Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria Electrical/Electronics Engineering Courses from 1st year to Final year. Course Content and Structure to guide ABU Zaria Students, Aspirants, Jamb Candidates and the General Public.
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ABU 100 Level Electrical/Electronics Engineering Courses
First Semesters 100 Level Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CHEM111 | Introductory General Chemistry | 2 |
CHEM121 | Inorganic Chemistry | 2 |
CHEM191 | Chemistry Practical 1 | 1 |
PHYS111 | Mechanics | 2 |
PHYS131 | Heat and Properties of Matter | 2 |
PHYS161 | Physics Practical 1 | 1 |
MATH101 | Elementary Set Theory | 2 |
MATH103 | Trigonometry and Co-ordinate Geometry | 2 |
MATH105 | Differential and Integral Calculus | 2 |
GENS101 | Nationalism | 1 |
GENS103 | English and Communication Skills | 2 |
Second Semester Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CHEM112 | Introductory Physical Chemistry | 2 |
CHEM192 | Chemistry Practical II | 1 |
PHYS122 | Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics. | 2 |
PHYS124 | Geometrical and Wave Optics | 1 |
PHYS162 | Physics Practical II | 1 |
MATH102 | Algebra | 2 |
MATH104 | Conic Sections and Applications of Calculus | 2 |
MATH106 | Vectors | 2 |
STAT102 | Introductory Statistics | 2 |
COSC102 | Programming in Basic | 2 |
ENGG102 | Introduction to Engineering | 1 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CHEM132 | Introductory Organic Chemistry | 2 |
GENS102 | Environmental Health | 1 |
GENS104 | History and Philosophy of Science | 1 |
ABU 200 Level Electrical/Electronics Engineering Courses
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
EEEN201 | Electric Field and Circuit Theory | 2 |
EEEN203 | Machines, Power and Installations | 2 |
CVEN201 | Theory of Structures | 1 |
MEEN201 | Engineering Graphics | 2 |
MMEN201 | Material Science | 2 |
MATH241 | Calculus I | 3 |
MATH243 | Algebra I | 2 |
WREN201 | Fluid Mechanics | 2 |
Second Semester Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
EEEN202 | Electronics, Measurement and Transducers | 2 |
CHEN202 | Introduction to Management | 1 |
MEEN202 | Engineering Drawing | 2 |
MEEN204 | Strength of Materials | 2 |
MEEN206 | Dynamics of Machines | 2 |
MEEN208 | Basic Thermodynamics | 2 |
MATH242 | Calculus II | 2 |
MATH244 | Algebra II | 3 |
GENS202 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 2 |
ABU 300 Level Electrical/Electronics Engineering Courses
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units | Prerequisites |
EEEN301 | Circuit Theory and Systems I | Core | 2 | EEEN201 |
EEEN303 | EM Fields and Waves | Core | 2 | EEEN201 |
EEEN309 | Electrical Machines | Core | 1 | EEEN203 |
EEEN311 | Laboratory Practical and Project I | Core | 2 | |
CMEN305 | Physical Electronics | Core | 2 | EEEN202 |
CMEN307 | Digital Electronics | Core | 3 | EEEN202 |
COEN301 | Introduction to Computer Systems | Core | 2 | |
MATH341 | Diff. Equations and Transforms | Cognate | 2 | MATH241 |
STAT343 | Statistics | Cognate | 2 | STAT102 |
Second Semester Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units | Prerequisites |
EEEN302 | Circuit Theory and Systems II | Core | 2 | EEEN201 |
EEEN304 | Power Engineering I | Core | 2 | EEEN203 |
EEEN306 | Power Electronics I | Core | 2 | EEEN202 |
EEEN308 | Measurements and Instrumentation | Core | 2 | EEEN202 |
EEEN314 | Laboratory Practical and Project II | Core | 2 | |
CMEN310 | Electronics Engineering I | Core | 2 | EEEN202 |
CMEN312 | Telecommunication Principles | Core | 2 | EEEN202 |
COEN302 | Control Engineering I | Core | 2 | |
GENS302 | Business Creation and Growth | Core | 3 |
Restricted Elective Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units |
EEEN318 | Technical Writing and Presentation | Restricted | 1 |
COSC344 | Programming in Java | Restricted | 2 |
QTYS309 | Development Economics | Restricted | 2 |
UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVES: Electives can be offered from any one of the following Faculties: Engineering, Environmental Design, Science, Arts, Social Sciences, Education and Administration.
