Is it possible to register for Post UTME with Awaiting Results? This is a Common Question from candidates whose WAEC Or NECO Results are not Released.
The good news is that you can register post UTME even when your results are not yet released. In this article, I shall teach you how to register post UTME when your Neco results are not out or when your Waec results are held. Continue reading how to register post UTME with awaiting result or see when Waec withheld results would be released by clicking here.
Now, if your school doesn’t state clearly that your results must be available before you apply for their post UTME, all you need to do is fill your O-Level subjects and then put awaiting result (AR) in place of grade.
I have registered post UTME for many aspirants, especially those who applied to study in Uniben. It’s usually not important to have your result before post UTME registration.
You may be wondering, when will it be compulsory for us to submit/upload our results? It is only very important when you are doing clearance. This is after school and Jamb has given you admission for (Which is far from now).
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The process is the same for those whose Waec results are held. Simply put awaiting the result in place of your grades. Withheld results would be released before Jamb and schools start giving admission.
The bad news is that not all held/withheld results will be released. Your results will only be released when it has been proven that you didn’t engage in malpractice.
Recommended: How to upload your awaiting result
That’s all for today on registering post-UTME with awaiting or withheld results. Feel free to do your registration without fear. Don’t let anyone scare you that you can’t gain admission. You can register post UTME with awaiting results or withheld results and gain admission this year.
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Read Also: How to read for post UTME in one weeks
Emmanuel Etim says
thanks a lot at least am okay with this