Jamb UTME 2021 began on June 19th, 2021. Thousands of Questions were Set… You may be wondering, what were Questions Jamb have set so far for those who have written?
In this article, I will share Jamb 2021 Questions and Topics from candidates who wrote on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sature. These questions and Topics were shared by those who wrote Jamb.
Jamb Questions And Answers (Videos)
[yotuwp type=”playlist” id=”PL1JHDIvuvb4CBAHi62mSYumv_gK6-aipk” ]
Jamb Biology Questions
1. Plant cell is plasmolysed as a result of?
a)endosmosis b) endocytosis c)exosmosis d) exocytosis
2. One of the most important driving factors for evolution is?
Ans: Mutation
3. Alkaloids are excretory products used to produce?
a)Gum b)Drug
4. The process that is Carried out by denitrifying bacteria is?
a) Converts nitrite to nitrate b)convert ammonia to nitrite c) convert nitrate to atmospheric nitrogen
5 The soldier termites differ from the worker termites by?
Ans: Large head and strong mandibles.
6. Which of the following can lead to an increase in size of the population?
a) Emigration b) Natality c)Mortality d)Disease
7. Terrestrial vertebrates respire with the aid of??
a)Gills b)Lungs c)Skin
8. The nephridium is used in which of the following organisms
a)Roundworms b) Flatworms c)Earthworm
9. Which of the following internal condition is necessary for Seed germination?
a) Adequate temperature b) Water c)Seed viability d)air
10. A character expressed in a female-only when it is homozygous but expresses itself in the male always is ..?
Ans: s*x Linked
Jamb Use of English Questions
a. English language
b. lexis and structure
c. comprehension
d. Jamb Novel
e. consonant sounds
f. vowel sounds
g. emphatic stress
Questions on the life changer was focused on
Ummi and her Hod
-When the HOD asked what she’ll like to eat
what did ummi thought of
-Her Hod’s attitude was —— to her
—- She asked to ease herself because?
1. Why did Ummi lie to the HOD that she was pressed?
2. Why didn’t Ummi tell the HOD that she was married?
3. Ummi described the way girls dressed in the University as ___________
4. Whom did Salma compare the University lecturers to?
5. In HOD’s Office, why Ummi didn’t sit down until she was asked to________
6. How did Ummi after using the toilet______
The mother always advice her daughter to hit the hay?
What’s the meaning.
1.Ferocious means violent or aggressive
2.prodigious means large or powerful and causing surprise or admiration.
3.lynch this simply means when a crowd catches a culprit and instead of waiting for him to be tried the take it into their own hands and kill him.
Exorbitant i.e relating to price means high or expensive of you may put it.
1. We were given a comprehension about group studying
2. We were given a register about arms and tiers of government
3 For life changer, the questions were drawn from When Ummi went to the HOD’s office Dr. Samuel Johnson
-After Ummi used the HOD’S toilet, she felt….
When the HOD told Ummi your welcome my dear, Ummi felt…(I can’t remember the exact way the question was asked)
We were asked nearest and opposite in meaning
We were also asked words that rhyme with each other.
1. Mycorrhizae is an association in…
2. Which part labelled part stores man-fluidatozoa until they are matured and motile
3.In which state is Kainji National Park located
4.We were given a diagram of the digestive system. Which of the following parts emulsifys fats
5. The soldier termite is different from the worker termite due to the possession of….
6. Dispersion in termite colony is carried out by…..
7. Plasmolysis in plant occurs due to ….
8. Alkaloids which is an excretory product of plant is used for making…..
1. the HOD commended Ummi’s?
Ans pattern of dressing
2. After Ummi used the toilet he felt?
Ans. Still uncomfortable and embarrassed
3. Ummi was wearing what in the HOD office?
Ans. A decent dress but not on her Hijab… This one was tactful, read carefully all the options
4. The HOD’s salutation Made Ummi?
Options A & B are off
But options C & D still confusing me till now
C. Suspicious
D. Discomfit
5. “One does not volunteer for questions unless asks from’ was said by who?