ABU 400 Level Electrical/Electronics Engineering Courses
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units | Prerequisites |
CMEN401 | Data Communication | Core | 2 | CMEN312 |
CMEN405 | Digital Electronics II | Core | 2 | CMEN307 |
CMEN411 | Communication Laboratory Practical | Core | 1 | |
COEN401 | Microprocessor and Microcontroller Applications | Core | 2 | |
COEN403 | Programming in C++ | Core | 2 | |
COEN405 | Network Technology | Core | 2 | COEN301 |
COEN407 | Control Engineering II | Core | 2 | COEN302 |
QTYS421 | Law For Engineers | Cognate | 2 | |
MATH441 | Complex Analysis | Cognate | 2 | |
COSC441 | Numerical Analysis | Cognate | 2 |
Second Semester SIWES: 22 Weeks (Second Semester and Long Vacation (6 Credit Units)
ABU 500 Level Electrical/Electronics Engineering Courses
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units | Prerequisites |
EEEN503 | Advanced EM Fields and Waves | Core | 2 | EEEN303 |
EEEN509 | Engineering Management and Decision Making | Core | 1 | |
EEEN511 | Reliability and Maintainability | Core | 2 | |
CMEN501 | Integrated Circuits and Systems Design | Core | 2 | CMEN405 |
CMEN503 | Telecommunication Networks I | Core | 2 | CMEN401 |
CMEN505 | Communication Theory and Systems | Core | 2 | CMEN401 |
CMEN507 | Communication Theory | Core | 2 | CMEN401 |
CMEN599 | Final Year Project | Cognate | 3 |
Second Semester Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units | Prerequisites |
CMEN502 | Radio Communication | Core | 2 | CMEN401 |
CMEN504 | Telecommunications Networks II | Core | 2 | CMEN312 |
CMEN506 | Optical Fibre Communication | Core | 2 | CMEN401 |
CMEN508 | Satellite Communication | Core | 2 | CCEN401 |
CMEN510 | Communications Power Systems | Core | 2 | EEEN304 |
CMEN512 | Digital Switching Systems | Core | 2 | CMEN405 |
CMEN518 | Advanced Signal Processing | Core | 3 | |
CMEN599 | Final Year Project | Core | 3 |
Restricted Elective Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Status | Credit Units | Prerequisites |
EEEN501 | Advanced Circuit Theory | Restricted | 2 | EEEN302 |
COEN504 | Web-Based Design and Applications | Restricted | 2 | |
COEN506 | Computer System Architecture | Restricted | 2 | COEN301 |
COEN510 | Network Security and Cryptography | Restricted | 2 | COEN413 |
CMEN514 | Tele-Traffic Analysis | Restricted | 2 | CMEN312 |
ABU Level Electrical/Electronics Engineering Course Break Down
Review of Network theorems and Topologies.
TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF FIRST AND SECOND ORDER CIRCUITS: Test signals: Exponential function, sinusoid, unit step unit impulse, and complex exponentials. First order circuits; RL and RC circuits driven by initial conditions and by test signals; Classical solutions and operator method; Use of Laplace transform method and convolution techniques; Numerical solutions; Second Order circuits; RLC circuits driven by initial conditions and by test signals; Solutions using Laplace transforms; Over-damped, critically damped and under-damped responses; State equations; Numerical solution of state equations. SINUSOIDAL STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS: Frequency-domain analysis; Complex number phasors and rotating phasors; Steady-state response; Impedance and admittance; Mesh and Nodal equations; Power factor and power factor correction; Power and maximum power theorem. LOCUS AND PHASOR DIAGRAMS: Series circuits of fixed resistance and variable reactance and vice versa; Z and Y plane locus; Current locus diagrams; -Y transformation theorem and phasor diagrams; -Y 3-phase transformer connections using three single-phase transformers. TRANSMISSION LINES: Review of transmission line parameters; Types of power transmission lines and their circuit representations. |
Review of EM laws in integral form: Gauss law. Ampere’s law and Faraday’s law; UNIFORM EM PLANE WAVES:
Magnetic fields in and around current carrying conductors; Conduction and displacement currents; Derivation of Maxwell’s equation in curl form from Faraday’s and Ampere’s laws; Time varying electric and magnetic fields in free space; The wave equation; Plane waves in vacuum, dielectric conducting and lossy media; Skin effect; Polarization of waves; Poynting’s vector and energy propagation in free space. Boundary conditions; Plane waves in unbounded dielectric media; Reflection and transmission of plane waves. EM RADIATING SYSTEMS Antennae: isotropic antenna, elementary dipole near the far fields; Antenna parameters; Half-wave antenna; Practical antenna e.g. loop, horn and parabolic. |
TRANSFORMERS: Phasor diagrams and equivalent circuits; Regulation and efficiency; Performance calculation (derivation of exact and approximate voltage drop equations) and types of transformers;
Autotransformer and instrument transformer; Per-unit system of calculation; Vibration and noise. MACHINE WINDINGS: Concentrated and distributed windings; Terminologies: Armature winding, slot, conductor coil, coil-side, full pitch, short chord etc; DC armature windings: Simplex lap, simplex wave, equalizers, frog-leg, multiplex windings; AC armature windings: concentric, double layer lap and wave, fractional slot windings; MMF patterns in air-gaps. DC MACHINES: Constructional features of prototype DC machines; Calculation of EMF generated in armature windings; Circuit model of DC machine; Developed torque; Ways of exciting field windings; Losses and efficiency; Armature reaction and commutation; Flash-over, Sparking, compensating windings, interpoles and brush shift. DC GENERATOR: Working principles, types and performance characteristics; Built-up voltage in self-excited machines. DC MOTOR Working principles, types and performance characteristics. Starting and braking speed regulation. |
ELECTRICAL MACHINE LAB: Laboratory work on Electrical Machines APPLIED ELECTRICITY LAB: Laboratory work on Circuit Theory ELECTRONICS LAB: Laboratory work on Physical and Digital Electronics TRANSFORMER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. |
Definition and Description of a Computer System; Names, Properties and identification of: Casings and Power Supply Units, Internal Components,
Ports and Cables, Input and Output Devices; System Resources and their functions; Hardware and Software Tools used in PC Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting; Definition and Types of Operating Systems; Description of Microsoft Windows OS with respect to Functions, Limitations and Compatibilities; Preventive Maintenance Techniques for OS. Troubleshooting OS; Introduction to Linux and Mac OS; Description of the Laptop and other Mobile (portable) Computing Devices; Introduction to Printing and Scanning Technologies; Types and Properties of Printers and Scanners; Introduction to Computer Security and Networking. |
INTRODUCTION: Evolution of the digital computer; Computer classification; Organization and functions of the major parts of the computer.
