If you have ever asked any student, “where do you want to work when you graduate?” there is usually a similar answer “I want to work in an oil company”. Oil and gas jobs -the big deal.
Working in An Oil and gas company is the dream of every graduate in Nigeria. I won’t write much about that in this article. Below, I present you with the top best oil and gas Jobs in Nigeria.
Oil And Gas Companies In Nigeria
Autonomous Business Units:
- Upstream Company:
- Downstream Company:
- Refining Company
- Ventures Company
- Gas & Power Company.
1). UPSTREAM COMPANY: As the first phase in oil production, the upstream sector includes well exploration, drilling and operation.
Upstream determines supply which affects prices in the downstream sector. The upstream sector is primarily concerned with finding and utilizing the available petroleum supply, as opposed to the downstream and midstream sectors that are concerned more about the demand of oil and its transportation.
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Technology is the most crucial factor in up stream’s exploration and extraction. Advances in technology allow geologists to not only locate more oil fields, but it also allows them to access fields that were previously inaccessible.
Technological advances in upstream have also allowed geologists and scientists to determine “dry” holes earlier, thus minimizing the wasted time and money to explore these places further. Upstream technology is also crucial to increase the total production of oil from existing wells.
As the first phase in company’s strategy of oil profitability, the amount of oil that is found and extracted in the upstream sector has a direct effect on the amount of oil that can be processed and then sold in the downstream and midstream sectors.
2). THE MIDSTREAM SECTOR: Involves the transportation (by pipeline, rail, barge, oil tanker or truck), storage, and wholesale marketing of crude or refined petroleum products. The midstream sector is primarily concerned with the transportation of oil and natural gas from the extraction site to the refineries.
This sector is often included as an extension of either the upstream or downstream sector, depending on the source. Transporting raw oil and natural gas is a highly technical process that involves compressing the fluids to necessary pressures in order to be transported through pipelines or on tankers from offshore drilling sites.
The midstream sector is also responsible for treating raw materials in order to remove impurities such as water vapor or hydrogen sulfide. Removing impurities and compressing the fluids helps maximize the amount of oil and natural gas that can be transported, thus maximizing efficiency and profits for companies are an important aspect in this sector of the industry.
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3). THE DOWNSTREAM SECTOR: It is responsible for final processing, product distribution and marketing.
The Downstream Sector processes crude oil into finished products like heating oil, asphalt, lubricants, synthetic rubber, plastics, fertilizers, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. It is also where supply meets demand and where customers meet companies.
All retail outlets such as gas stations are included in the downstream sector of the industry. This is where the efficiency of the midstream and upstream effects how much and for what price oil can be sold. The more efficient the previous processes, the more efficient the downstream process will be.
Downstream also includes marketing, customer service and strategic planning for the sale and distribution of finished products.
Corporate Service Units:
- Finance and Accounts
- Corporate Services
Career Options for Oil and Gas Engineers/Applicants
These engineers may work in the exploration and extraction process or for equipment manufacturers or any of the four careers in this field: drilling engineers, production engineers, reservoir engineers, and sales engineers.
1). DRILLING ENGINEERS: Drilling engineers use aerial reconnaissance, magnetometers and seismic surveys to locate oil and gas reservoirs. These professionals specify the appropriate equipment and materials used in order to ensure safe, cost-efficient and environmentally conscious drilling.
Duties include estimating potential costs and risks, designing schematics and reviewing performance. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicted 10% job growth for petroleum engineers between 2014 and 2024.
The mean annual wage for petroleum engineers in oil and gas extraction was $156,990 as of 2015, according to the BLS.
2). PRODUCTION ENGINEERS: Production engineers use their expertise to handle daily operations, specifically developing the best strategy to extract petroleum while maximizing profits and lowering operating expenses. Engineers take samples of reservoir rock, monitor production and ascertain the effect of production on the reservoir.
These professionals might also be responsible for working with third parties, such as service companies and regulatory agencies. According to the BLS, employment for petroleum engineers is expected to increase by 10% between 2014 and 2024. In 2015, the average annual wage for petroleum engineers in oil and gas extraction was $156,990, per the BLS.
3). RESERVOIR ENGINEERS: Reservoir engineers use advanced computer and mathematical models to predict future production. These professionals use geological data and reservoir simulation studies to forecast how much oil can be extracted.
Other duties include analyzing pressure, predicting water flood and implementing petrophysical studies to maximize the value of exploration.
According to the BLS, employment for petroleum engineers is expected to increase by 10% between 2014 and 2024. In 2015, the BLS reported that the mean annual wage for petroleum engineers was $149,590.
4). SALES ENGINEERS: Sales engineers call on prospective clients to present new technology and equipment in exploration and extraction. These professionals work with area or regional managers to develop new accounts, as well as with existing customers to troubleshoot problems.
Accordingly, engineers have strong knowledge in customer service, equipment repair and new products. The BLS predicted that sales engineers will experience a 7% job growth between 2014 and 2024.
The average annual wage for sales engineers was $107,160 as of 2015, according to the BLS.
Due to steady growth, job prospects should be good for qualified engineers in the oil and gas industries. While production, drilling, and reservoir engineers need to rely on comprehensive technical knowledge, sales engineers also need to be able to communicate effectively with clients.
Requirements To Work In Oil and Gas Sector
There are few basic requirements that are expected of interested applicants who wish to apply for positions in the gas sectors listed below;
Educational: Successful completion of 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects, is the minimum eligibility criteria required to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering.
One must also pass the qualifying entrance exam of the particular institute or AIEEE, or JEE (Joint Entrance Exam) conducted by the IIT’s which will be an added advantage for admission to top institutes.
For pursuing a masters i.e M.Tech degree in Petroleum Engineering, one must complete B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) or B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) in chemical or petroleum engineering. Those who have completed M.Sc. in Chemistry are also eligible to pursue a M.Tech degree in Petroleum Engineering.
- Must have minimum of two to three years experience in the oil and gas sector
- Must have a good knowledge of computer.
- Language proficiency: must be able to speak English fluently.
- Must possess team spirit.
- Must have a friendly and polite persona and character.
How To Apply For Oil And Gas Job
Vacancies are usually posted online to enable interested and qualified applicants to apply. You will be required to submit all applications, your personal details and CV before application deadline. To know when to apply and when vacancies are shortlisted. Bookmark this page.
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