Ans Ummi
The question from life changer was 10 in total
6. Stress germinate
Ans. GERminate
7. refrigerator
Possible interpretation
8. The mother advised her daughter to hit the hay means?
9. But for the doctors intervention, I would have died means
Ans. I survived because of the doctor
10. The comprehension is about the topic, “group reading”
What is the subject matter of the comprehension ?
Ans. The demerits and merits of group reading
11. The cloze test or register aspect is under government, government students must have licked their fingers while answering them ..
11. …(A. Legislature B. Executive C. Judiciary) creates the law and the 12 (A. Legislature B. Executive C. Judiciary) formulates the policies…….. 13(A. President B.I minister c. Representative D. Senate) who is also the head of the state calls the two representatives of National assembly which were the 14 (A. Senate B. Representative C. Speaker ) who serve at the upper level and the 15 A. Senate B. Representative C. Speaker ) who serve at the lower house……
Ans. A B A A B
16. The measles ……
A. Have been
B. Has being
C. has been
Ans. C
Though measles ends in ‘s’ but it is not plural, Jamb mad oo
17. The synonym of “chivalrous”
Honorable or respect
1. The mother told her daughter to pay hay
Ans. go to bed
Same vowel
2. blood
A. mode
B. Cut
C. drop
3. doom
A. tomb
B. comb
4. She sings well, ……
A. doesn’t she?
B. don’t she?
C. Didn’t she?
Some sentences asked to interpret
1. She dressed to the nine on her wedding..
2. The boy is for high jump by his father. …
3. Her mother asked her to hit the hay
Find the stress pattern on
1. Unmi considers the HOD’s endearing salutation as.?
Ans Suspicious
2. By telling Unmi “Sit down my dear” the HOD has?
3. By asking Unmi if she would like to have a drink what was the impression on Unmi?
Ans: Her fears about lecturers might be true
4. That you don’t volunteer information except when asked is something that
Ans: Something that Unmi taught Omar
5. By complementing his female student’s looks and attire, it is obvious that…..?
6. In the HOD’s office, Unmi was …..?
Ans: Dressed decently without a hijab
7. Why did the narrator say she was pressed?
Ans: She wanted an excuse to leave
8. After flushing the toilet Unmi felt??
Ans: uncomfortable and Embarrassed
9. Dr Johnson wishes students emulate her style of?
Ans: Dressing
Jamb Government Questions
1. Why did Nigeria get suspended from commonwealth?
Ans. Bcus of the murder of Dele Giwa
2. The 1979 elected was conducted by
A. Federal Electoral of Nigeria
B. Nationql electoral commission
C. national electoral commission of Nigeria
D. Federal electoral commission
I first chose A but after proofreading and made amendments “CAREFULNESS!”
3. Who completed the states to 36?
A. Sani Abacha
C. Murtala
D. Gowon
A correct
4. Who introduced War Against Indiscipline and Corruption?
B. Buhari
C. murtala
D. Sani
B correct
5. In IBB’s reign, the part system was
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. Multi
The meaning of woman is
A. the mother of all
B. taken from a man
Joseph said to his brothers that God saved his life to
A. save lives
B. revenge his brothers
Let the idea not eat.. Paul by saying so meant that
A. working hard is vital
B. do not give food to your neighbour
When Issac asked Abraham where the lamb for sacrifice was, what was Abraham’s response
