The issue of Jamb cut off mark for all Universities and Polytechnics in Nigeria is the most controversial subject so far. Going online, you will see different blogs with different Jamb cut off marks for all Schools.
With every passing year, Jamb candidates complain that they score very high and even above the cut off mark but fail to secure admission to study their desired course.
A question comes to mind, what is Jamb general cut off mark and what does it really mean? Today, you will get a complete guide on Jamb General cut off mark and Departmental Cut off for Universities and Polytechnics in Nigeria.
Recommended: Reasons you may not gain admission
After the release of Jamb results, the performance of candidates who applied for various Universities and Polytechnics in Nigeria are being analysed by Jamb officials.
This will make them settle for a particular Jamb cut off mark that will qualify candidates to go for screening in their various institutions of choice.
Jamb may announce 2021 cut off mark for Universities to be 180 and that of polytechnics as 160. However, this general cut off mark doesn’t guaranty your admission.
The Jamb general cut off mark just makes you eligible for Post UTME Screening. In fact, top schools in Nigeria won’t accept anything less than 200 Jamb Score. Such schools include UNIBEN, UNILAG & OAU.
How Jamb Cut off Mark Works
Jamb announces cut off marks based on the general performance of candidates in UTME. Jamb cut of mark is the minimum every School must follow. Some schools can choose to use a higher cur off mark.
Schools set General, Faculty and Departmental cut off marks that will enable them admit the exact number of candidates they want for that year. These cut off marks also depend on how candidates perform.
For example, If 20,000 UNIBEN Aspirants Score 200 or above In Jamb and Uniben has to admit only 10,000 of them, a general cut off mark will be set to give around 15,000 candidates a chance to sit for Post UTME while a departmental cut off will be set after Post UTME to enable 10,000 Candidates Gaind admission.
Schools combine Jamb and Post UTME Score to arrive at an Aggregate Score. It is this aggregate score that is used for admission. This is why you need to score high in both Jamb and Post UTME.
Some persons may score lower than you in Post UTME and still gain admission while you don’t. This is simply because admission is not only based on merit. There are three admission criteria and I have explained all of them in my article on University admission guide.
Jamb Score That Gives Sure Admission
Various institutions compile the Name of aspirants and send them to different Faculties in the school for post UTME Screening.
After screening, Jamb score and post UTME score of various candidates are combined. The aggregate performance forms the basis for a departmental cut off mark (E.g Electrical Engineering cut off mark, Law cut off mark, Industrial Physics cut off mark, etc).
Schools send the names of those to be admitted to Jamb for approval and upload. This is how you get your Jamb admission status on Jamb caps.
Do you want to know the exact Jamb score you need for sure admission? Click Here.
Lower Score Doesn’t Mean No Admission
Some candidates with a lower score can gain admission before those with higher scores. There are many reasons this can happen.
The departmental cut off mark for different schools vary. In fact, it varies for the various departments in a faculty. For example, Medicine and Surgery cut off mark can be 88/100 while Adult Education cut off can be 50/100. This implies that someone with 51 can gain admission while another person with 85 won’t.
Cut off also varies with schools. The guy who scores 87% in Uniben may not get Medicine that particular year while the Covenant University aspirant can merit it with a score of 70%. It is easier to gain admission in less competitive schools and courses.
Even in the same school, cut off marks vary from Faculty to Faculty and From Department to Department. In Engineering, Electrical and Mechanical generally have the highest cut off marks while production Engineering have lower cut off. The more competitive your course is, the higher your cut off. Strive to score very high. You may want to see the Jamb score that guarantees your admission here.
How To Make Admission Easy For You
To Gain admission easily in 2021:
- Choose a less competitive school
- Choose a less competitive course
- Do well in Jamb and Post Jamb
- Choose a School in your State or nearby
- Go for a change of course/institution if necessary.
Do you want to go through a list of Jamb cut off marks for various Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education in Nigeria? Worry No more. CLICK HERE to see cut off mark for all Institutions.
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Emmanuel Juliet says
I score 178 can I study law in esut