University of Benin (UNIBEN) Marketing Courses from 1st year to final year. Course Content and Structure to guide the great UNIBEN Students, Aspirants, Jamb Candidates and the General Public.
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UNIBEN 100 Level Marketing Courses
ACC 1 1 1: Introduction to Accounting I 3 Credits/Units
This foundation course in Accounting aims at exposing the student to basic techniques of classifying and recording the different types of costs and revenues associated with transactions and compiling simple financial reports.
Topics covered include Brief History of the development of accounting, definition, branches of accounting, users, uses and qualities of accounting information; basic of accounting concepts, procedures and practices; measure of assets, liabilities income and costs, accounting equation, bookkeeping (books of primary entry, ledgers, bank reconciliation statement, etc); the tribal balance;
uses of suspense accounts, preparation of financial statements, differences between cash discount and trade discount, reserves and provisions, etc. a conceptual framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements, introduction to SAS 1&2 and other equivalents IAS, IFRS etc.
BFN 1 12: Introduction to Quantitative Method I 3 Credits/Units
This course deals with basic calculus necessary for analyzing and understanding many aspects of economic theory . A brief review elementary algebra and geometry is desirable.
Contents include the number system, exponents and roots, equations, simultaneous and quadric equations, logarithms, functions of one variable, free optimization (maxima and minima) functions of several variables partial differentiation, integral, Calculus.
All topics are to include relevant business applications. The second aspect of this course introduces the students to the principles of production planning and control, concept, production systems, types of production management: decision making in production management, plant location, plant layout, product and process design and application of case analysis.
BUS 1 1 1: Introduction to Business I 3 Credits/Units
The objective of this course and BUS 121 is to introduce the student to the element of Business Administration. Topics covered include: concept and survey of Business, the modern business world, the composition, nature and function of the business organization as well as its role as a social-economic unit.
ECO 1 1 1: Principles of Economics I (Micro) 3 Credits/Units
It is an introductory course on the macro-economics aspects of economic theory.
Topics covered include the subject matter of economics and basic economic problems: national income accounting include elementary models of income and employment; money and banking; employment and unemployment; public finance including government budgets; international trade: balance of payments and commercial policies; development planning.
HRM 1 1 1: Introduction to Behavioral Science I 3 Credits/Units
This course introduces the students to the essence and foundations of the knowledge in the fields of psychology sociology, political science, economics, philosophy and history. It is designed to provide the students with the key
concepts for understanding; describing,
analyzing predicting behaviour in a variety of work settings, particular attention is paid to such issues as the meaning and dimensions of behaviour and emotions, the nature of individuals and individual differences, personality theories, motivation, perception and social behaviour and interaction, and psychopathological states.
POL 1 1 1: Introduction to Political Science 3 Credits/Units
The course introduces students to the nature of politics, its organization and its study . Emphasis is placed on the foundation of politics as a system of political life.
The course also acquaints students with the problem of application of the scientific method to the study of politics, to the history and various approaches of the subject matter and to a number of basic concepts in Political Science.
GST 1 1 1: Use of English 3 Credits/Units
Effective communication and writing in English. Study skills, language skill. Writing of essay , instructions on tense sentence construction, outline and paragraph.
GST 1 12: Philosophy and Logic 3 Credits/Units
Brief survey of the main branches of philosophy, symbolic logic, special symbols in symbolic logics; condition, negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalence and conditional statement of laws of thought. The method of
deduction using of inference and grow conditions. Quantification theory.
ACC 121: Introduction to Accounting II 3 Credits/Units
Prerequisite ACC 1 1 1
More detailed treatment of topic discussed in ACC 111. Attention will be focused on the preparation and presentation of simple financial statements for sole trader, partnerships, and limited liability companies.
There is also a discussion of the elementary accounting theory relating to depreciation and inventory valuation, end of year adjustments, introduction to manual, mechanical and electronic system of book keeping, introduction to SASs, and IAS, IFRS etc.
BFN 122: Introduction to Quantitative Method II 3 Credits/Units
This course is an extension of ACC 112 it is in two parts. The first part completes the course on calculus by examining functions of several variables. Specific topics include total differentiation, free optimization of functions of several variables and constrained optimization-method of substitution and Lagrange multipliers.
The second part of the course concentrates on linear algebra-vectors direction and magnitude of growth and development in developed and developing countries such as Nigeria. The third aspect of the course handle further principles of production planning control.
Topics covered in the area include the following; planning, the nature and purpose of planning, strategic planning, premising forecasting and rules forecasting, demand forecasting, planning for production, linear programming models, planning, organizing and controlling the conversation process,
the strategic rules of operations some important trade up decision process, the strategic rules of operations, some important trade up a decision in manufacturing operation analysis, planning operations job design, production/operation standard and work measurement.
ECO 121: Principles of Economics II (Macro) 3 Credits/Units
This course is a continuation of ECO 111. This is essentially an introductory course, which focuses on microeconomic theory. T opic covered include the theory of production, factors of production, theories of demand, supply and pricing and output under perfect competition. Others are a monopoly , monopolistic competition and oligopoly, the theory of distribution.
ENT 121:Foundation Course in Entrepreneurial Studies 3 Credits/Units
The historical and Economic role of Entrepreneurship. Theory and the Practice of Entrepreneurship. Starting and managing a new enterprise.