A. God will provide
B. It is you
C. it is there
Jamb CRS Questions
1. Jonah is from where
A. Hebrew
B. Philistine
2. Abraham’s response to Issac requested where the lamb for sacrifice was?
A. The lord will provide
B. It is already there
C. We won’t use lamb this time around
3. The following except one are spiritual gifts
A. Utterance of Knowledge
B. Gift of healing
C. Gift of hearing
D. Speaking in tongues
Ans. c
4. Jesus fed the five thousand men with
A. Five loaves of bread and two fishes
B. Two loaves and five fishes
C. Two loaves and two fishes
D. five loaves and five fishes
A correct
5. The people thought Jesus as
A. John the baptist
B. Moses
C. Elijah
A correct
6? “Is it you the one that is to come that is coming or should we wait for another” John the Baptist’s speached showed that
A. He was anxious
B. He was blind
C. He was short sighted
D. He was doubtful
The meaning of woman is
A. the mother of all
B. taken from a man
Joseph said to his brothers that God saved his life to
A. save lives
B. revenge his brothers
Let the idea not eat.. Paul by saying so meant that
A. working hard is vital
B. do not give food to your neighbour
When Issac asked Abraham where the lamb for sacrifice was, what was Abraham’s response
A. God will provide
B. It is you
C. it is there
Jamb Literature Questions
The old novels were used
1. The honest among the options was
A. Keri
B. Kpakpo
C. Adade
D. Onko
2. The first child of Kabria was
A. Obea
B. Essie
C. Ottu
3. The dominant device in the pulley is
A. Imagery
b. Assonance
C. Alliteration
4. Yaremi was called the unusual woman because
A. She rejected the cap picking
B. Worked hard
A. Stays close to her wife
B. is a polygamists who mistreats his wives
C. Owns large cocoa plantation
6. Bigger Thomas killed Mary with
A. Knife
B. Pillow
C. Sickle
D. Spade
7. Who is Peggy
A. Dalton’s maid
B. Mary’s friend
C. Daughter of Dalton
8. Ochuole deceived Alohp due to her
A. Desperation
B. Inconsideration
9. Who are proved to be close friends forever
A. Madam Hoha and Ochuole
B. Fofo and Ogeyi
C. Yabubu and Inaku
Then for Native son
Where did Biggrr thomad take Mary and Jan for eatery?
Thank God I read this a day before entering the hall
Ans. Erniek’s eatery place
The panic of growing old is about
A. anxiety of aging
B. Panic of getting older
C. twist of human fate
The dinning table is about
A. the dinning table we eat
B. the destruction caused by war
C. the international dinning table
In ambush, the land is said to be hawk, tiger and wale, the literary deviced used there is
A. metaphor
B. personification
C. aliteration
The anvil and hammer, shows
A. the forging of new life
B. the new blacksmith at work
The Piano and Drum represents
A. african and European ways of life
B. the changr of culture
You can see that this one is even from past question
The main theme of Proud king is
A. proud before a fall
I have forgotten the others options but A is correct
Jamb Economics And Commerce
1)Value of money implies ——–
2) Quantity of money implies——-
3)One advantage of mean deviation is ……
4) A diagram of elasticity was given and state whether is
-elastic, inelastic, perfectly elastic or fairly inelastic.
*Question 1:* Which of the following rewards is associated with entrepreneurship
A. salaries
B. profits
C. interest
D. rent
Answer- 1: The reward for entrepreneurship is profit. Profit is described as the financial benefit gotten when the revenue generated from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs, and taxes paid.
An entrepreneur is an individual who creates or owns a business and combines all the factors of production to make a profit.
*Question 2:*Which of the following is likely to be inflationary
A. taxes increase
B. increase in unemployment
C. budget surplus
D. wages increase
Answer 2: Increment in wages and salaries will lead to inflation. This happens when business owners raise the minimum wage, leading to a corresponding rise in the prices of their goods or services, thereby causing inflation.
Remember inflation happens when there is excess money in the economy, thereby causing a general rise in prices.
*Question 3:*Fiduciary issue is that part of?
A. the issue of notes backed entirely by gold
B. a country’s currency that is not negotiable
C. the issue of notes not backed by gold
D. a country’s currency officially issued
Answer 3: C is correct
The fiduciary issue is that portion of a note issued by the government that is not matched by government holdings of gold or other securities or that part of a note that lacks the backing of metal or coin or assets capable of being converted into coin.
*Question 4:* The type of business finances that entitles the holder to a fixed rate of dividend is?
A. preference stock
B. common stock
C. debentures
D. bank loan
Answer 4: C is correct
A debenture is a long-term debt security issued by a company and secured against assets, to raise capital for a business. The holder of a debenture is entitled to a fixed rate of interest at the maturity of the debt.
