You may be wondering, Are Wrestling Weapons Real? Is the ladder used in wrestling real or fake? Do they actually hit people with real chairs and tables in WWE?
If you’ve ever asked any of the questions above, then you’re not alone. Apart from wresting weapons used, many people still wonder whether wrestling is a real fight or just acting.
- Wrestling (WWE) is not a real fight but acting
- Some wresting weapons are fake
Real wrestling weapons are used in such a way as not to cause damage to the opponent. Fake wrestling weapons mean they are not made with hard materials.
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Real Wrestling Weapons
- Chairs
- Chains
- Sledgehammer
- Barbed Wire
- Thumbtacks
Steel Stairs
These steel chairs are indeed real. The only difference between them and a regular steel chair is that the rivets are broken so that they can be folded flat and used as a weapon.
The WWE Chair is made up of light metal which causes less harm to the opponent.
These chains used in WWE matches are completely real, and it is up to the WWE Superstars to use them safely to not hurt their opponents.
Initially, Triple H used a fake sledgehammer with a rubber head, WWE later allowed him to use a real one.
While hitting someone with a sledgehammer could be deadly, Triple H uses his hand to cover the metal part of the weapon, making it safe for him to use it on his opponents.
Barbed Wire
Barbed wire is one of the most dangerous WWE weapons as it can cause severe injury to the Superstars. Interestingly, on many occasions, the Barbed Wire used is actually real. Batista opted to use a genuine barbed wire during his Hell in a Cell match with Triple H in 2005.
At the same time, there have been instances where WWE Superstars have used a “fake” barbed wire (with rubber tips) and it’s completely fine.
Thumbtacks are arguably one of the most dangerous and scariest weapons used by WWE Superstars during matches. And this makes it even more shocking to know that the thumbtacks used are indeed real.
The thumbtacks are real like a sledgehammer. It is extremely painful and left Superstars with cuts and bruises after falling over it.
Fake Wrestling Weapons
- Ladder
- Guitar
- Kendo Stick
- Garbage Can
- Tables
The ladder for wrestling is made safe to use as a weapon. Due to this, the steel used in the ladders is hollow. In addition, the ladders are made weak in the middle for spots where a WWE Superstar goes through it, breaking it into two.
The ladders are made up of hollow steel rather than solid steel to reduce the weight and impact.
WWE Superstar Elias uses Guitar frequently on WWE television either hitting someone with his guitar or being hit himself. This guitar is not as strong as the main guitar; it can break easily.
Kendo Stick
The kendo stick that WWE Superstars use is made up of hollow wood, hence often breaks apart after a few strikes. One could see tapes on both sides of a kendo stick, which holds it together for a few strikes before it breaks.
The stick is reinforced with tape from both ends in order to ensure that the ends don’t split after a shot and cause the wrestlers any cuts or penetrating injuries.
Garbage can
The garbage can was a very popular weapon during the Attitude Era but is used on very few occasions these days. The garbage is either made of aluminum or tin, hence it does very little to no damage to the WWE Superstar on which it is used.
Tables are used on several occasions during all the versions of a no disqualification match, which often leads to a huge pop from the crowd in attendance. WWE uses very thin wood to make these tables.
The tables in the WWE are not like the tables we have at home. They are made up of really thin chipboard or plywood which is very much easier to break if enough force is used at the center.
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