Jamb Introduced new admission method which began in the year 2017. The process is called Jamb Central Admission Processing System (CAPS). It is through Jamb CAPS that you can Check and accept or reject Jamb admission.
Today, I will guide you on how Jamb Caps work and the 20 Jamb admission process flow. You may click here for how to check your admission status on Caps and accept/reject or continue reading about Jamb Caps.
Jamb Caps is the Step-by-Step Process Flow of the Admission Exercise for the Education and Information of the general public and the stakeholders, particularly the Candidates.
Jamb CAPS For Jamb Admission Process Flow
This is the process Jamb follows to start giving admission to Candidates. The following are processes that your details go through before you are finally admitted.
1. Forwarding Names Of Those Who Passed Jamb :
After successful completion of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and release of results, lists of Candidates are forwarded to their various Institutions of choice.
2. General Cut Off Mark:
JAMB thereafter requests all Institutions to use the Lists to determine their respective Cut off Marks and forward the same general cut off mark list to JAMB ahead of the Policy Meeting and programme (course).
3. Departmental Cut Off:
JAMB receives and collates Individual Institution and programme (course) Cut Off Marks as determined by their respective Senate/Academic Board.
4. Caps Specialists Trained:
Three (3) Representatives of Institutions- (Vice Chancellors / Registrars / Provosts), Registrars and Admissions Desk Officers ere trained on the Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS)
5. Jamb Caps Policy Meeting:
Policy Meeting holds with Heads of Tertiary Institution and Regulators to determine, among others, the General Cut Off Marks for categories of institutions, based on earlier submissions of individual Cut Off marks by the Institutions.
6. Admission Factors In Caps:
Based on requests at the Policy Meeting, JAMB requires each Institution to reconfirm its Cut Off Marks and Sets the Cut Off Mark and other Institution specific parameters such as other Admissions Criteria (e.g. Post UTME Screening) and carrying capacity on CAPS.
7. Students Record Forwarding:
Institutions download (from CAPS) details of Candidates that meet the Institution’s and program’s Cut Off Mark and had selected them as First Choice Institutions. JAMB additionally provides soft copy of the same information on CDs to Institutions
8. Uploading Result To Jamb Portal:
Candidates using awaiting Waec or neco result are to upload it to Jamb portal immediately it is out. Use this link to see how to upload o-level result –Awaiting Results Candidates upload their results to JAMB Portal
9. Post UTME :
Institutions may conduct Post UTME Screenings for downloaded candidates.
10. Post UTME Result:
Post UTME results are being considered as admission factor by schools. Where applicable, the results are uploaded to CAPS to obtain aggregate scores for the candidates.
11. Jamb Caps Ranking Signal:
CAPS ranks and suggests candidates that meet the Institution’s Admissions Criteria as configured on the system by the Institution.
12. List Of Successful Candidates In Caps:
The Admissions Desk Officer of the Institution reviews the List of the Suggested Candidates and makes the decision as to which candidates to select for further processing.
The Admissions Desk Officer generates a List of Proposed Candidates for review and approval of the Head of the Institution
13. Proposed Candidates
The Head of the Institution reviews the List of Proposed Candidates as appropriates and push the List of Recommended Candidates.
14. Review of Recommended Candidates
The JAMB (Admission Officer) reviews the Recommended Candidates to confirm they are from those initially sent to the Institution; met the Admissions Criteria as advertised in the brochure and as set on CAPS by the Institution, including upload of and confirm that no qualified candidate has been unjustly denied Admission.
15. Admission Status:
JAMB generates a List of Provisional Admissions.
16. Accept Admission
How To Accept Admission In Caps: JAMB notifies Candidates to Accept / Reject Admission. Click here to know whether you have been offered admission and accept it.
17. Reject Admission
Rejecting Admission: Rejects Admission on the JAMB Portal or through USSD or Short Service Code within 72 hours.
18. Forwarding Of Admission Acceptance:
If Candidate Accepts Provisional Admission, JAMB updates Admission Status and forwards List of Confirmed Admissions to the Institution
19. Caps Admission Letter Printing:
Candidate prints Admission Letter and Proceeds to the Institution for further internal Admission Processing. Click here for how to print your admission letter.
20. What If You Reject Admission?:
If Candidate Rejects Admission, he/she becomes available in the Market Place for further possible consideration for Admissions.