*Question 5:*A company’s expenditure on raw materials is regarded as?
A. explicit cost
B. implicit cost
C. prime cost
D. average cost
Answer-5: Explicit costs are direct payments incurred by a firm in the course of running a business. These are costs actual and physical costs incurred by a firm. Examples of explicit costs include wages, lease payments, utilities, raw materials, and other direct costs
A is correct
*Question 6:* Firms are often set up close to each other in order to take advantage of?
A. supply of skilled labour
B. agglomeration economies
C. internal economies of scale
D. external economies of scale
Answer: D is correct
*Question 7;* A situation in which a commodity is sold abroad below its cost of production in the home country is known as?
A. dumping
B. counter trade
C. bilateral trade
C. trade liberalization
Answer-7: Dumping is a term used to describe a market situation where an exporter firm sells its product in an international market for a price lesser than its cost of production in the home country
A is correct
*Question 8:* The factor of production that has the highest degree of mobility is?
A. land
B. labour
C. capital
D. entrepreneur
Answer 8: B is correct
Labour has the highest mobility, that is why people easily move from one place to another or switch jobs with ease
*Question 9:* In recent times, agriculture in Nigeria tends to lose its vital labour force as a result of?
A. lack of an effective agricultural policy
B. employment opportunities in the agricultural sector
C. rural-urban drift
D. low prices of agricultural products
Answer 9: C is correct
Rural-urban drift is a situation where the desire for better employment, business opportunities, and education pushes both young and old out of the rural areas to the urban areas. This is one of the major problems facing the agricultural sector in Nigeria
*Question 10:* The most important goal of OPEC is to?
A. present a united front for the purpose of raise prices of crude oil
B. bring unity among the petroleum exporting countries
C. ensure political stability among member states
D. ensure that rules on quota production are strictly followed
Answer : Correct Answer: Option D
Jamb Mathematics
1) cumulative frequency is drawn on a graph to get the —–
ans is median
2) Find the value of x 3^(x-2) + 3^x=4
3) in how many ways can the word MATHEMATICS be arranged
4) find n
|. 7. 3|. =45
|. n-4. n-1|
5) standard deviation is calculated with what formula
Jamb Chemistry Questions
1.If 93cm3 of SO2 diffuses in 16s. How long will it take the same volume of H2S to diffuse
2. Silicon is used to remove…. from roasted copper ore
3.Questions on organic chemistry were also asked. which of the following can be used to differentiate the two compounds above.
4.Name the hydrocarbon above
5. The phenomenon which makes Na to have an atomic mass of… and Mg to have an atomic mass of ….. is …
6The energy needed to be overcome for reaction to take place is.
1. naming of hydrocarbon
2. which of the following is an acidic salt
3. Boyle’s/Charles law
4. stochiometry calculations
5 . allotropes of sulphur
6. electrochemical calculations/Faraday’s law calculations
7. color using phenolphthalein indicator on an acid
8. activation energy
9. alloys, duralumin
10 . metals and their compounds
1. Electrovalent compounds are solid at room temperature because?
Ans: because they have high melting point
2. Which of these has a double bond?
a)butane b)methane c)acetylene d)butene
3. (Write the Equilibrium constant be for a reaction i.e Product/reactants blah blah blah)
4. Which of these is used in the production of paper?
a) Caramel b) Cellulose
5. KClO3 —-> O2 …
The function of MnO2 is …
Ans: Catalyst
6. The relative atomic mass of Sodium and Magnesium are 22.9898 and 24.312 respectively… The reason for this is???
Ans: Isotopy
7. Elements undergo reaction to ?
Ans: Achieve stable configuration
8. (Structure of an alkanal and alkanone) – which of these is used to distinguish between these two?
Ans: Fehling’s solution.
