When will Jamb Change of institution begin for direct entry candidates and how do I change my course? This is what we shall discuss here. Jamb has opened the portal for direct entry candidates to do their change of course, Institution and other correction of Data.
As a Jamb direct entry candidate, you may want to do a change of course or institution for reasons best known to you. One of the reasons to change course or school is when you realise that the school you filled initially doesn’t accept lower credit or offer your desired course.
As for how much it costs to do Jamb D.E change of course or institution it is #2,500 only. Payment can be made online or at the bank. It is the same price to carry out every other correction of data like name, local government area, date of birth and gender.
How To Do Change of Course And Institution For Direct Entry
- Login to your jamb profile
- open the menu tab on your jamb profile
- Click Register, under register a drop box will appear showing UTME correction of data
- Click it and follow the steps to pay either online or bank.
You can make your payment online via JAMB portal. If you are having difficulties doing that, you can pay to the bank.
After paying N2500 at the bank plus an additional bank charge of N100, proceed to either the closest JAMB office or a JAMB accredited center to complete the process. An additional fee will be charged for the service.
That’s all… You are done with Jamb correction of details. After the Jamb change of institution, wait a few days for the changes you made to take effect.
Recommended: How to upload your de awaiting result
Anonymous says
I have an National Diploma in computer Engineering, can I apply for computer science? Pls help isaac
Flash Isaac says
Abdulmumuni says
Good afternoon sir pls I when to jamb office and I converted jamb to d.e but I when to registered my post utme and the are telling me that d.e is incurred pls I need help is used to take some day before started or how thanks
Anonymous says
Good afternoon sir pls Sir I when to jamb jamb office and I converted jamb to d.e but I when to registered post utme and the telling me is incurred d.e code why
lawal says
Sir can i change it through my phone
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Usman Abdulgafar says
Please, someone should help me with the questions. Is it possible for an NCE holder to do a changing of course to any professional course in University or during the admission process?
Ogah musa says
i did ND at nastech in tourism wit GP 3.50 nd i wnt to chnge to cputer science at FULAFIA d e is it possible.
Funmi adeyale says
Pls is changing of institute for direct entry still on
Debbie says
Is there any hope of Jamb extending the date for the sales of direct entry forms?
Ami says
Pls after changing ur D.E course/institution ,wil any slip be printed for you?? And if yes!! d slip always ask one to reprint your result slip..how can u do it when u did not take part in the utme exam cos u r for direct entry??? And it says dat d slip is invalid,dat jamb will treat only a genuinely submitted change of cox!!!
So wat is one suppose to do??
Uwaoma Chiamaka says
I went to jam b office they told me i cannot change my institution that i should wait after the exam, and now i don’t know what to do
Jenny says
guy u r good
I’m informed
itunu says
have did the changing of course and institutions and its as been successful but the school which I choose as not yet seen my changing what do I do did my regnum 75674999BB and my e mail [email protected]
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Jamb will send it to them. You don’t have to do anything
itunu says
have did my changing of institution but the the school as not yet seen my name ,what do I do and I won’t to do the screening
Isaac Inegbenehi says
It will appear soon
Juliet says
Flash pls, when will jamb open their portal for awaiting result
Ubadimma Obinna says
pls pls an sorry can I see my waec result
Ubadimma Obinna says
can I see my result
Matt says
when will the change of course be re opened
Sarah says
is the change of course still available for those who didn’t write the supplementary exam
Isaac Inegbenehi says
It will be available for everyone
Emmy says
Pls any news on jamb Direct entry form….?
Aluko Festus Temitope says
How can I print my choice of institutions slip