Are there things to consider before marriage? Marriage is a beautiful thing and when the time comes knocking, you want to consider the amazing truths I will be sharing here with you.
People hold several opinions before marriage that can either make or mar the success.
What Are The Wrong Reasons For Getting Married?
Some people get married for bizarre reasons which include
1) To Throw a Big Party
The wedding rituals happen before marriage. It makes no difference what type of party you organize. What is relevant is that two people agree with the consent of their parents to become husband and wife.
It is left for them to celebrate the wedding occasion loud or low-key. I must let you know, marriage is not an event, the wedding is. The event of planning and organizing a state of the art wedding is welcomed, as much as you can afford it.
Bottom line is to throw a big party should not be the reason to get married. The best attended or most sophisticated wedding party is not a criterion for a blissful marriage. If need be, change your perspective on this before getting hooked
2. Pressure from family, friends, and others.
I can imagine the advice, the long talks, quarrels, and sharing of contact information to ‘help’ an individual gets married. The truth is, in this part of the world, loved ones can easily wear people out with talk of marriage.
As good as marriage is, it is not to be done under pressure. You can work under pressure and do other things under pressure but it’s not advisable to marry under pressure.
3) Loneliness
One vital aspect of a healthy lifestyle and personal development is the ability to enjoy being with oneself alone without interference. You should learn this before marriage.
Aloneness is not the same as loneliness. The first is the ability to be with oneself alone to achieve clearly defined objectives while the latter is a state of depression that results from having no companions.
The bid to avoid loneliness is a wrong reason to get married. Instead, make good friends and be responsible to keep good company for personal growth and development.
Loneliness is a state of mind, and not in any wise a reason to get married. And if you are the type that always wants to be in the company of others, outgrow it before marriage.
4) For Monetary Gain
Money is good but like you know, nothing lasts forever. It’s possible, the rich buddy can lose it all, with nothing to hold on to as a lady. And it’s almost sure you will leave the relationship.
If a man happens to choose a partner for monetary benefit, then your guess is as good as mine.
Other reasons exist, but the four above are the most common wrong reasons to get married.
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5 Things You Should Learn Before marriage
Having knowing the wrong reasons for getting married, what are the things you should learn before marriage
1. Ability To Love
Learn to love responsibly for love is not just a feeling. Love is a responsibility. Keep this in mind before marriage.
This means you should learn how to love another beyond the feeling of emotions, especially for a marriage partner. Feelings alone won’t keep a relationship working.
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2. Pressure from family, friends, and others.
Marriage is real with two different people that grew apart. So, expect to have rough ends sometimes. This is what makes the ability to forgive come in very handy.
If you are the type that holds tight to offenses, work on it before marriage as you may never get to be a great partner.
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3. Be Emotionally Stable
Emotional stability means being able to conserve emotions when the occasion calls for them. Most women fall prey to this issue as they are emotionally unstable. Little things get at them and they can easily be lost their manners. If you are a lady, work on your emotions before marriage.
4. Ability to Trust Your Intended Partner
It is difficult to trust especially when you have had unpleasant experiences in the past.
However, if you want to enjoy a marriage relationship, you should learn to trust your intended partner before marriage.
The trust you have for your spouse before marriage can be maintained. It is a consistent effort from both parties to make the relationship blossom.
5. Have Spirituality Stability
Spirituality is not about being religious. A lot of marriage CVs include ‘God-fearing person’. This also is not spirituality.
Spirituality in the ideal sense is having a walk with God. You should be able to communicate and stay active in your relationship with God.
Why you should learn to be spiritually stable before marriage because you only know what you know but God knows all. He is the most trusted source to make the relationship called marriage work.
These are key things you should learn before marriage. There are more areas to cover in the course of the marriage. Learn all you can now before marriage as information will keep you from being deformed.
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