Welcome to Google Pirate, Google EMD And PayDay Update. These are Google Algorithm Updates to make Google Search better for users as well as dropping rankings of lower quality sites.
Google algorithm is simply a set of commands written for the purpose of feeding back with search results relevant to the queries made. I have already covered Google Algorithm updates like the Panda and Penguin.
Google Pirate Update:
Google’s Pirate Update is a filter introduced in August 2012 designed to prevent sites with many copyright infringement reports, as filed through Google’s DMCA system, from ranking well in Google’s listings.
The filter is periodically updated. When this happens, sites previously impacted may escape, if they’ve made the right improvements. The filter may also catch new sites that escaped being caught before, plus it may release “false positives” that were caught.
Google Exact Match Domain Update:
The EMD Update for “Exact Match Domain” is a filter Google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names.
When a fresh EMD Update happens, sites that have improved their content may regain good rankings. New sites with poor content or those previously missed by EMD may get caught. In addition, “false positives” may get released.
Google PayDay Update:
Launched on June 11, 2013, the “Payday Update” was an algorithm targeted at cleaning up search results for traditionally “spammy queries” such as [payday loan], pornographic and other heavily spammed queries.
Blogging Series SO2E7: Google Pirate Update, EMD And PayDay. Hope you enjoyed this? Feel free to share with others and don’t fail to let me know how you feel using the comment box.
2. Season two, episode one: Google Panda
3. Season 2 Episode Two: Google’s Penguin
4. Flashlearners Blogging Guide And Series
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