Every Course in Nigerian Universities has Codes. You hear Agricultural Science students say things like AEB211 and you Keep wondering what it means. Today, I will share the University of Benin (UNIBEN) Faculty of Agriculture Course Codes and Full Meaning.
In UNIBEN, your year or level of study comes immediately after the course code (alphabet). For example, the 1 (one) immediately after MTH in MTH112 shows that it is a hundred level course. MTH211 will simply tell you that it is a 200 level course. The second digit Sometime represent the semester while the third one is usually for cruise.
UNIBEN Agric Course Number And Character Codes
All 100 level courses are taught in the Faculty of Science and General Studies Department. In this system, the first digit denotes the level or year of study, while the second digit denotes the Semester (‘1’ for first semester and ‘2’ for the second semester).
100 – 199 for first year student or 100 level courses
211 – 299 for a second year or 200 level
311 – 399 for a third year student or 300 level course
400 – 499 for a fourth year student or 400 level course
511 – 599 for a fifth year or 500 level
600 and above are reserved for post-graduate programmes.
Course numbers shall be prefixed by a character code indicating the Department offering the course. The recommended character codes for the Faculty of Agriculture are as follows:
AER – for Agricultural Economics and Resource Management
AED – for Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
AGE – for Agricultural Engineering
AGR – for Faculty-based courses
ANS – For Animal Science
CRS – for Crop Science
AFM – for Aquaculture & Fisheries Management
FWS – for Forestry and Wood Science
WEM – Wildlife and Ecotourism Management
SLM – for Soil Science and Land Management
For other Faculty courses
AEB – Animal and Environmental Biology
MTH – Mathematics
PBB – Plant Biology and Biotechnology
CHM – Chemistry
CSC – Computer Science
PHY – Physics
CED – Centre for Entrepreneurship Development
GST – General Studies Department
Hope you found this Uniben agric course codes helpful. Feel free to share with friends and don’t fail to let me know how you feel using the comment box.
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