Jamb Timetable And Exam Schedule. Some Jamb candidates have been wondering about the order in which the Jamb Examination will take. It is good to know how many persons will write Jamb daily and how many times it will be written.
Thousands of candidates will sit for Jamb UTME 2025 Daily. However, not everyone will write the exam on the same day, venue and time. Jamb reprinting will show the date, time and where you are sitting for the exam.
Jamb exam holds in over 700 CBT centres across Nigeria. It will be divided into morning and afternoon session. The morning Jamb CBT examination usually starts from 7:00 AM. Candidates are advised to be at their various centres at least 30 minutes to their exam.
Once you print out your slip, your Jamb registration details, as well as date and time, will be updated.
You should not go to the examination centre when it is not your date. Also, don’t go to another venue other than the one you have been assigned to take your examination.
In summary, Jamb CBT Schedule for 2025 is a follows:
- Jamb CBT will take two weeks to complete
- The exams is written daily in batches
- There are more than 700 Centres for Jamb
- Different questions for different candidates
- A total of 180 Questions will be set
There is one quick tip I want to share before I conclude this article… Don’t force yourself to be reading on the morning of the examination. Just stay refreshed and calm.
See Also: How to pass jamb
Ibeh ujunwa says
I wish to have a good result by God’s grace. Amen
Obed says
Sunday says
We are going to pass by god grace
Feranmi says
Awah Ife An Yi says
I pray that my score will be up to 300
Through the help of God almighty
Anonymous says
God help me
victor.u.emmry says
God help me
Dæñïël ãgãwa says
By God grace this will be the first last of doing my jamb
Obed says
A.S.D HONG says
We are going to pass our jamb in allah name
Abdurrasheed d salihu says
which allah?
Ridwan says
Allah means GOD
Kabir Elyakub Zakirai Kano State says
I am fully prepared for the jamb tomorrow in Sha Allah I will pass with flying colors.
Ishaq s fawa says
Ameen summa,ameen
Olisaeloka Nwigwe says
How to get my jamb centre
Tyopev jude says
I don’t kw wt to do so that i will get my jamb centre
Dan Nigeria says
Please people when the slip be ready sothat we know our axam centre?
oniru ayomide says
God will help us ijn
Anonymous says
Pls can I get d jamb exam time table?
Hashimu shuaibu says
May god allow us to score our jamb
Anonymous says
Aondoaver samuel says
Am not boasting but i pray that i shall and will pass all my exams in christ jesus name i pray…Amen
Hembah says
May God help me so that I will pass my JAMB in jesus name . Amen
Ladan Samaila says
I’m not sceptical I will pass my jamb in Jesus name
Anonymous says
aremu samuel says
may God help me to pass my jamb and score above 320
Anonymous says
may God help me to pass my jamb and score above 320
ibrahimmusa says
i want to pass my jamb in jesus name amen
bello muhammad bello b.k.c says
allah ya samudace ameen
Ejovi shedrack says
i will past my jamb exam on Jesus name,
Ikudaisi Mary says
I will get above 300 in Jesus name I will pass my jamb exam by the grace of God amen.
Akam francis says
i will surely pass my jamb in Jesus name Amen
Anonymous says
Amaka says
I will pass my Jamb in Jesus name
Isaac Inegbenehi says