What are those things we do for love? Little do we know, we all have equal opportunity to love and be loved. But it all bores down to the manner we approach the concept of love.
This blog post is about love and its corresponding results. It’s about what transpires in the background as we live our love life. You will find the paragraphs in poetic lines that aim to reveal what love can be and do to us.
First Things First
There is so much on the subject of love. We cannot stop talking about it because it is the central activity of our lives. Whether we know it or not, everyone craves love. After the whole hustle and bustle, we long to find someone to share how our day went.
As humans, we need someone special to hold, someone to cherish, someone to encourage us, someone to fight our fights and say when it needed most ‘I love You’.
Love is sweet but love is not easy. There is love unfeigned that comes from the heart and is not just common.
According to Carmen Jacob, most people don’t show their love because they are afraid of being seen as vulnerable. This could be why some people regard love as a weakness, not a strength.
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Praise for The Things We Do for Love
Things we do for love are unquantifiable. It’s in excess, better left than said.
Love involves paying prices and taking the pains as it comes, that is love! If not, what else could go through this path and gladly hands off self to give all for love?
Things we do for love are bigger than we envisaged. We thought it would be easy but as each moment passes it became obvious we were robbed of our hearts not with a gun but with gentle sweet melodious songs of the other’s heart. We could have come apart but how can we go when already entangled to last together?
Things we do for love are sometimes crazy, most times in fact. We want to give all we have and learn all about the other person to be more, as we can be. We do our best to put up a smile and do everything to live happily together.
Who Understands Love More, The Man Or The Woman?
When it comes to the things we do for love, who does less no longer matter. We do for our partners what we will ordinarily not do for anyone.
Understanding what love is, is not for a particular gender. Either of them can do as he knows best. Love is better understood by the strong, which can be the man or the woman.
Ideally, who knows or loves better shouldn’t count. Whoever is strong between the two can pay the price.
Love is for the strong in heart not the weak because love itself is strong.
It takes willingness, maturity, and forgiveness to love.
It is more than feeling emotions, so when it is not there, love continues.
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Who Are Love Victims?
So many people are carried away with what love is not. They know about love, and talk about it but have no true love experience.
The first love givers may have failed to give their love. For those who did not fail, kudos must be given to them.
True love gives warmth, peace, focus, understanding, and direction and it’s based on truth. No one can experience such love and remain the same. How amazing Love is.
Who Is Capable of Giving Love?
Only those who have experienced love know how best to love when they want to.
Love is not easy especially when it’s loving the unlovable. If we are true to ourselves, no one deserves love when himself is lacking in love to give another fellow.
However, whether we are capable of giving love or not, we can receive love and enjoy all that love has to offer.
When we give love, it touches every aspect of us as it comes from our hearts.
For love we allow ourselves to be defamed, mocked, and embarrassed. We focus on what we want to see happen not what is seen happening at the moment.
Lovers are givers. They live a life of giving and not expecting. What they expect is that those who receive love can reciprocate by giving love to others as well.
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What are Those Things We Do for Love
1. We Listen
Listening is an ability. When we listen, we make the other person feel appreciated, loved, and understood. This is one of the best things we do for love.
2. We Share
Loving is sharing. When we share what we have to the smallest things it proves our love. The other person feels the warmth and will almost often want to reciprocate.
3. We Commit Things to The Ones We Love
Another thing we do for love is to commit things to the hands of the other person. It shows our trust and acceptance.
4. We Correct in Love
Open rebuke is better than secret love. Love is not trying to play safe. It should bring freedom to be true to ourselves. Hence, we correct each other in love. When we correct in love, it shows our maturity and respect for the other person.
5. We Forgive
Having the ability to forgive those we love is the height of what we can do for love. Forgiveness is deep, it involves individual understanding and experience. For love, we can let go knowing to err is human.
6. We Tolerate
The ability to endure is one thing we do for love. the other person might not be on the same page with us on certain areas, but we can overlook and learn to bring them in.
7. We Show our Gratitude
Showing appreciation is very important to those we say we love. People don’t want to be taken for granted. When we appreciate their effort and sacrifices, they tend to feel loved and want to do more.
8. We Keep Our Promises
Promises kept, ignites, and make love work. When we fail to keep our promises, we should not give up on them. We can continue to employ all appropriate means within our power to keep our promise.
9. We Grow
We grow not for ourselves alone but for those we love also. Without growth, we continue to get obsolete and make the other person have nothing to look forward to in terms of our personal development. This can hinder or dwindle a relationship.
10. We Make Surprises
In an article published in psychology today, Erin Lebya emphasizes surprises add spark to our relationship and communicate how much we care. Make surprises often for the one you love.
11. Add Yours
For you, the things we do for love can be more. Add those things you do for love using the comment box below.
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