The University of Benin (UNIBEN) Faculty of Physical Sciences, Department of Chemistry 400 Level (Year Four) Courses, Course Codes and Course Credits for First and Second Semester.
Chemistry is a subject which cuts across practically every facet of human development. It is the bedrock of most industries and the principal discipline in the technology for the processing of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Recommended: Uniben 300 level chemistry courses
UNIBEN 400L First Semester Chemistry Courses
Course Code | Title | Credit |
CHM405 | Current Trends in Chemistry | 3 |
CHM411 | Organic Reaction Mechanism | 3 |
CHM412 | Coordination Chemistry | 3 |
CHM413 | Structure, bonding and Chemical Kinetics | 3 |
CHM414 | Applied Spectroscopy | 3 |
CHM415 | Molecular Spectroscopy | 2 |
CHM416 | Heterogeneous Catalysis | 2 |
CHM417 | Mineral Processing | 2 |
CHM418 | Processing & Properties of Polymer | 3 |
CHM419 | Organic Synthesis | 3 |
CHM431 | Instrument Methods of Analysis | 3 |
CHM499 | Final Year Project | 0 |
Total Credits | 23(E7) |
UNIBEN 400L Second Semester Chemistry Courses
Course Code | Title | Credit |
CHM421 | Chemical Technology | 3 |
CHM422 | Polymers: Properties & application | 3 |
CHM423 | Industrial Management | 2 |
CHM424 | Natural Products | 2 |
CHM425 | Statistical Thermodynamics | 2 |
CHM426 | Chemical Principles of Food Processing | 2 |
CHM427 | Petrochemistry | 2 |
CHM428 | Radiochemistry and Nuclear chemistry | 2 |
CHM429 | Fibre Science and colour chemistry | 3 |
CHM499 | Final Year Project | 6 |
Total Credits | 18(E9) |
CHM 405 – Current Trends in Chemistry Topics
a) Current topics in industrial chemistry
b) Climate change, the environment and Green chemistry
c) Nanochemistry
d) Computational chemistry and other current topics
CHM 411 – Organic Reaction Mechanism Topics
Methods of determining reaction mechanism. Critical treatment of nucleophilic substitution of saturated carbon and neighbouring group participation. Electrophilic addition to multiple bonds. Elimination reactions. Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Molecular rearrangements. Radical reactions.
CHM 412 – Coordination Chemistry Topics
Definition, recognition and applications of coordination compounds. Nomenclature. Coordination formula and isomerism in organic complexes. Stereochemistry of complex molecules.
Theories of structure and bonding. Physical methods of structural investigation. Spectrochemical series. The Naphelauxetic series and the John-Teller distortions. Stabilization of unusual oxidation states by complex stability constant, the chelate effect. Preparation and reactions of complexes, kinetics and mechanism.
CHM 413 – Structure bonding and Chemical kinetics
a. Complex reaction systems; distinction from elementary reactions. Examples of complete reactions. Concurrent reactions, opposing reactions, consecutive reactions. Radical reactions.
b. Theories of reaction rates: collision theory and absolute (Transition state) theory. Relationship between the two theories. Theory of unimolecular reactions. Lindermann’s theory, modifications and treatments by Hinshelwood, RRK, slater and RRKM.
c. Radiation-induced Chemical Reactions: Photochemistry: Quantum yields, fluorescence and phosphorescence, photosensitisation, flash photolysis applications.
d. Radiation chemistry: interaction of radiation with matter, ions and electrons. Radiolysis. Applications.
CHM 414 – Applied Spectroscopy Topics
The origin of spectra, wavelength, wave number, frequency and quantum relations. Laws of absorption principles, instrumentation and application of IR, UV, NMR, Mass spectroscopic techniques in the determination of structures of compounds.
CHM 415 – Molecular Spectroscopy Topics
Quantum theory of rotation and vibration. Theory of microwave, IR, RAMAN, UV, Visible and NMR spectroscopy. Theory of electronic absorption and emission (fluorescence and phosphorescence) spectral intensities, energies and polarizations General introduction to electron spin resonance, Mossbauer effect, nuclear quadruple resonance and other modern techniques.
CHM 416 – Heterogeneous Catalysis Topics
Characteristics of heterogenous catalysts. Mechanism of catalyst reactions. Catalysed heterogenous reactions. Reactions and diffusion within porous catalysts. External diffusion, pore diffusion. Poisoning of catalysts. Rate equation in terms of quantity of catalysts. Surface reactions.
Catalysis by solid surfaces, slightly, moderately and strongly adsorbed reactant gases. Retarded reactions. Costs related to poisoning and reactivation. Examples of catalytic polymerization and catalysed chemical reactions.
CHM 417- Mineral Processing Topics
Chemical processing of minerals. Hydrometallurgical processes, halogen processes and metallurgy. High temperature processes and metallurgical themochemistry. Characterization and utilization of clays and other ceramic materials (Emphasis on Nigeria clay deposits).