Jamb Caps Market Place Operations
The Market Place feature in CAPS provides flexibility for the Institutions to source for candidates who may not have earlier chosen the institution for Admission consideration.
Institutions may specify various selection parameters such as UTME score, State/ Local Government, Gender, preferred programmes /course of the Candidates.
The List of Candidates so selected from the Market Place are then pushed to JAMB who then notify the Candidates of Market Place consideration by Institutions. The candidate may Accept / Reject Market Place consideration, subject to a maximum of three (3) Market Place considerations at a time.
The Candidates could also approach the Market Place to announce availability for Admission consideration from any institution or for any programme different from those earlier indicated during the UTME Registration, provided s/he has requisite O’ Level Results and wrote the required subject combination in the UTME.
Any agreement or understanding on Admission consideration between the Institution and candidate based on Market Place operations will have to be effected with a requirement for the Candidate to effect a Change of Institution on the JAMB Portal to be available for Download (Step 6 above) by the new Institution to follow the subsequent steps in the Admission Process.
The existing window for candidates to change Institution or Programme in addition to the Market Place is still available through the e-Facility.
Institutions can download (Step 6 of the Admission Process) list of additional candidates who have changed to the institutions since the last download Admissions of candidates can be processed instantly or in batches by Institutions. That’s all.
Recommended: How to print your Jamb admission letter
olaniyi says
please i can find jamb caps on my jamb profile is it that they removed it or what please
Akan says
Hello Sir, the School has offer me admission but Jamb is Still displaying No admission offered yet. Pls what should i do.
Joshua says
Can we access de admission on cap ?
abdulazeez nimatu says
mine is not yet admitted please do help me
John utibe says
Sir i just upLoaded my result,but sir is it late already?
Ismail Rukayat says
Sir anytime I log in to jamb caps,its always showing invalid credentials when it’s actually correct. sir what could be the problem. I am feeling nervous
Awe Mayowa Abigeal says
Same is happening her oo…. Please help….
Joshua says
When I log in I jamb caps I could not see my details and I uploaded my results while registering and it is written ‘sorry no admission offered yet’please,what could be the problem?
Musa Idris Tambuwal Sokoto State says
Even Mine It Shows Invalid Email Or Password While They Are Correct.
What Is The Matter?
Ishola zion says
Please I need to know if OAU has released it’s admission list
NNI says
Can I do a change of course now that we are in November.
Peace Nimsel says
Mine is no admission is given yet
Dauda ibrahim says
Is it necessary for every applicant to upload its result before he could be given admission sir
Umar Muhammad Adam says
Pls sir? Despite my been admitted by school and uploaded the o’level, my caps is still showing not admitted.
What is this mean?
Anonymous says
my jamb caps is showing me WELLSPRING UNIVERSITY
in my marketplace, and i rejected it but it will not just live there and i am not admitted
Badmus Ayobami says
My daughter apply for law but she has an aggregate of 71 instead of 74.75,but not to waste her time,I approached the dean on the issue from the faculty of arts,but today when I checked caps,the course has been changed but not admitted is still written bodily there.Pls is there any chance?
Badmus Ayobami says
I want the reply urgently because I’m curious about it.Pls.
Biggy nwa says
Pls sir. I changed university due to low score to another university, an now the previous university have promised to give me admission. Is it possible for me to see it in jamb caps or has it a solution to bring back previous university as my first choice to accept it. Pls i need answers?
Anonymous says
My is writing no admission is giving yet I don’t understand
Seyi says
U don’t go to the right place
Anonymous says
Pls wat is the right place
Abubakar khadijat omowumi says
sir mine is saying sorry no addmission is given yet! pls help a sister
damilola says
I have been given admission on jamb caps,but the sch’ s portal is saying I am not yet admitted
olaleye dorcas says
sir, my email is having problem it is writing invalid but am confuse Bcs I used my teacher’s email during jamb registration but my own for my school processing which had mistake at d email what can I do
Anonymous says
If i reject an admission because of the course I’m offered,is it possible for me to be reconsidered for another course by the same university and what happens if I don’t accept nor reject an admission?
David John sam says
Admission not given yet that’s my own response
justinah says
Have nt check mine bt can i wait for school own
Lydia says
Sir I was offered admission for the school but jamb as not give me admission yet why?