Engineering is one of the Toughest Faculties in any School; So are Engineering Courses From Year One to 500 Level in any Engineering Department. This article covers 50 of the most difficult Engineering courses you would come across studying in any Nigerian University.
Engineering is one of the hot cake courses to study in Nigeria. Before I proceed with the hard Engine courses, quickly take a look at the top Engineering Departments in Nigeria and their short form.
- EEE Stands for Electrical/Electronics Engineering
- MEE Stands for Mechanical Engineering
- CHE Stands for Chemical Engineering
- CVE Stands for Civil Engineering
- PEE Stands for Petroleum Engineering
- CPE Stands for Computer Engineering
- PRE Stands for Production Engineering
- STR Stands for Structural Engineering
After five years of studying Electrical/Electronics Engineering and from the information I have gathered from my friends in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Petroleum, Computer, Production, Chemical and Structural Engineering, the following are top fifty Courses most Engineering Students find Difficult.
- General Studies Courses
- Design Studio
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Microprogramming
- Engineering in Society (ENS)
- Control System Engineering
- Engineering Drawing
- Thermodynamics
- Electromagnetism (EEE)
- Strength of materials (CVE)
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Material Science
- Circuit Theorem
- Digital signal Processing
- Chemical Metallurgy
- Chemical thermodynamics
- Telecommunication Principles I
- Digital Communication
- Engineering Computer Programming
- Engineering Laboratory & Workshop Practice
- Design of Machine Elements
- Automation and Control
- Engineering Design
- Engineering Project and Report
- Metallurgy
- Fluid Mechanics
- Biochemical Engineering
- Industrial Process Calculations
- Polymer Engineering
- Process Instrumentation & Control
- Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Engineering Mathematics
- Petroleum Refinery Processes
- Process Design (CHE)
- Corrosion Engineering/ Reservoir Engineering
- Design and Installation of Electrical and ICT Services
- Computer Graphics
- Engineering Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Aircraft Structures and Technology
- Bridge Structures and Technology
- Steel Structures and Technology
- Applied Mechanics
- Engineering Geology
- Engineering Materials
- Advanced Structural Mechanics
- Technical Writing & Communication
- Drilling Technology (PEE)
- Numerical Methods
- Elements of Reservoir Simulation
- Natural Gas Processing (PEE).
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