This is GCE Integrated Science syllabus and Hot Topics. You may Click here for how to pass Waec GCE 2022 or Check here to get Waec GCE Syllabus for all Subjects.
This syllabus was evolved from the teaching syllabus for the Senior High School Integrated Science issued by the Ghana Education Service.
Integrated Science seeks to equip the individual with the integrated body of scientific knowledge and raise the level of scientific literacy of individuals with comprehensive scientific skills that enable them to function in the present technological era.
Education in science also provides an opportunity for the development of positive attitudes and values.
This syllabus seeks to among other things, enable students to:
(1) acquire the skill to solve basic problems within their immediate environment through analysis and experimentation;
(2) keep a proper balance of the diversity of the living and non-living things based on their interconnectedness and repeated patterns of change;
(3) adopt sustainable habits for managing the natural environment for humankind andsociety;
(4) use appliances and gadgets effectively with clear understanding of their basic operations and underlying principles.
(5) explore, conserve and optimize the use of energy as an important resource for the living world;
(6) adopt a scientific way of life-based on pragmatic observation and investigation of phenomena;
(7) Search for solutions to problems of life recognizing the interaction of science, technology and other disciplines.
It is presumed that candidates taking the examination must have:
(1) carried out activities relating to rearing of at least one of the following groups of animals:
(i) chickens/ducks/turkeys
(ii) goats/sheep/cattle
(iii) guinea pigs, rabbits
(2) paid visits to well-established farms, and institutions related to agriculture, research or manufacturing to observe scientific work and application of science;
(3) kept practical notebooks on records of individual laboratory and field activities performed.
There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
PAPER 1:Will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions all of which must be
answered within 1 hour for 50 marks.
PAPER 2:Will consist of six essay-type questions. Candidates will be required to answer four
questions within 1 hour 30 minutes for 20 marks each.
PAPER 3: Will consist of four questions on test of practical work. Candidates will be required
to answer all the questions within 2 hours for 60 marks.
Questions will be asked on the topics set out in the column headed “CONTENTS”. The “NOTES” are intended to indicate the scope of the questions but they are not to be as an exhaustive list of limitations and illustrations.
NOTE: The S.I units will be used for all calculations. However, multiples or sub- multiples of the units may also be used.
Gibson John says
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Anonymous says
How are you doing sir. you please help me with some of the WASSCE question
afolabi opeyeymi says
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Anonymous says
i need hot syllabus for science,english,math,further math
prince anaafi says
Please Sir i need hot topics for physics, core mathematics and inter-science
Yornye D Elijah says
Sir i need hot syllables for science, mathematics and English
Snow says
I need hot syllabus for science and mathematics
Anonymous says
Please sir I need hot topics for mathematics, science, economics Business management
Nharna Adwoa says
I need hot syllabus for mathematics , science and economics
shoaga Ibrahim says
please sir I need hot syllabus for science immediately sir please help me
christabel says
I need hot syllables for science and economics
christabel says
I need hot syllables for science