9. Calculations involving Electrolysis (Q=IT) and Faraday’s constant
10. Temporary hardness is removed by?
a) Ca(OH)2 b) NaOH c)Na2CO3 d) CaCO3
11. Something about use of Oxygen in Iron extraction
12. Silica is added roasted copper to form ?? (In the extraction of copper)
13. The monomer of Poly (chloroethene) is?
Ans: chloroethene
14. Brass is an alloy of Cu and ?
Ans Zinc
15. The property of a metal to be drawn into thin wires is?
Ans: Ductility
16. The relationship between Oxygen and Ozone is?
a)Isotope b) allotropes c)Isomers
Ans: Allotropes.
17. Structure of 2,2,4 trimethylpentane
18. Which of this can be used in making perfume ? a) benzene b)ethane c) Ethyl Ethanoate
19. Calculation involving mole, volume and molar concentration
20. Something about the molar solution of a compound…- We’re asked to tell which combination would give us the molar solution
I think the answer was
56g of (Compound) in 1000cm³
1. Rain water is considered as a mixture because?
2. The instrument was measuring temperature
3. Kipps Apparatus is used to prepare which gas?
4. calculation on electrolysis
5. calculation on solubility
6. calculation on gas laws
7. calculation on mole concept
8. The gas used for anti knock
9.The law of consevation of mass
10. Rusting
Jamb Physics Questions
Linear Expansivity
2 questions on Heat capacity
2 order lever example (wheelbarrow)
Reading Accuracy of Vernier Calliper
Very basic velocity question
Image formation of Convex mirror
Refractive index (I couldn’t get the answer cos I don’t know how to get inverse of sin without calculator 😣)
Nuclear Fission
Myopia defect solution ( Concave lens)
Pascal principle/hare’s apparatus
Which of the following are deflected in an electrical field (beta rays)
A question on electrostatics
A question on Wave equation
Convection in motor vehicle (the radiator
The hard ones I didn’t know
The lens of condenser in slide projector
Nucleon energy ( I can’t really remember the question)
At what temperature is fanrehiet scale and Celsius equal
1Calculation on Pressure
2. Question on effective capacitance.
3. Question on Gravitational intensity. We told to find the mass and we were given the Gravitational intensity and radius
4 Questions on Power came out.
5. The type of friction in fluids is called..
6. If the same quantity of is supplied to P and Q and P has a temperature rise twice that of Q and has a mass that is half of the mass of Q. Find the ratio of the specific heat capacity of P to Q.
1. dimensions for impulse
2. find thr resultant force of two vectors
3. find the pressure of force 40N and area of 20m²
4. they asked a question about centrifugal force, I can’t remember.
5. question on linear expanstivity
6. question on heat energy
7. half life
8. galvanometer/ammeter reading calculation etc
1. Calculations involving Current, Resistance and Voltage(V=IR)
2. Calculation for potential energy
3. Calculation for The Resistance, when giving Power and Voltage (came out Twice) W=V²/R
4. Calculations involving echo (v=2d/t)
5. Friction in liquids is?
Ans: Viscosity
6. Calculate for Mechanical advantage when given load and effort
7. Calculate for increase in length when given linear expansivity, temp change and original length
8. Something about comparing the ratio of the Heat of Object P to Object Q if the temperature change for P is twice that of Q and if the mass of P is half that of Q.
Ans: 1:1
9. When water passes from shallow zone to deeper zone, its..
a) Frequency remains constant b) velocity increases c) Wavelength decreases d) velocity remains constant
10. Calculation involving temperature conversion from a resistance thermometer to celcius scale
11. Temperature conversion from Celsius to Kelvin
12. Moment of force(calculate the weight of the metre rule)
13. Vision from both eyes is said to be?
Ans: Binocular vision
14. Electron orbiting round nucleus has
a) Potential energy only b) Kinetic energy only c) Potential energy and kinetic energy ..