DATA REPRESENTATION IN COMPUTER: The binary number system and arithmetic; One’s and two’s complement arithmetic; Addition with negative numbers, carries and overflows; Sign and magnitude notation; Representation of non-numeric data; The ASCII character set; Text encoding and string; Alphanumeric ordering; Representation of fractional numbers; Radix conversion; Rounding; Floating-point representation; BCD representation and arithmetic. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA: Review of elementary digital concepts; Switching properties of electronic devices; Switching and wave-shaping circuits; Logical variables and functions and standard forms; Min-term and max-term designation of functions. MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Calculus; K-maps; Quine-Macluskey technique; Veitch Maps. |
ENERGY BAND THEORY: Free electron motion in static electric and magnetic fields; Electronic structure of matter;
Conductivity in crystalline solids; Energy band theory of electrical conductors, insulators and semi-conductors; Conductivity and mobility; Carriers and transport phenomena in semi-conductors. QUANTITATIVE THEORY OF THE PN JUNCTION: Formation of the PN junction; Depletion layer and its capacitance; Construction, characteristics and applications of the PN junction diode; Zener diode, photo-devices (diodes and transistors) and photocells; LEDs, transistors, FETs (Junction and MOS) and SCRs. FABRICATION TECHNIQUES: Elementary discrete devices fabrication techniques; Introduction to IC technology; IC fabrication techniques; PCB fabrication techniques; Photolithography and Nanotechnology. |
300 Level Second Semester EEEN302: CIRCUIT THEORY AND SYSTEMS II (2CU) |
NETWORK FUNCTIONS, POLES AND ZEROES: Driving point impedance of a one-port network; Transfer functions’ Poles, zeroes and pole-zero diagrams; Positive real functions; Realizability of driving point function; Foster and Cauer’s methods of synthesis; Frequency responses and resonance.
TWO- PORT NETWORKS: Two-port network parameters: Z, Y and h parameters; Reciprocity relations for reciprocal two ports; Measurement of the parameters; Transmission (chain) parameters; Cascaded chain parameters; Image impedance for symmetrical two-ports; Filter characteristics: low, high and bandpass characteristics; Design of constant K and m-derived filter section; Insertion loss; Two-port network synthesis. FOURIER METHODS OF ANALYSIS: Fourier series with application to representation of non-sinusoidal signals; Fourier transforms and response of linear networks; Power (or energy) spectra; Analysis and synthesis of non-linear dynamic circuits; Application of computers in the analysis and synthesis of linear and non-linear circuits; Convolution. Auto and cross-correlation. ANALOG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Random and discrete signal; Autocorrelation functions; Power spectral densities; Bandwidth of different signals: Speech, pictures, fax etc |
GENERATION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY: Sources of energy; Heat value of fuels; Thermal stations; Hydroelectric stations; Nuclear stations.
ECONOMICS OF POWER SUPPLY: Fixed and running charges in electric power production; Load curves and load duration curves including concept of base, intermediate and peak load; Definition of load factor, maximum demand, Diversity factor and their effects on generation. services mains, radial and ring-man systems; Voltage drop in distribution systems; Per-unit qualities. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Conductors and insulators; Transmission line parameters; Resistance, inductance and capacitance; Skin effect; Corona discharge; Stringing: Calculation of sag and tension; Stringing chart and performance; Representation of short and long power lines. UNDERGROUND CABLES: Types; Inductance of concentric cables; Capacitance of single-core and three-core cables; Thermal characteristics; Sheath currents. CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Principles of arc-extinction; Types of circuit breakers; Current growth in a purely inductive circuit; Interpretation of circuit breakers test oscillographs; Current chopping; Resistance and capacitance switching; Breaking and making currents. |
INTRODUCTION: Review of semiconductor theory. PN junctions, transistors and thyristors. SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS Constructional details, characteristics and principle of operation.Transistor analogy. Methods of turning-OFF. Device specification. Gate characteristics (gate circuit parameters, measurement of device parameters, circuits for gate triggering). Internal power dissipation and temperature rise. Series operation of SCRs. Parallel operation. String efficiency. Protection. TRIACS: Theory of operation. Gate characteristics Turn- On methods. Phase control using Triacs OTHER POWER ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Schotsky diode. Diac. Silicon controlled switch.. GTO, UJT and relaxation oscillators. Programmable UJT. Unilateral and bilateral switches. Solar switching devices. TRANSISTOR SWITCHES: Analysis of circuits using transistors as switches. |
OVERVIEW OR MEASUREMENT METHOD Analogue techniques. Comparison techniques. Substitution methods. Null methods. Digital methods.
DISPLAY METHODS Analogue methods. Pointer instruments. Graphical instruments. Digital methods. ACCURACY: Values and uncertainty. Errors. Summation of errors. Random errors. Specifications and standards. Calibration procedures. INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: Sensitivity scaling and matching. Bias. Harmonics. Frequency effects. Bandwidth. Rise time. Interference: environmental and coupled. ANALOGUE INSTRUMENTS Moving coil instruments. Electrodynamics instruments. Other pointer instruments. Energy meters. The cathode-ray oscilloscope. Tape recorders. COMPARISON METHODS: DC and AC potentiometers. DC and AC bridges. Multifunction digital voltmeters. DAC and ADC conversions. Sample and Hold circuits. Wave analyzers. TRANSDUCERS: Classification, types and characteristics: To cover various methods of converting various signals into electrical variable. |
ELECTRICAL POWER LAB: Laboratory work on Electrical Power Systems MEASUREMENT LAB: Laboratory work on Instrumentation and Measurements.
