In this article, I shall give you 120 key Points in Jamb English Literature. Feel free to study the hot key points in Jamb Physics.
Did you know that Literature is studied as a subject in school because it exposes students to the realities of life? Now you know.
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Questions In Literature For Jamb 2025
1. The plot of a novel is best described as a summary of the story.
2. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because it ends unhappily.
3. A novel can be described as an extended prose narrative covering a wide range of characters and experience.
4. A play is a drama because it can be acted on the stage.
5. In telephone conversation, the tone of the question “you mean-like plain or milk chocolate?’ is Sarcastic.
6. Poetry deals with emotion and ideas.
7. The main purpose of drama is to educate and entertain us.
8. Paradox is a a statement or position that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Paradox is a very common figure of speech.
9. The ‘Myth of the Bagre’ is recited at the coming age of young men and women.
10. Dramatic Irony entails a statement that means more than is evident to to its maker.
11. The dominant rhetorical device used in poem is Personification.
12. The title of Achebe’s things fall apart is taken from poem written by W.B Yeats.
13. A sonnet is a Poem with fourteen lines.
14. Dialogue is important in drama because it reveals the mind of the characters.
15. The dominant mood in Senghor’s peom ‘In Memoriam’ is one of Nostalgia
16. Achebe’s Things Fall Apart can be described as historical novel.
17. To be complete, a play must have a conflict.
18. ‘Assonance’ is a product of a poet’s use of similar sounding vowels.
19. A well known epic in English Literature is Paradise Lost.
20. Because of his fiery temper as a youth, Odewale was called the Scorpion.
21. A deliberate use of exaggeration for humour or emphasis is known as Hyperbole.
22. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ is an example of Metonym.
23. In Poetry, elegiac mood typically attends the occasion or experience of death and decay.
24. In the poem ‘The Vultures’, David Diop suggests that the Christian missionaries were agents of Colonialism.
25. Characterisation in a novel means the mode of presenting the fictional individuals.
26. The tragedy in Romeo and Juliet occurred as a result of circumstances rather than flaws in character.
27. Caricature is used to ridicule a person by distorting his most prominent features.
30. The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one is called Euphemism.
31. Any work of literature which sets out to instruct may be called definitive.
32. The novel, The Novella and the Short Story are the major sub-genres of prose fiction.
33. A couplet is a succession of two rhyming lines.
34. An allegory is a story in which people or things or events have another meaning.
35. Alliteration is the repetition of two or more words having the same initial consonant sound.
36. And ODE is described as lyrical poem addressed to some persons or things.
37. ‘The child is the father of the man’ is an example of Paradox.
38. A play is called comedy when there is a happy resolution of contradictions.
39. The persons who take part in a play are sometimes referred to as dramatis personae.
40. A form of writing in which the poet writes with nostalgia about simple village life is PASTORAL.
41. An imitation, bordering on ridicule of an author’s style and ideas is known as Parody.
42. Criticism is a literary activity which seeks to analyse and evaluate a literary work.
43. In Poetry, ‘run-on-line’ can be found in most kinds of poem.
44. In a work of literature, plot is constructed on recurring events.
45. In literary work, setting refers to the sum of physical, social and historical circumstances.
46. The epilogue in a literary composition is at the end.
47. ‘The Fulani creation story’ suggests that the basic problem of man is Pride.
48. The dominant literary device in in Diop’s Vanity is rhetorical questions.
49. The speech made by a character to himself on stage is SOLILOQUY.
50. The continuation of meaning without pause, from one line to the next is enjambment.
Key Points In Literature For Jamb 2025
- The climax of a story is the point of highest emotional intensity or turning point.
- An antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist.
- Foreshadowing is a literary device that hints at future events in a story.
- A protagonist is the main character around whom the story revolves.
- Symbolism in literature involves using symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
- Irony occurs when there is a contrast between expectation and reality.
- Imagery is the use of vivid language to create sensory impressions.
- A theme is the central idea or message conveyed by a literary work.
- Tone in literature refers to the author’s attitude toward the subject or audience.
- A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things without using “like” or “as.”
- In a tragedy, the protagonist often experiences a downfall due to a fatal flaw.
- Satire is used in literature to criticize human vice or folly.
- A motif is a recurring element or idea in a literary work.
- The setting of a story includes the time and place of the action.
- Flashback is a technique used to present events that happened earlier than the main story.
- A dynamic character undergoes significant internal change throughout the story.
- A static character remains largely unchanged from beginning to end.
- Personification is a figure of speech in which non-human objects are given human qualities.
- An allusion is a reference to a well-known work, event, or person.
- Free verse poetry does not follow regular rhyme or rhythm patterns.
- Dramatic monologue is a type of poem in which a speaker addresses a silent listener.
- A foil is a character who contrasts with another, usually the protagonist, to highlight traits.
