With every passing year, Jamb candidates make silly mistakes during Jamb Registration, Reprinting and Examination. This leaves them with regrets and statement like, “If not for this……, I would have”. You therefore ought to avoid these common mistakes.
For some, they make the mistakes before the actual Jamb registration during Jamb profile creation. Others proceed to make certain stupid mistakes after Jamb registration. In this article, I will discuss the 12 stupid mistakes candidates should never make in Jamb 2024.
1. Asking Someone To Register For You
Jamb 2024 is a very serious one. It requires different procedures. Never you ask anyone to help you register. Do everything by yourself so as to avoid stories that touch.
Getting ready for Jamb 2024 is a big deal, and there are some important steps you need to follow. It’s crucial to handle everything correctly to avoid any problems. One important thing to remember is that you should do everything yourself when registering.
Don’t let anyone else do it for you. This is really important because if you let someone else help you, it might lead to complications later on.
When it comes to Jamb registration, it’s better to be in control of the process yourself. Sometimes, when others help, mistakes can happen. You might provide the wrong information, or there could be misunderstandings that create issues for you down the line. So, it’s better to take charge and do the registration on your own.
Doing the registration yourself also gives you a better understanding of the process. You’ll know exactly what information is being submitted and what you need to provide. This way, if there’s any issue or confusion, you’ll be able to handle it more effectively. Plus, it’s a good way to take responsibility for your own education journey.
In a nutshell, for Jamb 2024, it’s recommended that you handle the registration process by yourself. This will help you avoid any potential complications and ensure that your registration goes smoothly.
2. Mistakes In Jamb Profile
Creating Jamb profile is the first stage of Jamb registration. You cannot edit it. If you made any mistake in your Jamb profile, the best way to correct it is to create another profile.
Make sure there is no mistake in your Jamb profile before proceeding to register at the approved CBT centres.
Recommended: How to correct mistakes in Jamb profile
3. Giving Out Wrong Details
Whether you’re at the bank or a CBT center, there are some important things to remember when you’re asked for your login and other details for your Jamb registration. These details are like your keys to unlock the door to your registration process. So, it’s super important to get them right!
One of the first things you’ll be asked for is your email and password. It’s like your secret code to access your Jamb registration account. Make sure you type in the right email address that you use and a password that you remember.
This is really important because if you mix up your email or forget your password, it can cause issues. You might end up with invalid pins, and that’s not what we want!
Invalid pins can be a headache. They’re like puzzle pieces that don’t fit together. And nobody likes dealing with puzzles that don’t make sense, right? To avoid these kinds of issues, double-check that you’re typing in the right information when they ask for your email and password. Take your time, and if you’re not sure, ask someone you trust to help you.
In a nutshell, when you’re registering for Jamb either at the bank or a CBT center, remember to provide the correct email and password. These details are like your ticket to a smooth registration process.
So, be careful, take your time, and make sure everything is accurate. That way, you can avoid the hassle of invalid pins and other common Jamb registration problems.
4. Patronising Cyber Cafes
Jamb made it clear that cyber cafes or other bodies are not allowed to register candidates on behalf of Jamb. So many candidates have failed to follow this simple guideline. We have recorded a large number of candidates who have purchased fake Jamb forms. Don’t be among them….
5. Seeking Special Centers
So many candidates have contacted me that they have made arrangement for Jamb special centers already. Personally, I do not believe that there will be any valid Jamb expo center for Jamb. Study very hard since it is the only panacea you need to pass Jamb. Your result could be withheld for malpractice.
6. Expecting SMS On Jamb Day
In my time, candidates get answers sent to them via sms on the exam morning. However, a lot have changed since the last jamb CBT update. Do not expect any sms.
7. Starting Late
One of the stupid mistakes to avoid as a Jamb 2024 candidate is late preparation. You do not have time. Cover all you need to cover right now. You may want to read how to prepare for Jamb in two weeks by clicking here.
