We have had 30 amazing moments and posts so far on the Flashlearners Jamb Series. Today, I shall be doing a sweet summary of Part Sixteen (16) to Thirty (30) of the Flashlearners JAMB Series.
The Summary of Part 1 to 15 is also available. You may want to click here to go over what we have discussed from the beginning to part fifteen. Accessing all my series is very simple. Visit the flashlearners video page to enjoy Jamb Videos.
Now, It is better to train for a higher score than trying to repair a low Jamb score. Without wasting much time, take a glass of chilled water, fasten your seat belt and let’s begin the journey.
Part 16: FlashLearners WhatsApp Group?
I introduced a WhatsApp group in part 16. The purpose of the group was to bring some Jamb candidates closer. Many had the opportunity to ask me questions directly and as well collected my number.
The group met the needs of Jamb candidates all over the country. However, the FlashLearners WhatsApp group has now been discontinued until further notice. continue reading
Part 17: Books To Read For English
If you are still wondering about the best books to read to pass Jamb use of English then your problem is small. I have been able to analyze and list the best books you should read for Jamb English.
To get a commendable score, then you must study the recommended books. These textbooks and materials are the best you should read for Jamb 2019… continue for the best English books
Part 18: Textbooks To Read For Jamb Maths
Mathematics is my shepherd, I shall not fear any equation. Mathematics has made me lie in greener pastures and I have collected many awards.
The above confession and testimony were because I studied the right books. Maths is the simplest, yet the most dreaded subject. Mathematics gets difficult only when you are not utilizing friendly books… continue reading for best books for maths
Part 19. Books To Read For Jamb Biology
The more people claim biology is their best subject in Jamb, the more they score low in the subject. The fact that biology appears easy doesn’t mean it is easy in reality.
Until Biology is revealed to you, you cannot have true salvation in the subject. Swallow your pride and seek true knowledge in Biology… continue reading for best jamb biology
Part 20: Good Jamb Chemistry Textbook
Chemistry is volatile; you need to be versatile. Chemistry is interconnected, you need a book that is all-encompassing.
The truth is, the books recommended by Jamb may not be good enough or sufficient for you. There are other neatly and well-written chemistry textbooks out there… continue reading good chemistry books
Part 21: Books To Study For Jamb Economics
Jamb Economics is a social science subject that studies how people satisfy unlimited wants with scarce resources.
Economics involves the analysis of choice and trade through the use of intuitive graphs and mathematical elements. You need a good textbook to grasp this knowledge… continue reading best economics books
Part 22: Agric Science Books To Use
Agriculture is one of the most underrated subjects in Jamb. All these small Jamb aspirants just feel they can pass Agric even without studying.
It will shock you to check your jamb result and see 10/100 in Agric. You really need to get good books and take Agricultural science very serious in your exam… continue reading best agric books
Part 23: Jamb Physics Recommended Textbooks
Nobody truly likes physics. The reasons are very simple.
- Physics itself is hard
- Some of the textbooks around are harder than physics.
Your best bet is to get a physics textbook that explains things very well… Continue reading good physics texts
Part 24: Books To Read For Geography
Geography is the ogakpatakpata of them all. It is somehow boring and hated by many persons. However, it is one of the easiest subject to pass in Jamb.
If you can get a good geography textbook, forget it. Your 90/100 is sure in the next Jamb… continue reading jamb geography
Part 25: Books To Read For Jamb Government
Government is easy in Jamb. You can make the subject sweeter by getting textbooks that make life easier for you.
The following are recommended textbooks you should use for Jamb 2019 Government… continue reading here
Part 26: How To Blast Jamb English
For Some, Jamb English is very simple. For others (Especially Science students), the Jamb use of English is their nightmare. Unfortunately, both parties sometimes experience poor performance in the subject.
This could be traced to the fact that English generally has standard rules you must follow to be successful… continue reading how to blast english
Part 27: How To Solve Jamb Maths Without Calculator
How do I solve Jamb mathematics without a scientific calculator since most of the questions require the use of a scientific calculator? This question shall be fully addressed in this article.
As you may know, Jamb doesn’t allow the use of a scientific calculator. However, you will be given a basic calculator. This calculator is generally referred to as Jamb calculator… continue reading how to solve maths without calculator
Part 28: Questions In Jamb chemistry
Your Journey Determines The Vehicle You Enter. Now, take a glass of water and let me take you through Chemistry key points that would enable you to answer likely Jamb questions in Jamb 2019 Chemistry
The difference between drying and dehydration is that drying is the removal of water while dehydration is the removal of elements of water (Hydrogen and oxygen)… continue reading chemistry questions
Part 29: You Are Given Rough Sheet In Jamb Hall
You are allowed to take only a pencil and your registration slip to the hall. You shall be supplied with Jamb calculator to solve problems.
Another privilege you would enjoy is a free rough sheet from Jamb for calculations and rough work. But… continue reading about rough sheet
Part 30: What Jamb Sets In English Literature
A few days ago, I wrote a comprehensive guide on key points in Jamb Physics. Since I did that, a lot of students have been demanding such a topic for other Jamb subjects. In this article, I shall give you 50 key Points in Jamb English Literature.
Did you know that Literature is studied as a subject in school because it exposes students to the realities of life?… continue reading about jamb literature
Ayomide says
Sir please how am i going to get direct entry
ozioma says
sir there was a mistake on my email address while i registered my jamb yesterday. pls how can i correct it or possibly change it
Ayomide says
Sir please how am i going to change my course