What book should I read for 2022 NABTEB English Language, Mathematics, Literature, Government, Chemistry, Geography, Civic Education, Agricultural Science, Government, etc and how do I get them?
This page will cover NABTEB Recommended books. I will also add the books I feel are worth reading for NABTEB 2022.
Note that you are not to read all the books. One or two books should be okay for each subject. Also, if you already have a good textbook for any subject, stick to them. You must not use the books below before you can pass Nabteb.
NABTEB Agricultural Science Books
1. Essential Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary School by O.A. IWENA
2. Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary School by M.K. KOMOLAFE & D.C. TOY
3. Senior Secondary Agricultural Science by O.A. AKINSANMI
4. A textbook of Agricultural Science for School & College by A.C. ANYANWU, B.D.
5. Prescribed Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary school.
NABTEB Civic Education Text Books
1) Pathfinder Global Civic Education by I. A. Adeoti.
2) Civic Education for SSS by Okunloye et al.
3) Cosmopolitan civic Education for SSS by AdesholaOlubunmi et al.
4) Round up Government by IbiyemiOyeleye et al.
5) Rasmed Civic Education for SSS by OyekunleOyelami et al.
List of Recommended Books For Nabteb Geography
1. ComprehensiveCertificateGeographyforSchoolsandcollegesbyIboayaB.A.(2013)(RevisedEdition).
2. HumanGeographybyFellmann,D.etal(2005)(SeventhEdition)NewYork:McGraw-Hill.
3. IntroductiontoGeographybyGetis,A.etal(2004)(NinthEdition)NewYork:McGraw-Hill.Contemporary
World Regional Geography by Bradshaw, M. et al (2004), New York: McGraw Hill.
4. ARegionalGeographyofAfricabyOkunrotifa,P.O.andMichael,S.(2000)(New Edition), Essex: Longman.
5. MapReadingforWestAfricabyNimaku,D.A.(2000),Essex:Longman.
6. General Geography in Diagrams for West Africa by Bunnet, R.B. and Okunrotifa, P.O. (1999), China:
7. Geography:AnIntegratedApproachbyWaugh,D.(1995),(SecondEdition)China:Nelson.
8. ANewGeographyofWestAfricabyIloejeN.P.(1991), HongKong: Longman.
9. CertificatePhysicalandHumanGeographybyAdeleke,B.O.andLeong,G.C.(1990)(WestAfricanEdition),
Ibadan: Oxford.
10. A New Geography of Nigeria by Iloeje N.P. (1982), (New Edition) Hong Kong: Longman.
11. Geographical Region of Nigeria by Udo, R.K. (1970), London: Longman.
12. New Secondary Atlas by Collins-Longman (1981), Hong Kong: Sheck Wah Tong.
13. Macmillan Secondary SchoolAtlas.
Books To Read for NABTEB Mathematics
- Integrated Mathematics By Afolabi.
- New School Mathematics
- Egbe. E name(s)? (2000). Further Mathematics, Onitsha: Africana ”“ FIRST Publishers
- Progressive Mathematics for SS 3 (Macmillan)
- Adelodun A. A (2000). Distinction in Mathematics: Comprehensive Revision Text, (3rd Edition) Ado ”“Ekiti: FNPL.
- Anyebe, J. A. B (1998). Basic Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools and Remedial Students in Higher/ institutions, Lagos: Kenny Moore.
- Channon, J. B. Smith, A. M (2001). New General Mathematics for West Africa SSS 1 to 3, Lagos: Longman.
- Ibude, S. O. name(s)? (2003). Algebra and Calculus for Schools and Colleges: LINCEL Publishers.
Books To Read For Nabteb English Language
- The new testament of the Use of English by Joseph Omofomah (AKA Son of Man).
- Dandy English
- Bamgbose, A. (2002). English Lexis and Structure for Senior Secondary Schools and colleges (Revised Edition), Ibadan: Heinemann.
- Banjo, A. Ayodele, S. and Ndahi, K. S. (1997). Exam Focus: English for WASSCE and SSCE, Ibadan UP Plc.
- Caesar, O. J. (2003). Essential Oral English for Schools and Colleges, Lagos: Tonad Publishers Limited.
- Egbe, D. I (1996). Mastering English Usage and Communication Skills, Lagos: Tisons.
- Nnamonu, S. and Jowitt, D. (1989). Common Errors in English, Lagos: Longman.
- Ukwuegbu, C, Okoro, O., Idris, A. U., Okebukola, F. O. and Owokade, C. O. (2002). Catch-up English for SSCE/UME, Ibadan: Heinemann.
- Obinna, M. F. (2001). University Matriculation Use of English,(Fourth Edition) Port Harcourt: Sunray Books Limited.
- Comprehensive English.
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