A lot of singles ask “Can I have a blissful marriage?” The answer is yes! The possibility of having a blissful marriage is determined by many factors which all are important including premarital education. Most people have heard that half of all marriages end in divorce, especially in the United States, but you can look to know the reasons for divorce cases.
The idea of a blissful marriage is to have and enjoy a deep, fulfilling, and joyful marital relationship with your spouse. It is an experience that results in producing the reality of peace, happiness, contentment, and harmony within the marital union. In a blissful marriage, both partners experience a strong emotional connection, a sense of belonging, and genuine love and affection for each other.
Many singles who hold back their marriage plans most often do so to wait to get a suitable partner to tie the knot with or begin an uncertain future with. They believe who you marry extremely affects who you become in the nearest future. This is a known fact yet one can marry someone that seems to have it all and still get disappointed in the end.
What this means is that a blissful marriage takes more than brain calculation, prospects, and controlled desires. Meanwhile, a blissful marriage is very possible especially when you desire one and are ready to make it work. Another fact is to achieve a successful marriage, you must get the consent of your partner as both partners are responsible to make a blissful marriage possible.
Desire without due diligence is the problem with many failed homes who longed to enjoy a blissful marriage. Once you know what you want in your marriage, the next is to understand the person you are in partnership with outrightly. Having established this point, let’s see the successful ways to have a blissful marriage.
What is a Blissful Marriage?
The word blissful is coined from the word ‘’bliss” which means a state of complete happiness. A blissful marriage means a marital union where both partners enjoy deep and lasting happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment as man and wife.
How Long Does It Take To Have Blissful Marriage?
I have done my research to understand what a blissful marriage is and what it is not. What I also observed is, a blissful marriage often may not start from day one. Marriage is a unique institution and does really have one stance to judge whether it is blissful or not. What is important is that both individuals understand themselves and know how to make it work.
So if you are asking how long it takes to have a blissful marriage, it is within the timeframe both individuals understand themselves and take personal responsibility to make their union blissful. The time it takes partners to understand each other is the time it takes to have or enjoy blissful marriage.
It, therefore, means a blissful marriage is possible from the wedding night all through forever as long as both partners take individual responsibility to love, respect, submit and work out their marital union.
Best Things To Learn Before Marriage In 2023
5 Key Things You Should Learn Before Marriage
Things to Do to Have A Blissful Marriage
Things to Do for a Blissful Marriage
1. Love Without Conditions
Love entails accountability. Love is more than simply an emotion, especially when it comes to marriage. If you are a male, you have an automatic duty to love and take care of your wife as soon as you become hooked. To always submit to, respect, and honor her man is to truly love him as a wife.
2. Succeed to Attain Oneness
A profound sense of togetherness, connection, and partnership between two people who are dedicated to each other must exist for a happy marriage to take place. It stands for the coming together of two lives, hearts, and minds into one coherent whole.
3. Remain Committed
Marriage commitment is the dedication, loyalty, and constancy that spouses show for their union. It is the desire and readiness to uphold the union, overcome difficulties, and give priority to the well-being of the union. One of the major qualities that enable a marriage relationship to prosper is commitment. It is the duty of the two who unite to dedicate themselves to their relationship.
4. Prepare to Make Sacrifices
The goal of sacrifice is to put the relationship first. Putting your marriage and your partner first. It involves placing the relationship’s and one’s partner’s needs, wants, and well-being ahead of one’s own personal interests. It entails making sacrifices or compromises voluntarily for the benefit of the marriage and the fulfillment of both parties.
5. Listen with Attention
Many couples experience their spouse’s divided attention during talks or time spent together due to the distractions in today’s environment, particularly those brought on by our mobile gadgets. Being totally present and giving your partner your whole attention are prerequisites for attentive listening. One way to keep the conversation going is to participate in it actively, comprehend your partner’s viewpoint, and answer them in a way that shows you understand them. It is therefore advisable to set aside any activity that can compete for your attention and give the talk the upper hand.
6. Be Sensitive
What about marriage’s sensitivity? You should be able to spot your spouse’s changes in attitude, conduct, body language, and verbal cues. Take note of any other relevant information, such as illness, stress, rejection, or anything else. In essence, it involves being conscious of and receptive to one’s partner’s emotional needs, feelings, and experiences.
7. Receptivity
An atmosphere of trust and open communication is created when partners may honestly and transparently express their thoughts, feelings, desires, and worries. Enhancing closeness deepens the emotional bond and promotes a codependent and devoted relationship.
8. Be Submissive
The term “submission” can refer to a wife voluntarily giving or deferring to her husband’s leadership or authority within the partnership, depending on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. It’s crucial to remember that different people may understand and practice submission in different ways, but it should always be mutually agreed upon and based on respect and understanding. Coercion, oppression, or the suppression of one partner’s autonomy or well-being shouldn’t ever be used.
10. Keep Working Hard
When two people are married, they work together to make the most of their own resources, talents, and time in order to accomplish common objectives and keep their marriage healthy and happy. It entails actively cooperating, assisting in the marriage’s growth and development, and utilizing the potential of the union.
11. Respect
In a marriage, respect is valuing and honoring each other as people and as partners. It entails treating one another with regard, kindness, and empathy in order to establish a relationship marked by respect and support for one another. It is a crucial component of a strong and happy marriage. It entails respecting the limits, opinions, and feelings of one’s partner as well as treating them with dignity, regard, and esteem.
12. Forgive and Forget
Conflicts and misunderstandings are inevitable during the marriage journey. However, the capacity for forgiveness enables partners to let go of grudges, mend emotional wounds, and make room for development and regeneration. By choosing to forgive, we choose to let go of the burden of our past wrongdoings, promoting an environment of empathy, compassion, and understanding.
Final Words
The very foundation of marriage is love, with its limitless potential to heal, inspire, and connect. In the sacred union of marriage, two souls set out on a shared journey of development, assistance, and companionship, creating a timeless portrait of beauty and love. Reality is when love and marriage come together, the world becomes a more enchanted and wonderful place through the symphony of dedication, trust, and shared dreams that are produced.
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