Jamb CAPS Admisson which is now very popular was introduced in 2019. Below was the article I published to announce the New Jamb Admission Method.
Jamb set to use Caps to admit candidates starting from Jamb 2019 admission. If you read my article on Jamb 2019 admission process and when Jamb will start giving admission, I stated all the Jamb admission criteria and how to get admitted.
Now, back to the topic at hand, “Jamb Set To Use CAPS Method For 2019 Admission”. A question comes to mind, what is this method that Jamb wants to start using again? It is called Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS).
Prof. Oloyede led management is working to ensure transparent, acceptable and fair admission process.
“We have designed software known as Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS), where human interference will be completely removed, to promote credibility.
This means that the admission criteria would be programmed into the software and it will select candidates blindly according to the institutions’ requirement without any primordial consideration.
Recommended: How to check your admission status on jamb caps
The cut off and requirements to be used for you depends on your course and school of choice. Less competitive schools will have lower cut off marks and requirements.
If you have a good Jamb score and meets the requirements of your school of choice, then you are good to go. You may want to see how to check 2019 Jamb admission status here.
See Also: When Jamb will release admission list.
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