8. Not Using Jamb Past Questions
No matter what you have heard so far or how you want to paint it, not using Jamb past questions to study for UTME 2024 is the biggest mistake you can ever make in Jamb preparations. You may want to read the Top reasons to use Jamb past questions.
Recommended: Flashlearners Jamb App
9. Fear Of Failure
Jamb 2024 will be very competitive. Hearing this alone will put fear in your mind. However, it is not real. Jamb is only difficult when you are not ready. Work hard and do not get discouraged or be afraid. Kill every fear of failure in you.
Read: What to do when you are scared of jamb
10. Being Carried Away
Looking at the stress and controversies surrounding Jamb 2024, so many candidates will be carried away. Do not pay too much attention to irrelevant details. Just stay focused.
11. Common Deceit
With every passing day, you hear people say that passing Jamb is not by reading. If passing Jamb is not by reading, then what?
Whether you like it or not, a high Jamb score is a function of serious study. Do not let anyone deceive you with sweet words. I will discuss this in the next point.
12. Not Burning the Midnight Candle
Of course, you know that another most stupid mistake you can make in Jamb is not spending quality time to study. This is no longer the time of studying and being online at the same time. You need to highly discipline yourself.
Do not deceive yourself in the place of study. Remember, telling yourself the truth is honesty while telling others is integrity.
Recommended: Flashlearners online Jamb practice
Anonymous says
The way the guy said there will be no text sent to you .
He is pained 😂
Victoria says
Please d name jamb sent to me on my profile code is imeh Victoria Gloria but the real name is imeh Victoria udoh….will it affect my admission?pls am scared😣
Isaac Inegbenehi says
It will not affect you
Anonymous says
I missed my jamb can I still rewrite it dis year
Anonymous says
Sir ,I’m rewriting Jamb ,can I use the number and email I used last year to re register or do I need to get another?
Anonymous says
My sister also have the same issue.
Isaac Inegbenehi says
You can correct it
Ella says
Please if you mistakenly send your name to 55019 with the number you used last year and they sent you the same profile code for last year and you paid the N4700 in the cyber cafe can you use another phone number to get a new profile code and pay again b4 filling the form for jamb profile
Jeromario Udoh says
that is the same problem I am facing here
David blessing says
In jamb, if u missed 10 questions out of 50 questions, will they deduct those questions u missed frm ur actual scores?
Isaac Inegbenehi says
No… No negative marking in Jamb
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Thanks Eddy
Helen says
Sir pls I missed my exam due to wrong information about the date for the exam,will I rewrite?
ishakuabdulhamidduja says
sir I make mistake for my email address instead of ishaku abdulhamidduja and the man write ishaku aduihamidduja what can I do now I will get problem for writing my jamb
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Create a new email with the one they used
Abumere glory says
Will it work like that.?
Abumere Glory says
Pls I also made same mistake. Instead of abglory they out abiglory, if I create a new gmail acc with that name will it be okay.?
paul Inemesit Anthony says
pls i mistakenly paid for d.e instead of utme.pls wad cn i do to get out of dis mess.
sammy says
pls I mistakenly put some subject that do not respond to my qualification, pls what should I do
Micheal says
I used another persons picture can it be changed?
Isaac Inegbenehi says
You used another person’s picture where?
omofoma deborah says
plz sir can I change institution after registration
Isaac Inegbenehi says
You can change institution after Jamb results are released
talia nosira says
pls d person that register me mistakenly put another institute instead of d one I told him to use,and pls what imm I going to do
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Meet the person…
Teejay says
My email was wrongly registered. Can that affect my registration
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Teejay says
So please, how can I correct the mistake?
Adam says
yes I did.but she said except we buy another pin for d person that she used her pin to register me wit.so am really confuse,n I wish to write the mock exam
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Do as she said. You know there is nothing I can do na, abi?
Adam says
plz d registrar made a mistake n register me wit another person pin n surname n I even did thumb printing on d person registration pin, but I haven’t used my own pin, plz can that mistake be rectify n how?
Isaac Inegbenehi says
Go and ask the registrar