You can pay Bills for EKO Electricity Distribution Online Using Remita. No need to walk to the bank or EKO Electricity Distribution Office to Pay your Light Bill. Eko Electricity Distribution Remitta Payment is fast, reliable and easy.
Making payments on Remita is as easy as ABC and you can even do it with your phone. Yet, most people go to cyber cafes to make Remita Payments and end up paying extra charges.
In this article, I will teach you how to make EKO Electricity Distribution payment on Remit, Generate Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) and your EKO Electricity Distribution Electricity Token. You can pay both Prepaid and Postpaid Electricity Bills on Remita.
How to Pay Eko Electricity Distribution Bills Via Remita 2020
- Visit
- Click on “Buy Electricity Token“
- Choose EKO Electricity Distribution
- Wait for Pay a Biller page to Open (in new tab)
- Choose between Prepaid and Postpaid
- Enter Meter Number and Customer ID
- Type Address and District Code
- Enter the Amount you want to pay
- Enter your full name under payer’s name
- Type your phone number and Email Address
- Select Online Under how do you want to pay (Or Bank Branch if you are taking the Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) to the bank).
- Click on I’m not a robot
- Click on SUBMIT
- Select Card in payment option
- Enter your card details (Service Charge Applies)
- Enter the number (OTP) sent to you to proceed
- If your payment is successful, you will be redirected to print your receipt
- From Print Receipt, you can download it and print it out in a cyber cafe.
- The receipt will also be sent to your Email for Download
- You can go to a cybercafe to print it out (N20) if necessary
- Done
That’s all you need on how to Pay EKO Electricity Distribution Light Bill Online Using Remitta Platform. Hope you found this helpful? Feel free to share with others and don’t fail to let me know how you feel using the comment box below.
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