Did you make a mistake in your Matriculation number or Examination number during Jamb direct entry 2020 Registration? If yes, then there is a solution for you.
You don’t need to kill yourself for making mistakes during Jamb D.E Registration. You also don’t need to fight those at Jamb CBT Centre for mistakes on their part. Even if you registered Jamb yourself, mistakes are still bound to happen. Nobody is perfect; both Jamb UTME and D.E Candidates face challenges.
Hope you have now forgiven yourself for making the mistakes. If the mistake was from someone else, I hope you have forgiven the person? If yes, then jump to the next paragraph.
The simple way direct entry candidates can correct wrong Matric or Examination number is to create and follow up Jamb support ticket. I have already explained how to create and monitor Jamb Ticket Here.
Creating a support ticket is a solution that the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board recommends. However, you can create Plan B by going to Jamb office or Approved Jamb registration centres in Nigeria to raise your Complaint. I know you don’t want to go 50/50.
Registration number or Matriculation number mistakes only happen to those who were offered admission by Jamb into their various Polytechnics and Colleges of Education. After all, these are the only set of persons that can have Registration Number.
When you gained admission into your old school, Polytechnic, College of Education, etc. You probably didn’t write Jamb or receive an admission letter from Jamb.
This simply means you don’t have a registration number and your school didn’t notify Jamb of your admission. For those who don’t have Jamb registration number, you are to go for Jamb Regularization.
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Adeniyi taiwo daniel says
A mistake was made during my Ijmb DE Registration. I put d skul admission number instead of d exam number… Is this mistake rectifiable?
labaeka oluwapamilerinayo says
Can I change my matric no?
Yusha'u khalid says
Can l change from other diploma to national Diploma in D.E form