Have you ever wondered how to create a linked Account or LinkedIn business page here in Nigeria? Worry no more because I’m here to guide you on how to create a successful LinkedIn profile and company page without issues.
You can create a LinkedIn page with your Laptop, Tablet and even your smartphone. It is the same step whether you are using Apple MacBook or Windows Laptop, An Android or iPhone.
Continue reading for how to create a LinkedIn Profile and Page plus how to fix An error has occurred, please try again later while creating a Linked In Page.
Steps To Create A LinkedIn Account In Nigeria
- Visit www.linkedin.com
- Click on Join now at the top
- Enter your Email and Password
- Agree and Create
- Type the code sent to your Email
- Click Send again if you don’t receive the email
- Agree and Continue
- Are you looking for a new job? Answer Yes or Not Now
- Choose to connect with People or next
- Add a Cover picture
- Enter your country and Phone number
- Follow companies, people, and hashtags if you wish
- Follow email link to confirm your email address
- Confirm your phone number by entering the Code sent to you
- Update your Profile with more info
- Done
After creating your linked account or profile, the next step is to proceed to create your LinkedIn page.
How to Create a LinkedIn Page in Nigeria
- Click the Work icon in the top right corner of your Linked In homepage.
- Click Create a Company Page.
- Select the Page type you’d like to create from the following options:
- Small business
- Medium to large business
- Showcase page
- Educational institution
- Enter your Page name, website and number of employees.
- Upload your company or LinkedIn page logo
- Agree to the terms and condition
- Click Create page.
- A red error message may appear if your LinkedIn account has recently been created.
- An error has occurred, please try again later? Try again after a few hours
- Click Start building your page! to build out your Page.
- Done
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