15. They asked for the formula for time of half life
Ans: T½ = 0.693/Wavelength
16. Calculation for image distance in concave mirror
17. Also asked for the equation corresponding to the ball falling in viscous liquid
Ans: W-U-V=mg
18. I=30sin100πt. Calculate the I(RMS) value.
a)√2/30 b)30/√2 c) 30
19. What is the mass of a sphere if the radius is 10cm. [density=2.3*10³kg/m³]
Ans: Use Volume of sphere = 4/3πr³ and then, Mass= Volume*density (also convert the radius to meter)
20. Calculation of Image height when given length of camera, object height, object distance (I think)
21. Calculate the relative motion of a car moving 45m/s East and another care moving 15m/s West
Ans: 45-15= 30 (My values might not tally with the main exam here)
22. Calculate for the height, when given pressure, density and gravity
Ans: Use P=pgh
23. Calculate the force constant of a spring when given the extension and Energy..
Ans: Use E=1/2Ke² (I still didn’t see the answer there lmao)
24. Which of these colours combine to give white?
a) Blue +Cyan
b) Blue +Green+Magenta
c) Red+green+Cyan
d) Magenta +Red
(I personally don’t think the answer was given.. if you did get it, please let me know in the comments below)
25. Calculate the velocity of a transverse wave, when the Length is 2m, and the frequency is 200m/s
26. I. Humidity II space above liquid III surface area IV Temperature
Which combination of the above will affect the rate of evaporation?
27. Calculate the effective Inductance (diagram)
28. Calculate the effective capacitance (diagram)
29. Something about Calculating the mass of a body of radii 6400km and gravitational field strength of 10N/kg?
30. One weird diagram like that in Electromagnetism(Possibly a current carrying coil in a magnetic field…— we’re asked to state when the force would be Maximum… (And no. 90° wasn’t in the options lol)
How is Fe2O3 prepared
A.percipitation b direct combination c from FeCo3
Which of the following is insoluble
A.Co2 B .NH3 C HCL D H2S
I later realized it was H2S because only K2S and Na2S are water soluble
They also asked two questions that I don’t think has answer
1 what is the oxidation number of Chromium in
A.6 B 3 C-6 D-3 (Is it not 7)
In the reaction : ZN(s) + H2SO4(aq)—> ZNSO4(aq) + H2(g)
A.Surface Area B Temperature C Pressure D Concentration ( at first I thought it was pressure but since H2 is a gas pressure definitely affect it
Other questions asked
Lone pair in steam
Boyle’s law
ZnS ( yellow hot and cold white)
Tobacco particles (so
Solid in gas)
How to soften temporary hard water ( Ca(OH))
Mass percentage.
Reverse reactions
Alkanes and alkenes are ( Hydrocarbons)
They asked about free energy equation
Cacl is a ( deliquescent salt )How is Fe2O3 prepared
A.percipitation b direct combination c from FeCo3
Which of the following is insoluble
A.Co2 B .NH3 C HCL D H2S
I later realized it was H2S because only K2S and Na2S are water soluble
They also asked two questions that I don’t think has answer
1 what is the oxidation number of Chromium in
A.6 B 3 C-6 D-3
In the reaction : ZN(s) + H2SO4(aq)—> ZNSO4(aq) + H2(g)
A.Surface Area B Temperature C Pressure D Concentration ( at first I thought it was pressure but since H2 is a gas pressure definitely affect it
Other questions asked
Lone pair in steam
Boyle’s law
ZnS ( yellow hot and cold white)
Tobacco particles (so
Solid in gas)
How to soften temporary hard water ( Ca(OH))
Mass percentage.
Reverse reactions
Alkanes and alkenes are ( Hydrocarbons)
They asked about free energy equation
Cacl is a ( deliquescent salt )
1. Which of the following is a semi conductor?
2. what is electrolyte in lelanche cell
3. calculation on pressure
4. calculations on resistance in parallel and in series
5. calculations on effective voltage
6. calculations in sound wave
7. what is used to measure relative density
8. calculations on equilibrium of forces
9. advantages of secondary cell over primary cell.
Hope you found this helpful? Use the videos above to follow more Jamb Questions and Don’t fail to install the flashlearners application for more Jamb Questions.
dii says
its real
Bosslady says
This is not true pls stop confusing people
Anonymous says
Pls is this for real
Anonymous says
Pls is this real