NYSC CDS Groups, Purpose and Activities

Agro-Allied Group CDS


  • Support agro-allied activities in host communities
  • To promote better food production and security


  • Demonstration farms/Extension Services
  • Establishment of Farmers Cooperative Societies.
  • Advocacy
  • The teaching of new farming techniques to communities
  • Training and capacity building
  • Establishment of young farmers clubs in host communities

Anti-Corruption Group (EFCC & ICPC)


  • To help in eradicating corruption through Campaign


  • Sensitization
  • Creation of awareness in schools and organizations
  • Establish Anti-Corruption Corps members in schools.

Corps Legal Aid Group (CLAG)


  • Free legal services to the less privileged and indigent prison inmates (Victims of denials and violation of rights)
  • Sensitization of the public on fundamental human rights


  • Advocacy
  • Visit prisons
  • Legal service to inmates and indigent persons
  • Public lecture and awareness of fundamental human rights.

Cultural and Tourism Group (Band, Dance, Drama & Tourism)


  • Promoting arts and Culture
  • Dissemination of vital socio-economic and political problems and prospects.


  • Identifying talents
  • Setting up of the schemes theatre groups

Sports Group


  • Creates an avenue for recreation and healthy rivalry among corps members and the community.
  • Arousing the consciousness of living healthy and purposeful lifestyles through participation in one form of physical activity or the other.
  • Identifying talents among Corps members


  • Participation in Sports competitions
  • Identifying and Training members of the Community
  • Organizing Sports Competitions

Education Development Group


  • Enhance the Education Standard of the host community.
  • Career guidance and counseling for students


  • Campaign against Illiteracy
  • Organizing Extra-mural classes for Adults.
  • Organizing of in-school programmes

Environmental Protection and Sanitation Group (EPSG)


  • To promote and sustain healthy environment
  • To create awareness on sustainable environment management and regeneration.
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  • Tree planting
  • Sanitation
  • Drainage Control
  • Erosion Control
  • Landscaping

Editorial/Publicity Group


  • Compliment the activities of the NYSC PRU in disseminating Information to the Community


  • Making presentations on mass media to enlighten people on socio-cultural education.

Road Safety Group


  • To contribute to public safety on our roads


  • Sensitization and control of traffic.
  • Rendering first aid to accident victims
  • Establishment of road safety clubs in school.

Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS Group


  • To train and mentor Students
  • To mobilize and strengthen community-based responses on HIV/AIDS prevention


  • Sensitization and Campaign

Service Delivery Group (Attitudinal Change, Re-Branding)


  • Sensitization on Service delivery and good work ethics.


  • Training
  • Sensitization
  • Group discussions on value re-orientation



  • To create awareness and actualize the 8 goals of MDGs


  • Advocacy and Mentoring of the host community.

Medical and Health Services Group

This includes Red Cross, Breast Without Spot, Polio Plus, etc.


  • Promotion and provision of Medical Services


  • Health outreach
  • First Aid administration.
  • Establishment of Community based clinic
  • Setting up of clinic for the NYSC Secretariat

Drug-Free and Quality Control (NDLEA, NAFDAC, SON)


  • Eradication of fake and adulterated foods and drugs
  • Create awareness on the danger of drug abuse.


  • Campaign and Sensitization
  • Establishment of drug free clubs in Schools
  • Ensuring linkages with the host Communities.

Charity Services and Gender


  • To improve the living standard of the downtrodden
  • Charity outreaches to the public


  • Mobilize funds and other resources for less privileged
  • Visits of orphanages & prisons.
  • Donation of materials to homes

Disaster Management Group (NEMA)


  • To create awareness on disaster management
  • To disseminate information on how to manage disasters through Corps Emergency Vanguards.


  • Public enlightenment on disaster management and control through the emergency Vanguards.
  • Disaster management
  • Liaison with NEMA on how to assist during emergencies
  • Formation of emergency vanguard club in schools.
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Collaborative Community Development Service

This is a form of CDS in which the scheme partners with National and Non-Governmental organizations and other establishments to implement development programmes. The Scheme signs MOU with the partners, clearly stating each partner’s roles/responsibilities. Corps members are usually involved as Volunteers on this programme.

Types of Collaborative CDS

  • Road Safety Group
  • Reproductive Health & HIV.AIDs Group
  • Anti-Corruption (EFCC & ICPC) Group
  • Service Delivery Group (Attitudinal Change, Re-Branding)
  • MDGs
  • Medical and Health Services Group (Red Cross, Breast without Spot, Polio Plus, etc.)
  • Drug-Free and Quality Control Group (NDLEA, NAFDAC, SON)

Steps For Personal NYSC CDS

1) Interaction between corp members and community stakeholders to identify the felt needs of the community;

2) Identification of sources of funds and relevant linkages for the project.

3) Preparation of a viable proposal with the guidance of Local Government and Zonal Inspectors containing the following:-

  • Introduction
  • Name of project
  • The estimated cost of the project
  • Source of funding
  • Expected time of completion
  • Proposed date of commissioning.

4) Approval of project by the NYSC Secretariat after consultation with the Zonal and Local Government Inspectors;

5) Mobilizing resources in consultation with community members from the community, Local Government Council, Government, and Non-Government Organizations as well as public-spirited philanthropists.

6) Ensuring  contact  with  linkages  relevant  to  the  execution  of  the  project jointly carried out by corps member(s) and the community;

7) Execution of the project;

8) Submission   of bi-monthly progress   report   with   documentary/pictorial evidence;

9) Submission of completion report to the NYSC State Secretariat

10) Commissioning and handing over to the Community; and

11) Giving feedback to persons that donated towards the execution of the project. T

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