- The resolution in a story is the part where the conflict is resolved.
- The denouement is the final part of a story where loose ends are tied up.
- Verbal irony occurs when a speaker says one thing but means another.
- Situational irony is when the opposite of what is expected occurs.
- Cosmic irony involves fate or destiny playing a cruel joke on the characters.
- An omniscient narrator has knowledge of all characters’ thoughts and feelings.
- A limited narrator only has insight into one character’s inner thoughts.
- A first-person narrator tells the story from their own perspective.
- A soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage to reveal inner thoughts.
- Allegory is a narrative where characters and events represent larger ideas.
- A stanza is a group of lines forming a unit in a poem.
- A quatrain is a stanza of four lines with a specific rhyme scheme.
- The rising action in a story builds up the main conflict.
- An epic is a long narrative poem about heroic deeds and events.
- Hyperbole is an exaggeration used for emphasis or effect.
- Oxymoron combines contradictory terms, such as “jumbo shrimp.”
- A fable is a short story that teaches a moral lesson, often with animals as characters.
- Paradox is a statement that appears self-contradictory but may reveal a truth.
- Anthropomorphism gives human traits to animals, gods, or objects.
- A narrative poem tells a story with a structured plot and characters.
- Euphony is the use of harmonious sounds to create a pleasing effect.
- Cacophony is the use of harsh, discordant sounds for effect.
- The exposition introduces the background information and characters in a story.
- An elegy is a poem reflecting on death or loss.
- Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations of a word.
- Denotation is the literal dictionary meaning of a word.
- A protagonist’s journey or quest is often central to epic literature.
- A ballad is a narrative poem that is meant to be sung.
- The use of “iambic pentameter” refers to a specific poetic meter with ten syllables per line.
- An ode is a lyrical poem addressing a particular subject with reverence.
- In medias res begins the narrative in the middle of the action.
- Catharsis is the emotional release felt by the audience at the end of a tragedy.
- A red herring is a clue intended to mislead readers in mystery stories.
- The tragic flaw, or “hamartia,” often leads to the hero’s downfall.
- Pathetic fallacy is attributing human emotions to nature, often reflecting characters’ moods.
- Apostrophe in literature is addressing an absent person or concept directly.
- Epiphany is a sudden moment of realization or insight for a character.
- A tragic hero is a protagonist with a fatal flaw leading to their downfall.
- A farce is a comedy based on exaggerated, improbable events.
- A memoir is a type of autobiography focused on specific experiences.
- An unreliable narrator may distort or misinterpret events in the story.
- Deus ex machina is an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation.
- A rhetorical question is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer.
- Colloquial language reflects everyday, informal speech.
- Blank verse is unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter.
- A foil in literature serves to highlight another character’s traits through contrast.
- Dramatic structure typically follows the five-act format: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
- An epilogue is a concluding section at the end of a literary work that reflects on or provides additional insight.
Mordecai Semshak Gorinji says
Thank you sir
Joy says
Thanks so much sir
Faith says
Thank you sir
Rosemary says
Thanks sir
But sir on literary appreciation I need
Enlightenment on it sir
christianah says
selected books for literature is not included
abiodun kausara says
thanks so much
Oliver beatrice says
Pls i want to study phsycology,is lit,crk,govt and eng ok?
owolabi pelumi says
dis is very helpful thanx
favourite says
thank a lot
Anonymous says
What are the novels to be read for literature in English
Urgent pls
faith says
this was really helpful thanks alot
Faith says
Native son
Lonely days
baba jeje says
thanks i love it
baba jeje says
gv me ur what app group num
Ella says
Can I get a clearer definition of #41 parody… Sorry buh Ah still don’t get it
Anonymous says
Can I get a clearer definition of #41 parody… Sorry buh Ah still don’t get it
Ella says
Wow nice…. Luv dis
Ella says
Wow nice did piece
Anonymous says
Plz how can I join the what’s app group
rojaiye amanda says
this is helpful=) but please note that the use of personification depends on the poem.
omosaye joy says
Good evening i am on whatapp pls can i be part og this great thing sir may the lord bless you
Divine says
Sir Your definition of dramatic irony is wrong it actually means that the reader or audience knows something that one or more characters in a piece of drama are not aware of
Anonymous says
Sir Your definition of dramatic irony is wrong it actually means that the reader or audience knows something that one or more characters in a piece of drama are not aware of
Marvis says
Go and read your books again.
please sir, can i be able to see this questions in jamb hall that day? sir
Anonymous says
Pls wot is peripeteia and bildungsroman and malapropism
gracious d says
can i forge ahead with lit,gov,eng,and economics in law
Anonymous says
Everything is okay Economics is not too advised but works
Godwin says
please how can I join the WhatsApp group of flash learner’s on jamb?
Mide David says
Thank you so much