COMPUTER LAB: Laboratory work on Computer Applications. CONTROL LAB: Laboratory work on Control systems. WORKSHOP PRACTICE AND CONSTRUCTION. |
POWER SUPPLIES:Half-wave and full-wave diode rectifiers with resistive loads. Poly-phase rectifiers. Ripple filtering.
Voltage clipping, clamping and multiplying circuits. Regulated power supplies: simple zener diode regulator, shunt regulator, series regulator. IC rectifier and regulator chips. Switched mode power supplies. BJT AMPLIFIERS: BJT construction, operational characteristics and configurations. Operating point. DC and AC loadlines. Biasing circuits. Bias stability and stability factor. Stabilization against variation in hfe and Vcb. Thermal runaway. Classification of cascaded amplifiers. The gain-bandwidth product. RC and transformer coupling. Low, medium and high frequency equivalent circuits. Small-signal T- and h-parameter equivalent circuits. Design of BJT amplifiers. FET AMPLIFIERS: Constructional details and characteristics of JFETs and MOSFETs. RC coupled JFET and MOSFET amplifiers. Functions of circuit component. Graphical analysis for DC and AC loadlines. Different biasing arrangements. Design of FET amplifier circuits. Phase-lock loop circuits. AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIERS: Classes of amplifiers. Amplifier distortion and harmonics. Power output and efficiency. Push-pull amplifiers. Complementary symmetry. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Basic op-amp characteristics and circuits. Difference amplifier circuits. Inverting and non-inverting circuits. Summing, differentiating and integrating circuits. Analogue computation. OSCILLATORS: Feedback concepts. Effect of feedback on gain, distortion, bandwidth, input and output impedances. Feedback circuits. Negative resistance oscillators. Wien-bridge and Ladder phase-shift oscillators. Harley, Colpitts and crystal oscillators. |
Concentrating on entrepreneurship and enterprise development, particular attention is given to the start-up,
purchasing and management of small to medium-sized industrial firms in an environment that would appeal to Engineering students. The focal point is in understanding the dilemmas faced by entrepreneurs, resolving them, developing a business plan and the maximum utilization of the financial, marketing and human resources that make for a successful operation. |
INTRODUCTION: Definition and historical review of control engineering; Types and characteristics of control systems; Mathematical techniques: Block diagram algebra; Laplace transformation theorems.
MODELING AND REPRESENTATION: Dynamic equations of simple electrical, mechanical, thermal and fluid flow systems; Determination of transfer function: Using block diagram and signal flow graphs. TIME RESPONSE AND PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION: System poles and zeroes, order and types; Natural modes; System response to test signals-step, impulse, ramp and parabolic input functions; Steady-state errors; Static and dynamic error coefficients. TIME DOMAIN PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Response (transient) of a second order system to a step input: Determination and significance of rise-time, delay time, peak-time, peak overshoot, selling time, damping ratio, natural frequency etc in transient response analysis; Design and analysis of a position servomechanism with proportional, integral and derivative (PI, PD and PID) control action. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND ANALYSIS: The sinusoidal test functions and frequency response test; Frequency response analysis; Polar plots, Nyquist plots and Bode plots of commonly encountered transfer functions; Identification of systems from frequency response data; Frequency response measures: Bandwidth, resonant peak, phase and gain margins etc. STABILITY ANALYSIS: Concept of system stability; Algebraic criteria for absolute stability; Simplified Nyquist stability criterion. |
TELECOMMUNICATION LINKS: Block diagram representation and function of different subsystems of the link. Need for modulation.
ANALOG COMMUNICATION MODULATION TECHNIQUES AND DETECTION: Amplitude modulation (AM/DSB, SSB, VSB). Simple modulators: Power and bandwidth performance. Angle modulation (FM and PM). Transmission bandwidth requirements and distortion. Interference. Clippers and limiters. Receivers for CW modulation: discrimination, frequency tracking loop, phase locked loop and noise performance. Super heterodyne receivers. Scanning spectrum analyzers. FDM systems. TV: Monochrome and colour transmitters and receivers. Noise system models and parameters. Bandpass noise, linear model with noise, exponential model with noise. COMMERCIAL RADIO SYSTEMS: Propagation of radio waves in free space. The ionosphere. Critical frequency for wave propagation through the ionosphere. M.U.F. and skip distance. Ground waves and line-of-sight communications. DIGITAL TECHNIQUES: Sampling theorem Pulse amplitude modulation. Pulse width modulation. Multiplexing. Quantization systems. Pulse code modulation. Delta modulation. Cause and correction for errors in PCM and DM. Ideal and matched filters. Frequency acquisition. Phase referencing and timing. Line coding. Block encoding. Shannon’s theorem. |
Principles of effective communication. Professional use of the English language. Principles of technical writing.
Oral presentation of technical ideas. Application of presentation software (e.g. MS POWERPOINT HARVARD GRAPHICS etc. |
History of Java; Problem Representation: Pseudo-code representations. Object Oriented analysis; Introducing Object-Oriented Programming: Classes and objects; methods and fields; constructors.
