The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Posting Letter is a document that shows your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA), Address of PPA and Local Government (LGA) Organisation is Located.
The PPA Letter carrries your Name, Call Up Letter, State Code (New State Code if you Redeplyed), date of registration, field of specialisation, date of discharge, field of specialisation, your qualification and policy guidelines with regards to posting.
Print NYSC PPA Letter
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- Click on PPA Letter
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NYSC Posting Policy Guidelines
The NYSC Posting Continues the following message to your Employer…
1. Corps Members should be regarded as staff of your establishment and be given adequate job assignment and positions of responsibility commensurate with their qualifications, training and experience.
3. Provide Corps Members with a modest accommodation or at least reasonable allowance per month in lieu.
4. Provide transport for the corps members to and from the place of work or reasonable amount per month in lieu.
5. Extend medical facilities and other welfare services provided for other members of staff to corps members.
6. MONTHLY CLEARANCE LETTER: All Employers must issue clearance letters to only corps members who have satisfactorily performed their duties for the month. Corps members must submit their monthly clearance letters between 1st and 10th of every month to qualify for payment by the secretariat. NYSC pays Corps members monthly allowance through banks approved by NYSC.
7. The accepted line of communication on all issues shall be through Corps member’s Employer to the Local Government Inspector to the State Coordinator and vice versa.
8. Release Corps members for Community Development Service (CDS) once a week.
9. Transport Corps members from Orientation Camp at the end of the orientation course to their places of primary assignment or pay an appropriate transportation fare to them on assumption of duty.
10. DISCIPLINE: Paragraph 1 above suggests that corps member shall be issued appropriate internal queries like any other staff member on violation of organization rules/regulations. Other cases of indiscipline which cannot be handled by our organization should be reported immediately to the NYSC State coordinator.
11. Employers are please requested to send quarterly evaluation reports on Corps members using NYSC forms 2B & 2C which will be available to them on quarterly basis.
12. The state Coordinator reserves the right to re-post any Corps member to another establishment if the need arises.
13. No employer has the power to permit a Corps member to travel outside Delta State. Corps members can only travel for their wedding and convocation on approval by State Coordinator.
14. Corps Employers are not permitted to conduct interview/examination for Corps members as a prerequisite for acceptance.
15. Our email address is [email protected] for any confirmation on corps member.
16. Corps member’s Zonal/Local Government Inspector is (Name and Number of LGI).
Finally, there is an option for where you are posted to either Accept or Reject. If you are accepted, simply take the acceptance letter to the Local Government. If rejected, take the rejection letter there too.
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