Life is beautiful. The blue sky, the seas, squeaking birds, sun, wind, mountains, the fields, seeds that grow, people, and places. Talk about food, our pets, nature, and everything. Indeed, life is so good, you wouldn’t want to leave, not soon I guess.
As beautiful as life is, some things give this beauty value more than others. Hence, people ask what are the most valuable things in life.
Apparently, the most valuable things in life are not what the media portray in reality shows or soap operas. We live in the real world. So the earlier we pursue what is most important, the healthier and happier we shall be.
Let’s dive in to see the 8 most valuable things and how to enjoy each of them to the fullest.

What Are the Most Valuable Things In Life?
I have taken the time to arrange them in the order of relevance. It’s up to you my reader, to decide which tops your list or gets the bottom pot.
1. God
According to John Piper, God is a very important person and he does not like being taken for granted. When we take God for granted, it doesn’t show honor.
Meanwhile, He is not just an important person, but the most important person which makes Him tops the most valuable things in life. As true as this is, some people don’t even believe in God, let alone relate with Him or value him in any sort.
God does exist and even science proves it. He is the author and finisher of life. He created the heavens, the earth, the seas and every other thing naturally made.
Without Him, nothing else in life will exist. The things we create as men are from the things God created as God. There is no product without God’s content in it.
How To Enjoy God
A relationship with God is the first way to enjoy Him. According to His word, He created men in His image. It means he sees, hears, understands, gets angry, smiles, feels, etc. Yet he is 100%, God. He became 100% God and 100% man in the person of Jesus, who died to save the whole world.
We can enjoy God when we know him personally. It starts by having a relationship with Him that involves communicating with Him daily through prayers and studying His holy book as He gave.
As we continue in our steadfast relationship with God, we learn what we will do to make our lives have meaning and stay prepared for life eternal with Him when we exit the earth. There is so much value we get when we put him first, but that’s not popular.
2. Health
Our Health determines the efficiency of other things we can think of. Health is extremely important to enjoy our lives. No wealth so great, no position so high, can be compared to good health.
Doctors have advised us to do regular checkups, eat balanced meals, exercise our bodies, and get quality sleep. We have picked sound health to be the second most valuable thing in life.
How To Enjoy Health
It all starts with what goes into our bodies and how we balance our activities. Our health is the fuel that operates our vehicles (our bodies). Once the body halts, everything halts for us as well.
Therefore, we need to pay attention to our systems. It doesn’t have to get worse before we see the doctor.
As we all know the best medical advice we will ever get is prevention is better than cure.
3. Purpose
We were created for a reason. that reason is our purpose. To live without purpose is to die without gain. Our purpose is one of the most valuable things to live for.
According to psychologist Steve Taylor, not having a purpose ‘makes us more vulnerable to boredom, anxiety, and depression.’ Purpose gives us hope and a sense of direction.
With purpose in our hearts, we are keen to be more, do more, and have more all for the sake of our purpose. Purpose gives us the courage to do the things we do. Finding purpose is very important to live a fulfilled life.
How To Enjoy Purpose
The way to enjoy purpose is to live it to the fullest. It doesn’t matter what it is. Whether Mother Theresa did more than Herbert Macaulay, is not the question. The question is what did each do?
We should ask ourselves the same question, what will I do with my life, or rather, why I’m I here? As Rick Warren, Christian Writer and speaker addressed in his book Purpose Driven Life.
4. Time
Time is the currency of life. The amount of time we have to journey on earth is the life we have to live. Time is the whole essence of life. The most important thing a dying man will ask for is more time.
Having the ability to value time is very important to live a successful life.
Time is priceless, once lost, forever lost. If you are lucky to have time on your side either as a young adult or teenager, you shouldn’t wait to start investing the time now instead of spending it on frivolities.
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How To Enjoy Time
The ability to value time is the first way to enjoy it. We should see time as a currency, not as a moment or event. This way, we can enjoy the rewards of harnessing time for proper usage.
5. Family
For the love of family is a common saying to show the strong bonds we have with those that are blood-related to us. Family is one of the most valuable things in life to own. A person without a family is a nobody, but if a nobody has a family, he becomes somebody.
There is a reason we are in the family we have since we don’t have the privilege of choosing what home to be born in. While you may sometimes get angry and want to walk away from family, we still come back because of the love we share.
The family will most often guide, support and help us grow. Hence we should treat family members with care and not take them for granted. The best time to start is now.
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How To Enjoy Family
Spending time together is one way we can bring family close. We can’t enjoy family when we don’t make out time to love and share laughter, joyous and ugly moments.
We can choose special seasons to go on vacation with them, work on projects, eat together, and communicate with them regularly.
6. Relationships
Our relationship is broader than family. It comprises our friends, associates, business partners, and other acquaintances we hold in high esteem.
Our relationships are one of the most valuable things in life. They tend to contribute to shaping and molding us in different aspects of life. There are people will meet in life and our lives turn around 360°.
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How To Enjoy Relationships
We can ensure the smooth running of the relationships we want to keep. Being thoughtful, kind-hearted, and appreciative will do so much.
It’s wrong to treat people with levity, especially when they don’t deserve it. If we cannot handle some people as a result of their attitude issues, we can always find a suitable way to deal with the situation.
7. Education
Being educated gives a lot of advantages. There are opportunities we may never access if we go through life without any formal education.
Education can come in different forms aside from schooling. You can be in your home and get all the knowledge you need; this is what digitization helped our world to achieve. Hence, anyone can be and stay educated.
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8. Money
Money makes the world go round. It is one of the most valuable we can think of. Without money, we probably will not get things especially when most of the things priced are what money can buy.
Money makes number 8 on our list not that it’s less important but money is a value we can get with the things above. How? That will be a topic for another day.
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How To Enjoy Money
I like this part. Money is a tool in the hands of the owner. To enjoy money is to use it to achieve everything on our list that brings about happiness and fulfills our purpose.
Final Thoughts
All of these that make up the 8 most valuable things in life are not dependent on themselves. Instead, they are interdependent on one another except the first, God, who is self-sufficient.