It is true that you don’t need to be a Programmer before you can run a WordPress blog. With WordPress Themes and Free Plugins, you’re good to go. You can even use a phone or tablet to blog.
However, there are times when you need to perform simple tasks using codes. For example, you may want to align a text or place Adsense codes and do other minor stuff on your blog. You don’t have to always beg people for help.
You may not need to use codes while creating content in WordPress. The Classic Editor is there for you. In fact, Gutenberg has features that will enable you to do magic without writing a single code. All said and done, the knowledge of HTML is essential.
Basic HTML For Bloggers
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It contains markup tags used to describe, classify, and structure elements in an email/webpage. Browsers will read the coding and will show what we see. HTML is a Language used to write web pages.
Everything you see on your computer or phone browser is created using HTML. All websites on the web are made using this language.
Tim Berners-Lee is the father of HTML. he is called the inventor of the web (www). Many call Tim Berners Lee the father of the Internet.
The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most important thing on the Internet. Without it, it is very hard to connect to each other. People could not do online business in the past because there was no Internet.
Another important stuff is the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It defines how messages are transmitted and formatted on the Web. HTTPS is HTTP with additional Security. the S in HTTPS stands for Secure. A blog is said to be secure if it is https-enabled.
HTML and CSS work together. HTML is used to create Websites while CSS helps to beautify the webpages. CSS are the clothes of that skeleton you made using HTML. It is responsible for the design, colours and shape. Javascript makes a webpage interactive. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. Google Adsense ads are mainly JavaScript codes.
How HTML Works
HTML consists of a series of syntax typed into a text file by the site author ”” these are the tags. The text is then saved as an HTML file, and viewed through a browser, like Google Chrome. This browser reads the file and translates the text into a visible form.
The tags are what separate normal text from HTML code. You might know them as the words between the<angle-brackets>
They allow all the cool stuff like images and tables and stuff, just by telling your browser what to render on the page.
Different tags will perform different functions. The tags themselves don’t appear when you view your page through a browser, but their effects do. The simplest tags do nothing more than apply formatting to some text, like this:
<b>These words will be bold</b> because of the <b> and </b> tag. The first one is the opening tag for bold. While </b> is the closing tag. For html to work, you must close any tage you open.
- This is opened <>
- This is closed tag </>
In the example above, the <b>
tags were wrapped around some text, and their effect will be that the contained text will be bolded when viewed through an ordinary web browser.
HTML Codes You Must Know As Blogger
Using HTML Tags is very easy. All you need to do is open and close the tag. The text or the document inside the tags will be affected. For example, If I want to create a title (e.g 5 Programming languages for Bloggers) for my article, all I need to do is open and close the title tag.
<title>5 Programming languages for Blogger</title>
Below are HTML tags you must know.
<title> – Since all web pages must have a title, so this self-explanatory tag will put the title of the web page in the title bar of your browser. The closing pair of this tag is </title>.
Note: In the next 24 tags, I will not provide the closing pair, it is understood that one is required (or none for tags that are called empty tags).
<a> – Since the web is hypertext, the <a> tag makes all those links possible.
href – this tag is used inside the <a> tag and represents the url where the link will jump into.
<img> – Web pages are supposed to show images together with text. The <img> tag indicates that an image will be shown on the page
src – The src attribute is the file name of the image to be displayed
alt – The alt attribute is used to provide a short description to the image. This is useful for sight impaired users who use text to speech synthesizers. The alt text will tell these users what the image is all about.
<p> – Indicates that text enclosed by the <p> tag is paragraph text
<h1> ”¦ <h6> – Provides structure to your text. <h1> is the most important heading while <h6> is not.
<ol> – Another tag that provides structure and stands for ordered list.
<ul> – A tag that says that what follows is an unordered list, much like bullet points
<li> – an item that belongs to a list
<html> – serves as the container for the document and it marks the beginning and the end of markup
<head> – a section of html where header information such as title and links to stylesheets are found
<body> a section of html that contains content
<link rel> indicates that an external file is linked to the current html document and is commonly used to link an external stylesheet to format the contents of the document
<div>– A division or a section of a page. Used as an additional means to provide structure to HTML.
class – an attribute used in <div> used for formatting HTML when stylesheets are used. When class is used, it means that this type of styling can occur many times in the document
id – another attribute found in <div> and is for formatting HTML when stylesheets are used. A particular id tag can only be used once
<script> denotes that text inside this tag is script that will add dynamic and interactive capabilities to the page
type used inside the script tag to tell the browser what scripting language is used. The most common type of scripting language is text/javascript. Scripts of type text/vbscript fell out of favor.
<form> – denotes that the area enclosed by this tag is an HTML form that can accept user input
<input> used inside an HTML form and is used to accept user input or submit the input
type – used inside input and may either accept entry of data through text boxes, radio buttons or select boxes. Is also used to show a submit button if type is equal to “submit”
label – used in forms and will label HTML input elements
<!->– comment tag. Used to add text to your document that will not be displayed in the browser and is useful to document the design of the page.
Note: This is a general introduction to HTML. Download good HTML pdfs to go deep. Search Head First HTML for dummies pdf on google or HTML for dummies pdf.
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Flashschoolgist says
This is very helpful sir, knowing the basics of html, but I moved to learning wider now as it gives me joy coding.
Judo for this post once again, beginners need to see this!
Michael Flash says
Flash Issac on this one,, very helpful sir
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Good to know
S.kamal says
Thank you role model 🙌🙌🙌
Isaac Inegbenehi says
You are more than welcome