Waec withholds results yearly and candidates are saying a lot about it. In fact, I stumbled upon a funny comment in my article on when Waec will likely release withheld results.
The person stated that Waec releases results of those who fail (Score an F9) without checking if they engaged in malpractice or not but withhold result of candidates who score very high without checking well if they cheated.
Do you think she is correct? Does Waec hold students results when they scored higher, but if someone scores an F9 they immediately release the result without investigation? I don’t think so.
Waec doesn’t check whether you perform well or poor before seizing your result. Your Waec result will simply not be released if you are found wanting. Some withheld waec results were released last year and many candidates still failed.
The major reasons waec will hold result are failure to enter your exam details correctly or your Examination centre engaged in serious malpractice. Here, the sin of others can affect you.
It is true that Waec is not 100% accurate while dealing with the issue of Malpractice. You can engage in malpractice and still get your result. On the other hand, you can be innocent and still get your result held.
Recommended: How to cope with withheld result
However, waec tries as much as possible to ensure that the results of those found wanting are changed from withheld to cancelled. See more about waec withheld result here.
The best way to avoid your result from being held by waec is writing your exam is a trusted centre and avoid Malpractice as well. If you are a religious person, then pray to whatever you believe (mistakes and carelessness are inevitable).
You may also be wondering, What’s the work of Waec invigilators. Are they not trusted by waec body to stop any form of malpractice in centres? They may the one who reported you or your waec centre for Expo.
With these few points of mine, hope I have been able to convince and not to confuse you that waec doesn’t consider whether you fail or not before seizing your result. If you cheat, your centre cheats or you fail to fill your details correctly, you won’t get your result.
Feel free to share this with others and don’t fail to drop your comment below. You may want to get my waec app here to score higher.
ambitious says
please I beg you should release our results for us we want na us it to gain jobs n others