Anatomy of a class; Multiple Java Classes: Programmes with multiple classes; documenting programmes; Grouping Objects or Classes Together: Grouping objects together in arrays; dynamic groups; grouping classes in hierarchies; Handling Errors: Error-handling techniques in Java; Handling Files: Reading and writing streams and files; Simple Graphical Objects: Creating simple graphical objects; laying out graphical components; creating simple graphical user interfaces. |
400 Level First Semester CMEN401: DATA COMMUNICATION (2CU) |
INFORMATION THEORY: Information measure: entropy and information rate; Transmission on discrete channels (binary symmetric channel model); Discrete channel capacity; SNR; Bandwidth/SNR trade–off.
BASEBAND DIGITAL TRANSMISSION: Digital signaling formats (NRZ, RZ); Line encoding: BNZS, HDB-3; Errors in digital transmission and error models; Linear reception techniques: maximum likelihood receiver; Integral reception method etc; Phase correction techniques in linear reception; Asynchronous and synchronous transmission. ERROR CORRECTION: Coding theory and abstract algebra; Source coding (Fano-Shannon, Huffman algorithms); Channel coding; Classification of codes: Linear block codes, Hamming, cyclic, BCH, RS convolutions codes; ARQ systems; FEC system. BANDPASS DIGITAL TRANSMISSION: Traditional digital modulation techniques: FSK, PSK and QAM; State of the art techniques: MSK, CPM etc; Performance of modulation in fading channels; Criteria governing modulation section; Modems and equalization. PROTOCOLS: The OSI reference model: Lower level protocols: RTSP, RTP, TCP/IP, RSVP; Application level protocols: HTTP.FTP, etc. SYNCHRONIZATION AND TIMING CONTROL: Clock recovery; carrier recovery; scrambler-descrambler, and encryption. |
BASIC DIGITAL COMPUTER ELEMENTS AND LOGIC CIRCUITS: Practical representation and basic design principles of logic gates (DTL DCTL, TTL etc) and memory elements;
Fan-in and fan-out; Common logic ICs: AND OR NAND NOR XOR XNOR and NOT; Combinational logic circuits; Multiplexers, comparators, half-adder and full-adder; Design with NAND/NOR; Multiple output circuits; Noise in combinational circuits. CLOCK GENERATION CIRCUITS: Design and analysis of multivibrators; Schmidt trigger circuit and time-base generators using discrete transistors and digital ICs; Interfacing of logic families. MSI CIRCUITS: Different scales of integration;. Multiple output circuits;. Design of MSI circuits; Speed constraints; Noise in MSI circuits. SEQUENTIAL DIGITAL CIRCUITS: Output function of sequential circuits; Mealy-Moore circuits; Flip-flops (SR JK. T and D); Counters: Binary, Modulo-N, up-down; Registers: Input/output circuits; Synchronous circuits: clocking, clock rate, skew; Fundamentals of sequential finite state machines; Introduction to the design of sequential systems; Algorithmic state machines; Programmable logic arrays (FPGA etc) |
NUMBER REPRESENTATION: binary representation of unsigned integers, signed integers (sign-magnitude and twos complement formats);
characters; Binary Coded Decimal (BCD); bit-field representations (microcontroller instructions and time); hexadecimal representation; and number base conversion. ARCHITECTURE: Von Neumann and Harvard microprocessor/microcontroller architectures; the Von Neumann bottleneck; data paths and control paths in a simple microcontroller architecture (based on a16/32/64bit PIC/Atmel/AVR, etc); load and store operations; and relative jump (branch) instructions to control program flow. 16/32/64-Bit PIC/Atmel/AVR, etc INSTRUCTION SET: instruction types; addressing modes; instruction formats and decoding; and subroutine calls and the stack. DIGITAL INTERFACING: general-purpose digital input/output resources on the 16/32/64bit PIC/Atmel/AVR,etc; structure of a general-purpose digital input/output circuit; tri-state and Schmidt trigger buffers; and programming input/output ports. PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT: System or application development using a 16/32/64bit PIC/Atmel/AVR,etc |
Procedural Versus Object Oriented Programming Languages; Object Oriented Design Strategy and Problem Solving; Basics of C++ Programming Language; Objects and Classes;
Member Functions; Public and Private Members; Dynamic Memory Management; Constructors and Destructors; Templates (STL); Object Encapsulation; Derived Classes; Class Hierarchies; Inheritance and Polymorphism; Operator Overloading; Stream Class; Implementation of Data Structures using C++; Utilization of Data Structures (Stacks, Linked Lists, Trees and Graphs) in Solving Engineering Problems; Use Of C++ Standard Template Library (STL) in Code Development. |
Networking basics: definition of basic terms and concepts like bandwidth, latency, packet and circuit switching, etc; Network types: wired, wireless and fibre-based;
Network Components and Devices; OSI and TCP/IP Models and Protocols; Switching and Routing protocols; Routing Algorithms and Metrics; IP Addressing Organization and Subnets; Classless Routing and Introducing IPv6; LANs, SANs, WANs, MANs, WLANs etc: Physical structures and access protocols; Network troubleshooting tools; Introduction to network design using Packet Tracer; The Internet and Domain Name System (DNS). |
REVIEW of MATLAB Control Toolbox FURTHER GRAPHICAL TECHNIQUES: M and N charts; Nichol’s chart; Inverse Nyquist plots; Root locus construction.CLASSICAL DESIGN TECHNIQUES: Classical design performance;. Specification in time and frequency domain; Cascade and feedback compensation using: Root locus, Nyquist and Bode diagrams; Design of PID industrial controllers. COMPENSATORS: Design and analysis of Lead, Lag and Lead-lag compensators. DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS: Introduction; Types of signals and systems; Sampled data systems; ADC, DAC and Sample-and-Hold circuits; Characteristics roots; Z-transforms; Relationship between Z- transforms and Laplace transform; Sampling theorem with respect to digital control; Z-plane stability analysis using Jury’s methods and bilinear transformation; Digital compensation. Introduction to microprocessor- based control. |
TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAB: Laboratory work on telecommunications principles |
Introduction to reliability, maintainability and availability; Elementary reliability theory; Applications to electrical and electronics components;
Test characteristics of electrical and electronics components; Designing for higher reliability; Packaging, mounting and ventilation; Protection from humidity, dust etc. |
Discrete signals and Z-transforms; Digital Fourier transform; Fast Fourier transform; The approximation problem in network theory; Synthesis of low-pass filters;
Spectral transforms and their applications in synthesis of high-pass and band-pass filters; Digital fillers; Digital transfer function; Aliasing; One-dimensional recursive and non-recursive filters; Computer techniques in filter synthesis; Realization of filters in hardware and software; Basic image processing |
Introduction to VLSI technology. MOS transistor theory. Inverter circuits. Data and control flow. MOS processing and design rules. Integration and system fabrication.
