IELTS Writing Test takes the candidate’s ultimate efficiency to write ‘Two quite different pieces of writing’ within the stipulated short period of time, 60 minutes. The test is divided into two parts, candidates need to complete both the parts of the test within given time.
[ez-toc]As usual in other tests of IELTS tests, the IELTS writing test have two divisions 1) IELTS Academic Writing Test and 2) IELTS General Writing Test. The two formats are different in structure, but in both the cases, there are two types of tests, namely Task1 & Task 2. Needless to mention a candidate appearing for the test must be fundamentally very strong in English with an in-depth knowledge of English grammar. Let’s come to the details of the test formats.
IELTS Academic Writing Tests: In the case, of this test the candidates need complete Task1 & Task 2 within the stipulated time period, for Task1 they need to write in at least 150 words and for Task2 they need to write in at least 250 words.
The writing Task 1: In Task 1 the candidates need to describe some information in the form of one or more tables or charts, charts contain bar charts, line charts, line graphs, diagrams and pie charts. They are expected to write a well composed descriptive report of at least 150 words on the information provided.
The task is writing a summary of at least 150 words on the basis of a particular graph or table and the candidate needs to write how something works or how something is done and all that. This task tests the ability to pick and chose the main feature, the ability to compare and describe a set of given data and the accuracy of identifying significant trends, the proficiency of describing a process. The suggested time period is 20 minutes, keeping in mind that task 2 takes a longer time to complete.
The writing Task 2: In task 2 or the second task the candidates get a particular topic, generally simple topics understandable by undergraduate students also and all they have to do it is to describe it in very well composed rich English in 250 words in the remaining time of 40 minutes, assuming that the candidate has completed the Task1 in 20 minutes.
IELTS General Writing Tests
The writing Task 1: Here in Task 1 the candidates are asked to write a letter in response to a problem, requesting for information or giving an explanation in well composed flawless English in at least 150 words. The suggested time period is 20 minutes with keeping 40 minutes in hand to write the bigger part i.e. ‘Task 2’. This test is carried out to test the candidate’s ability or rather his proficiency in handling a personal correspondence, the way of narrating a general factual information, the expertise in expressing opinion or view.
The writing Task 2: In Task 2 the candidates need to write in at least 250 words within the remaining time. The candidates get a topic and the instruction is to respond by giving an opinion, justifying it, discussing the topic, summarizing the details, outlining and identifying problems and suggesting feasible solutions. They also need to write on apprehending probable arguments that might arise and counter them with a solid befitting and justified reply.
Through this test not only judged ‘the candidate’s proficiency in English’ but also judged how efficient, rational and knowledgeable person he is. A candidate is thoroughly measured in Task 2 and the assessment of Task 2 is more valuable than that of Task1. The papers are scripted by highly reputed and qualified IELTS examiners who are approved by approved by Top Academic Institutions.
So we have discussed in details how the examine is carried out or conducted. Now we will shift our focus on discussing ‘How to get a higher band’ in IELTS Writing test. Firstly lets’ mention some points which are highly important for getting higher bands be it on ‘Academic Writing Test’ or ‘General Writing Test’. For achieving higher band candidates should follow and maintain some rules either in the ‘Preparing phase’ or while writing in the exam. They should
For Task 1:
1) Not write more than 8-15 words per sentence and 150 words per paragraph.
2) Link ideas, paragraphs and sentences together to make it understandable by any undergraduate reader as well.
3) Write all ideas in a transparent and coherent manner.
4) Write the structure of the ‘essay type answer’ in a correct and well-composed formation.
5) Must cover all points mentioned in the task.
For Task 2: (also for getting Band 7+) They should
1) Use as wide ranges of vocabularies as possible.
2) Write in more complex sentence structures maintaining the clarity of understanding.
3) Write in a more complicated grammatical twist with variation in writing style.
A candidate preparing for IELTS writing test should search on the Internet for valuable study materials and several tips and tricks which are free to download. He should practice strictly according to the instructions in the samples. He should download ‘sample of writing tests’ or take a printout and practice rigorously maintaining time.
Daily practice under the supervision of a good teacher would make a candidate well prepared, but as IELTS Writing Test is as good as the ‘Ultimate Test of Writing English’, one should get in touch with a well-reputed institute, specialized in professional ‘IELTS Training‘. These institutes know the nook and cranny of the tests and they guide students to success by teaching them according to well-contemplated plan and taking a series of mock tests.
Moreover, some tips which are applicable to each and every candidate whether he is going to appear for ‘Academic Writing Test’ or ‘General Writing Test’. He should follow this set of instructions right from the time when he is preparing for the exam. Following this set of rules accurately and impeccably would lead a candidate to achieve higher band. He should:
Make a plan in 3 to 4 minutes on ‘the writing pattern’, before start writing. Better organized the composition better the score.
Know the impeccable ways to construct an essay, i.e. how to structure an essay.
Read and write as many essays as possible.
Surf the Internet, a huge number of sample papers are available there, he should read and learn from them.
Add examples from their own experience, only if applicable.
Use a wide range of vocabulary and suitable ornaments to make the writing elegant.
Know to punctuate correctly.
Separate the arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ into different paragraphs.
Know the right tone of essays writing, i.e. always in formal language.
Use possessive/personal pronouns, especially when giving personal opinions.
Write following a well thought after plan that reflects the maturity of the writer.
An eligible candidate, aiming for getting a higher Band like 8.0 or above will have to keep one thing in mind that only writing in a very simple language without spelling mistake would not be helpful at all. The writing needs to be rich and stylish thus reflecting the depth of knowledge on the English language of the writer, needless to mention spelling mistakes are ‘not allowed’ at all.
One should check his own writing often after a gap of say 5 to 6 minutes, because checking at the end by a tired candidate might be erroneous, so scanning while writing is probably the best idea to get rid of mistakes. Most of the error occurs because of a faulty writing process, candidates write, then pause, then think, then start writing again and thus commit errors. One sentence should be completed at one go, then thinking and writing again is okay.
The examining authority tests the candidates all round ability in writing English, so the candidate has to concentrate keenly on writing and remain flawless from all angles. So while preparing for the test a candidate has to ‘notice’ on which areas he is weak or prone to commit mistakes, most probably the best thing to do is to build a checklist of mistakes a candidate commits, focusing on those areas and getting rectified by a teacher or himself repeatedly might help in getting rid of this ‘undesired trouble’ perpetually.
The candidate has to have a clear view that accuracy in grammar, spelling, understanding just verbs and tenses and writing in simple, flawless English is not good enough for getting a higher band, especially more than band 8.0. Something extras, as stylish language, subtlety, the delicacy of construction, usage of a wide range of vocabulary is needed to hit the bull’s eye i.e. getting ‘Band 8.0 or even Band 9.0’.
An aspiring candidate with rigorous time bound well-planned practice, great proficiency in written English of course with a profound knowledge of English grammar and gross execution of elusive perfection can achieve high band scores like 8 or 9. No big goals can be accomplished without a great avidity in heart for hitting the success button, a perfect professional guidance and a keen and committed desire towards developing oneself towards excellence and completeness.
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