CHM 418- Processing and Properties of Polymer
a. Rheology of polymer melts and polyblends. Application of rheological and heat transfer equations in analyzing polymer processing operations. Mixing, basic concepts and characterization of mixing power requirements.
b. Review of polymer processing methods, solution application. Extrusion: extruder-based processes. Machine construction. Extrusion line layout. Extrusion blow molding, principles, mold features, design. Process variables. Theoretical analysis of cavity filling. Other processes: calendaring thermoforming, etc.
c. Chain Statistics and Structure: Freely-jointed chain and the Gaussian distribution; mean-square end –to-end distance and radius of gyration. Rotational isomeric-state model. Excluded volume.
d. Glass Transition Temperature:Bond rotation and energy barriers, free volume. Relation of chemical structure to Tg plasticization, secondary transitions, measurement of transitions.
e. Crystallization: Morhpology, nucleation, crystal growth, spherulite formation. Avram kinetics. melting behaviour.
f. Rubber-like state: Statistical molecular theories, single chain network theory, stress-strain relation for extension, compression and shear; thermodynamic analysis.
g. Time-Dependent Mechanical Behaviour: Creep; stress relaxation, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models, relaxation, spectra, Boltzman superposition principles; time-temperation superposition.
h. Anisotropy, Yield and Fracture: Polymer orientation, mathematical description, experimental studies on polymer films and fibres yield criteria, necking and cold-drawing. Fracture and fatigue.
i. Degradation Behaviour of Polymers: Reactions and processes of thermal oxidative and photochemical degradation.
CHM 419 – Organic Synthesis
Critical review of important reactions, reagents and methods including mechanisms in synthetic organic chemistry. Applications for synthesis of important and complex organic compounds. Survey of the organometallic chemistry of the representative elements. Preparations, reactions and uses.
CHM 421 – Chemical Technology Topics
a) Unit Operations. Heat transfer: classification of heat processes, conduction, convection and radiation, Fourier’s law, surface coefficient and overall coefficients. Heat exchangers and applications in chemical industry.
b) Material transfer: Basic principles, material balances, Basis and Units, Economic and technical factors in scaling up laboratory experiments. Properties and materials of construction. Instrumentation, control and Plant scale-up. Types of reactors: batch, flow and cascade (multi-batch reactors). Reactor design and optimization.
c) Potential raw materials and major sources of raw materials for chemical manufacture. Treatment of experimental data.
d) Elements of chemical engineering design. Treatment of some industrial inorganic and organic industrial chemical processes; Industrial production of ammonia, sulphuric acid, nitric acid.
e) Hazards and Safety in Chemical industry
CHM 422 Polymer: properties and applications Topics
CHM 423 – Industrial Management 3 Credits
Fundamentals of investment evaluation. Fixed investment, working capital, fixed capital. Cost estimate, unit and instrumental cost. Fixed capital control.
Manufacturing cost estimation and cost control. Profitability control and calculation of returns on investment. Modern industrial analysis and planning. Introduction to management. Modern industrial organization. Principles of modern management, process planning and evaluation of work.
CHM 424 – Natural Products Topics
Chemistry of terpenoids, steroids and alkaloids. General methods of 0isolation, separation purification and structural determination of natural products. Classifications. Discussion of the chemistry of important natural products, their applications and biogenesis
CHM 425 – Statistical Thermodynamics Topics
Microstates and randomness. Ensembles, probability and distribution functions statistical thermodynamics of gases. The calculation of the modynamic equilibrium constants from partition functions. Statistical thermodynamics of monatomic solids; introduction to Fermi-Dirac and Dose-Einstein statistics
CHM 426- Chemical Principles Of Food Processing
Production of sugar wings spirits beers jelly, juices, ice-cream, margarine, chocolate selected Nigerian foods, etc. Food dehydration, cooling and freezing.
Food canning food additive and toxicology water activity and food stability. Chemical and physical principles governing various methods of food processing and preservation.
CHM 427– Petrochemistry Topics
Raw materials for organic chemical manufacture, potential raw materials and current major sources. Petroleum and naturals and current major sources. Petroleum and natural gas; utilization and petrochemical feed stocks. Cracking for ethylene-naphta cracking. Acethylene by cracking and other processes.
Ethylene and propylene based products and processes. C – 4 streams from naphta crackers. Synthetic rubbers. Seam reforming and consequences. Aromatic hydrocarbon sources and derivatives.
CHM 428 – Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry
Natural radioactions, fission and fusion. Decay processes. Nature of radiation. Nuclear models, energetic of nuclear reactions. Principles and measurement of radioactivity. Applications of radioactivity: activation analysis, isotope exchange reactions, isotope dilution and trace analysis in kinetic and equilibria studies. Radiation hazards.
CHM 429 – Fibre Science and colour Chemistry
a. Terms and definitions used in Textile industry e.g denier tax, etc. General survey of the chemical composition, structure and reactivity of natural and man made fibres. Preparation, properties and application of synthetic fibres and chemically modified natural fibres.
b. General survey of fibre processing techniques: melt, dry and wet spring etc. General survey of textile processing from fibre to fabric. Orientation and drawing for fibres after treatment: scouring, lubrication, sizing and bleaching Dyeing of fibres: fibre – finishing e.g water proofing, fire proofing, rot proofing etc. Testing of fibres.
c. Dyes and Pigments Classification of dyestuff and pigments. Theory of colour constitution, properties and application of dyestuffs and pigments. Reactive dyestuff, disperse dyestuff and pigments. Fluorescent dyestuff and pigments. Relationship between colour and fastness properties.
CHM 499 – Final Year Project & Seminar 6 Credits
Recommended: Uniben 100 level to final year courses
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