There are several reasons you should focus on improving your life from what it is at the moment. One of which is because life is only live once- YOLO.
Whoever you are and whatever you do, you probably know yourself better than I or anyone else. Hence, you have the best options to help your life improve and be what you can decide it to be.
10 Smart Ways To Improve Your Life In 2023
1. Self Examination
It starts with a self-examination- A detailed report of who you are, your abilities, your bank account, your connection, your achievements, and the best things you have at your disposal.
Having listed out all these things, you are one step to improving your life. I must let you know you should be honest with your self-examination. If you don’t have anything, note it down – “I have nothing”.
And if you deny yourself what you have, you are failing already.
One thing I am so sure about is everybody has the opportunity to fail and everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
The chances for both are ever present with us. It is the actions we take each day that either bring us into the realities of success or the realities of failure.
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2. Pick An Area You Want To Improve On
It is best to improve your life from one area to another. Since your careful self-examination reveals what you lack the most, you know where to start from. This is why you should give the self-examination your best shot.
It is advisable to improve your life from the needful point, compared to an area you can work on some other time. So focus on how to improve your life from the most affected area to the least affected areas.
The common areas people seek help to improve on include, finances, relationships, academics, productivity at work, health, spirituality, and many others.
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3. Minimize Your Thinking
Too much thinking sucks up energy one may have gathered to start the day most productively.
Life does not give you what you deserve but what you demand.
Productive thinking is what is relevant, mere thinking about a challenge is called worry. Once you start piling your head with the ‘good’ thoughts, you will be missing out on the previous thoughts you should work on.
To be productive, dwell on a single line of thought to create actions that will produce the desired results.
For example, if you think you should be able to write 3000 words in an hour, the best line of thinking should be, how to achieve 3000 words in an hour. It shouldn’t be about the monetary value of 3000 words. The thought is ‘good’ but it’s a distraction.
Focus on working out your best thoughts as they come, one after the other. Hijack a single line of thought and do everything you can to give it expression. Stop overthinking, and believing you are a great mind. DO THE THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO.
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4. Keep A To-Do -List
If you want to improve your life, have a list of what you want to achieve in a day. The minimum time frame for a minute is a second.
What happens every second of your life is what accumulates into the results you get in one minute. What you do every hour, sums up to give you the result for 24 hours a day.
If you want to improve your life, make your day count by allocating time to what you want to achieve in a day. Keeping a To-Do List will help you plan, monitor and gain improvement in any area of life.
5. Be Committed To Small Things
Things that are called small are things that are worth giving attention to. The To-Do List daily exercise for instance is a simple task outline. It is not a ‘big’ thing but if you can stay committed to it, you will be a high flier day in and day out.
To be committed to big things, start by committing yourself to the ‘small’ things. This means you may need to watch your commitment level to things such as taking out the trash, washing your hands after using the toilet, saying thank you, and sharing articles like this with your circle.
6. Be Focused on Improving Your Life Consciously
Things are easier said than done. You can read this article and promise to imbibe the 10 steps, but the odds are, unless you put them to heart consciously, you may never remember you read this.
What this means is that to improve your life, you must consciously work on yourself. Your attitude towards work, your saving and investment habits, time management and other things that can help improve your life.
7. Get an Accountability Partner
Goals like how to improve your life require some form of accountability to a recognized reward system. It is not like anyone would flog you for not missing the target you place to improve your life. But an accountability partner on this project will help to a great extent.
Life is a project, and the responsibility each person has is to make it work accordingly.
A trusted friend, if you wish can join you in the task, you both will be accountable to each other. You can choose a loved one that is committed to seeing you succeed, inform him or her about your project, and work out an accountability system to further help you succeed on the project.
8. Maximize Your Strength
There is always a smart way of doing things and how to improve your life shouldn’t be a difficult task. If the area you intend to improve on is within your control, you only need to stick to the things that work for you best.
As a social media influencer for instance, if you want to increase your following on Instagram or Facebook, you need to be strategic about it. You can post an irresistible video, write an intriguing post on an existing topic, or make something that people will love to share.
9. Accommodate The Best Company
You need more than friends to go far in any area of your life. As much as you should mingle with the best people that will keep you growing on your path, do not forget other inanimate objects can change your life.
I am referring to high-quality books, apps, websites, online forums & groups, online pages & platforms, and blogs like flash learners.
10. Be Spiritual
‘With God, all things are possible’ is remarkably true. There is no area in your life that cannot receive help from the Creator of everything.
It is completely useless for anyone to believe he or she has the power to change anything. The best of our abilities without God is just a mere show of cowardice.
Final Thoughts
You can improve your life in any desired area. If you need to improve in any area, start today. Time waits for no one.
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