Logic design with MOS. Architecture and design of system controllers. System timing. Highly concurrent systems and their suitability for VLSI implementation. Signal processing using MOS technology. Standard cell design methodologies with emphasis on layout design, circuit and parasitic element extraction and verification of circuit performance via simulation tools. Design of functional blocks of digital ICs using SPICE. |
INTRODUCTION: Plain old telephone networks. Integration of switching and transmission networks. Disparities in the PSTN.
NARROW-BAND NETWORKS (N-ISDN): Access networks: architecture and planning. Leased lines. XDSL. Plan flexibility points. ISDN basic rate access architecture. S, T, and U interfaces. ISDN D channel protocol. Exchange Area Networks. Long haul transmission networks (principles and architecture: layering and partitioning). Network synchronization schemes in plesiochronous digital hierarchies (PDH). Network management: routing control algorithms, flow control algorithms. Signalling: (CCITT No. 7 AND CCS 7).. Routing and numbering plans. Practical network transmission planning. BROADBAND NETWORKS (B-ISDN): Networks: structure and elements (customer network, access network, core network). S, T, R interfaces. Synchronous digital hierarchies (SDH) transmission. Cell-based transmission. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Requirements for B-ISDN signalling. Interworking with other networks. Broadband network evolution: island, substitution, overlay, etc. New network architecture. NETWORK MAINTENANCE: Maintenance philosophy and organization. Performance objectives. Maintenance access points. Localizing network faults. Hardware and software faults. |
Review of EM laws in static and dynamic states. Electric and magnetic problems and solutions. Electric fields of two-electrode configurations.
Field distribution in air-gaps. Schwartz problems. Christoffel transformation. Numerical analysis and simulation. Quasi-stationary magnetic fields. Eddy currents and braking power. Wave-guides: E and H wave modes. Field patterns in rectangular wave-guides. Propagation characteristics. |
SIGNALS AND THEIR FUNCTIONAL REPRESENTATION: Periodic signals, non-periodic signals, signal conditioning. Signal selection and orthogonal signalling.
Representation of signals by orthogonal functions. Orthonormal functions. Representation of signals by interpolation. Signals as vectors. Gram-Schmidt procedure. DISTORTIONS AND PERTUBATIONS: Linear distortion, Inter-symbol interference (ISI). Non-linear distortions. Radio noise and interference and their suppression. COMMUNICATION SOURCES AND CHANNELS: modelling of communication sources and communication channels, measures of information, Gaussian sources and channels, etc. Performance criteria and limits of communication systems: introductory concepts, energy utilization efficiency (EUE), bandwidth utilisation efficiency (BUE), bandwidth expansion factor, signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR), probability of error. Shannon’s threshold capacity curve, theoretical limits on performance of digital communication systems and the concept of an ideal communication system. The (Pe/SNR, EUE, BUE) parameter planes. Representation of the major communication systems on the parameter planes. Comments, comparisons and discussions. PRINCIPLES OF SOURCE AND CHANNEL CODING: source encoder-decoder (the prefix of a binary sequence, prefix code, Kraft inequality, defining an optimum code, Shannon’s first coding theorem, etc.). Channel capacity. Error control coding (Shannon’s second coding theorem, linear block codes, convolutional codes). Interleaving-deinterleaving. Line codes and digital modems. |
PRODUCTIVITY: Definition. Factors affecting productivity in industry Measurement of productivity and how to increase productivity in industry.
PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL: Production control in intermittent manufacturing. Production control in continuous manufacturing. Planning and controlling in project management. Project scheduling (CPM, PERT etc) QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS: Quantitative and qualitative analysis in decision making. Markov chains and their theory. Inventory theory and management. Simulation. ENGINEERING DESIGN: The role of the electrical engineer in services design and implementation. |
This course lasts for one academic session. Each student must undertake a project under the supervision of a lecturer,
submit a comprehensive report in accordance with Departmental guidelines, and defend the project at the end of the session. A project status report is to be presented at the end of first semester. |
500 Level Second Semester CMEN502: RADIO COMMUNICATION |
RF FUNDAMENTALS: Microstrip techniques. Scattering parameters. Ionosphere, troposphere, ground, sky, space wave propagation.
