone is the Resurrection and Life.
- No prophet or any other man died and resurrected except Jesus.
- Just as death came through Adam, so is Life eternal come through one, Jesus. For God not wanting any to perish, sent His own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3).
If you have read through this article, with a good understanding then you should pay attention to being SAVED.
And if you don’t understand it, I empathize with you. The information is a deep truth, it going to take the spirit of God to help you understand and make a wise decision.
For me, I have done my part and wish you all the best as you celebrate Easter.
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