Multipath. Loss and fading. RF FREQUENCY GENERATION CIRCUITS: Oscillator circuits. Digital frequency synthesizers. Mixer circuits. Frequency multiplication circuits. RF AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS: Low noise amplifier. Intermediate frequency amplifier. Power amplifiers. RADI SYSTEM DESIGN: Fade margins. System gain. Frequency diversity. Space diversity. Angle diversity. Adaptive equalization. Radio link design. CCIR recommendations related to system designs. |
Propagation and Standards: Propagation modeling in mobile communications: Fading, multipath, path losses etc.
Wireless transmission standards FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Frequency coordination and regulation. Analog cellular networks. INTELLIGENT NETWORKS AND SERVICES: Intelligent network architecture. Intelligent network benefits and services. Network intelligence and PBX’s Cell planning: pico-, micro-, macro-cells. Sectorization, cell splitting, frequency re-use. Direction and geometry of urban cellular systems. Mobile Cellular: PCN, planning PCN. GSM system architecture. GSM timeframes, timeslots and bursts. Radio link aspects. Radio interfaces and parameters. BTS, BSC, MSC. GSM diversity receiver structure, multi-channel receiver. TCP/IP over circuit switched data in GSM, Interworking Unit (IWU). The general packet radio service (GPRS). GSM system operation services. CDMA: basics, system architecure, radio link aspects. Interfaces BTS, CBSC, (transcoder, mobility manager), MSC. CDMA transceiver structure. Inter-working unit (IWU). Fixed Cellular: Cordless telecommunications (CT) CT2/CIA, WLL, (DECT etc) systems. |
FUNDAMENTALS OF LIGHT AND FIBRE: Nature of light propagation: reflection, refraction, dispersion, loss. Light measurements. Wave and particle theory Fibre construction.
Dimensions. Geometrical optics (step-index, graded index fibre, fibre optic standards). OPTICAL DETECTORS AND RECEIVERS: Photodiode receiver. APD receivers.Receiver sensitivity, degradation and performance calculation. Pre-amplifier design: high-impedance FET amplifiers. SPLICES, CONNECTORS AND COUPLERS: Mechanical splices. Fusion splicing.Multiple single fibre splicing. Connectors: multi-fibre bundle connectors and couplers. Star couplers. Directional couplers. Data bus configuration. Data bus multiplexing. .Coupling efficiency. .Integrated optical circuits. SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE: System arcitectures. Operating wavelengths and system limitations. System design: Power budget. Rise time budget. Sources of power penalty. Simplified design procedure. |
INTRODUCTION: Orbital and spacecraft concepts. SPACECRAFT: Telemetry. Tracking and command. Communication subsystems. Transponders. Spacecraft antennas. Transponder frequencies and designations. SATELLITE LINK DESIGN: Basic transmission theory. System noise temperature and G/T ratio. Design of downlinks. Domestic satellite systems using small earth stations. Uplink design. Design of satellite links for specified C/N. Propagation on earth-satellite paths and its influence on link design. EARTH STATION TECHNOLOGY: Earth station design. Basic antenna theory. Design of large antennas and small earth station antenna. Equipment for earth stations. APPLICATIONS: Satellite TV. Direct broadcast satellites. Telephony, etc MULTIPLE ACCESS: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Estimating channel requirements (fixed assigned and demand assigned schemes). Practical demand access systems. Random access and multiple access with on-board processing. |
INTRODUCTION: Communication power system requirements and applications. Ampere-Hour capacity, etc EXCHANGE POWER PLANT: Energy storage. Types of cells: Lead-acid storage batteries, alkaline storage batteries, enclosed cells, glass box cells. Evaluation of selected secondary batteries: electrical, operational and comparative characteristics. Maintenance of storage batteries. Maintenance modes. Charging of storage batteries. Charge-discharge mode. Standby and buffer modes of operation. Charging devices. Semiconductor AC-DC converters (rectifiers). Motors. Generators PRINCIPLES OF INVERTER CIRCUITS: Controlled rectifier: theory and characteristics. Inverter principles(rectification, inversion, etc). Mechanical and transistor switch inverters. Phase controlled rectifiers and AC line voltage commutated inverters. Series, parallel capacitor commutated inverters. Inverter voltage control. Improving inverter output waveform. DC-DC inverter-rectifier. Time rati control (TRC).Variable frequency TRC. Constant frequency TRC. Converter for stepping up voltage. SCR DC-DC power converters (push-pull, flyback and forward converters.). AC-DC converter design. Power supplies using ICs. DC-DC high voltage power supply. DC-DC supply with multiple outputs. SCR voltage stabilizer. Special purpose power supplies: digital power supplies. Uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) block schematics. Programmable power supplies. PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATORS: Elements of photovoltaic power systems. Fabrication of cells. Design of a converter. POWER AND LOAD CONNECTIONS: Power board. AC supply leads and standards. AC common and grounding leads. Isolation transformer. AC line regulation. Load connections: DC output characteristics. DC distribution terminals (DT). Decoupling capacitors. Ground return points. |
TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEXING Bit, word interleaving, framing TDM multiplex loops. Switching functions: circuit and packed switching.
SPACE SWITCHING: Multiple stage switching: Blocking probabilities Lee graphs, Jacobeus, Folded Four–wire switches, path-firing switching and its implementations. TIME DIVISION SWITCHING: Digital time division switching and its implementation. DIGITAL-DIMENSIONAL SWITCHING: STS switching, TST switching, NO. 4 ESS TOLL switch DIGITAL CROSS CONNECT SYSTEMS: Consolidation and segregation. DCS Hierarchy- Integrated cross – connect equipment CASE STUDIES: Alcatel 1000, 512, EMX 25000 etc. Architecture, hardware and software implementation, equipment practice. DIGITAL SWITCHING IN AN ANALOG ENVIRONMENT: Zero loss switching, BORSCHIT, conferencing, transmultiplexing. BROADBAND ATM SWITCH: Architecture and operation, ATM multiplier, ATM cross-connects. EXCHANGE DESIGN AND SPECIFICATION. |
DISCRETE RANDOM SIGNALS; statistical stationarity, strict sense and wide sense. Averages; mean, correlations and covariances.
Bias-variance dilemma. Curse of dimensionality. Linear stochastic models. ARMA modelling. Stability of linear stochastic models. Introduction to statistical estimation theory. Properties of estimators; bias and variance. Role of the Cramer-Rao lower bound. Minimum variance unbiased estimator. Best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) and maximum likelihood estimation. Maximum likelihood estimator. Bayesian estimation. Least square estimation: orthogonality principle, block and sequential forms. Wiener filtering, adaptive filtering and signal modelling. Simple non-linear adaptive filtering. Concept of an artificial neuron. Applications: acoustic echo cancellation and signal enhancement, inverse system modelling and denoising. |
This course lasts for one academic session. Each student must undertake a project under the supervision of a lecturer,
submit a comprehensive report in accordance with Departmental guidelines, and defend the project at the end of the session. A project status report is to be presented at the end of first semester. |
TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS: Travelling waves (incident and reflected); Standing wave Patterns and SWR; Distortion and losses in line; Quarter and Half-wave lines; Impedance matching; The Smith Chart and applications.
ACTIVE LITER FUNCTIONS: Low, High, Band-Pass, Band-Reject, Notch fillers and State variable fillers; Gain and delay equalizers; Bode, Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations; Elliptic and Bessel approximations; Basic filter synthesis; Cascade approach; Negative feedback topology; Positive feedback; Bi-quad circuits; The 3-amp bi-quad. DIRECT REPLACEMENT OF INDUCTANCES: Simulated, grounded and floating inductor; Variation of simulated inductance with frequency; Positive impedance inverters; Gyrators; Negative impedance converters; Synthesis of ideal amps embedded in RC networks: Sallen and Key circuits Sensitivity Analysis. |
www and its evolution and protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP etc). Domain name registration (DNS, IP address etc) and regulation (ICANN etc);
Types, functions and structure of browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera etc); Search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc); Software robots (crawlers), URL and database query; File sharing and downloading; E-mail and instant messaging (SMTP, MIME, POP, IMAP, MSP, etc); Encryption; Study of web-based applications like Bluetooth, WebTV, MP3/4 players, chat-rooms, etc; Social Networking; Web-based information service; Directory structure; Web servers; Introduction to web design and content development using HTML, XML, php, javascripts, mySQL etc |
Evolution of Architectures; Architectures and Instructions; CISC and RISC architectures; Memory hierarchies; Memory management;
Advanced memory systems (non-blocking caches, multi-porting/banking and virtual memory); Instruction Pipelining; Optimisation; Peripherals and Interfaces; Standard Bus Systems (e.g. SCSI, SATA and PCI); Peripheral Performance Enhancement; Processor data path design and control (hardwired and programmed); Advanced processor designs (Syperscalar and out-of-order execution); Introduction to multiprocessor architectures and performance. VLSI: Introduction to VLSI technology; MOS transistor theory; Inverter circuits; Data and control flow; MOS processing and design rules; Integration and system fabrication; Logic design with MOS; Architecture and design of system controllers; System timing; Signal processing using MOS VLSI technology. |
Basic concepts in computer security; Software vulnerability analysis and defense: Viruses, worms, backdoor exploits (hacking), Trojan horses, buffer overflows etc.
(Their history, evolution and the extent to which they imperil information in computers); Networking and wireless security; Use and limitations of firewalls and DMZs in protecting networks; Design of Network security systems; Intrusion detection and its associated problems; Applied cryptography; Fundamental methodology on how to design and analyze security-critical systems. |
TELETRAFFIC THEORY: The derivation of Erlangs formula. Traffic intensity. TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS: Arrival distributions.
Holding-time distributions. NETWORKING BLOCKING PROBABILITIES: End-to-end blocking probabilities. Overflow traffic. LOSS SYSTEM: Lost calls cleared. Lost calls returned. Lost calls held.. Lost calls cleared finite sources. Lost calls held finite sources. Dimensioning circuits. Switched networks. DELAY SYSTEMS: Exponential services times, constant services times. Finite queues. Tandem queues. Dimensioning data networks. Pollaczek-Khinchine delay formula. TRAFFIC MONITORING AND FORECASTING: Measuring network usage in circuit switched and packet switched networks. Networks and LANs. Forecasting models and fitting the forecasting model. NETWORK TRAFFIC CONTROL: Heirarchical network. Wilkinson-Rapp equivalent random method. Trunk reservation. Crankback or automatic re-routing (AAR) and dynamic routing. Network design. Extending and replacing networks. CONTAINING NETWORK OVERLOAD: The effect of congestion. Network management systems and control. |
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