Characteristics of entrepreneurs, the identification and evaluation of new venture opportunities, resources utilization, strategy development and successful planning, implementing and launching of new business venture.Analysis of case studies and developing of detail business plan for starting and owning and enterprise.
HRM 121: Introduction to Behavioural Science II 3 Credits/Units
This is a continuation of BUS 121. Attention here is focused on groups and group dynamics, the organizational work context of behavior, power, politics and development and change, the structure and development of attitudes, morality aggression and equity in society, and knowledge and its social as well as ideological basis.
With the help of conceptual analysis based on experiential learning the student is helped to understand the behavioral foundations of organizational functioning.
POL 121: Basic forms and Organization of Government 3 Credits/Units
The course identifies and introduces students to the basic forms of government and the variety of their organization. V arious regimes are identified and compared in terms of their institutional similarities and the basic idea on which the regimes are founded.
Students are also introduced to the principles comparative government; and to the similarities and dissimilarities in political values, institutional arraignments, bureaucratic structures, leadership and administrative styles.
GST 121: Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 3 Credits/Units
Basic concepts in the Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, Peace as vehicle of unity and development, conflict issues, Root causes of conflicts and violence in Africa, Indigene/settler phenomenon, peace-building. Management of conflict and security.
Elements of peace studies and conflict resolution, Developing a culture of peace, peace mediation and Peace-Keeping, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Dialogue/ arbitration in conflict resolution, role of internal organizations in conflict resolution, e.g. ECOW AS, African Union, United Nations, etc.
GST 122:Nigerian Peoples and Culture 3 Credits/Units
Study of Nigerian history , culture and arts in pre-colonial times, Nigerian’s perception of his world, culture areas of Nigeria and their characteristics, Evolution of Nigeria as a Political Unit, Indigene/settler phenomenon, concepts of trade, Economic self-reliance, social justice, individual and national development norms and values negative attitudes and conducts (cultism and related vices), Re-orientation of moral Environmental problems.
GST 123: History and Philosophy of Science 2 Credits/Units
Man, his origin and nature of man, his cosmic environment, scientific methodology, science and technology in the society and service of man renewable and non-renewable man and his wasted resources.
Environmental effects of chemicals, plastics, textiles, waste and other materials.Chemical and radiochemical hazards. Introduction to other various areas of science and technology.
UNIBEN 200 Level Marketing Courses
ACC 21 1:Financing Accounting 3 Credits/Units
Pre – requisite: ACC 1 1 1/121
Revision of trial balance, suspense accounts, adjustments and the preparation and presentation of final accounts. Also total/control accounts incomplete records account of clubs and societies, inventory valuation and bills of
BFN 21 1: Introduction to Financial Management I 3 Credits/Units
The emphasis in this course will be to provide the required framework for the rapid of finance, mathematics of finance, capital budgeting (under certainty risk and uncertainty) cash flow forecasting techniques for project evaluation, cost of capital, financial leverage, capital structure theories, risk analysis and measure.
BUS 21 1:Principles of Management I 3 Credits/Units
The course is a general introduction to the concept, principles, processes and significance of management in the context of a changing socio-economic environment particularly in developing nation. Other issues discussed are the role of management and the management functions of planning, organization, staffing, communication, coordination, motivation, directing controlling.
BUS 212: Business Statistics I 3 Credits/Units
The emphasis in this course will be on descriptive statistics. Topics include the following: organization and display of data, summation notation, measures of central tendency and measure of dispersion, frequency , histogram, and permutation and combinations. Elementary regression and correlation analysis, elementary probability , binomial and poison distributions.
ECO 21 1: Micro Economic Theory I 3 Credits/Units
The course deals with micro economic at intermediate level. Theory of cs in consumer demand; market structures output and pricing under various market structures (in developed and developing countries, such as Nigeria). Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic, oligopolistic markets and the theory of distribution.
HRM 21 1: Human Resources Management 3 Credits/Units
This first leg of the course aims at an in-depth examination of the evolution of, and activities involved in, human resources management generally and in Nigeria in particular.
The course examines such HRM activities as: the essence of HRM, the HRM organization, the Nigerian and International environment of HRM, recruitment, selection and placement, HRM planning, career planning and management, succession planning, job analysis and evaluation, training and development and performance appraisal.
While Nigeria and organization in Nigeria provide the context for the examination of these and related HRM activities, the discussions also examine these practices in other contexts and cultures.
MKT 21 1:Principles of Marketing I 3 Credits/Units
The course focuses on macro-marketing issues as they relate to marketing management in business and non-business organizations. Issues discussed include the nature and development of marketing. The role and functions of marketing in social issues, international marketing and non – business marketing. The pedagogical method combines lectures and case study approaches
GST 1 1 1/1 12:Gender Studies (For Direct Entry Students Only)
4 Credits/Units
BFN 221:Introduction to Financial Management II 3 Credits/Units
This is continuation of Financial Management I. The course is aimed at preparing the students in the techniques of financial management, investment, capital marketing and institutions, and corporation finance, topic covered are:
Type and sources of funds, inventory management, management of debtors, cash management, cash budgeting, funds statement breakeven analysis, ratio analysis, dividend policy and internal financing, capital market operations in Nigeria, security analysis, portfolio theory and company valuation.
BUS 221: Principles of Management II 3 Credits/Units
The course extends the knowledge gained in BUS 211. Emphasis is on concepts and feature of theory in management, difficulties the application of existing management theories in Nigerian organizations and difficulties in developing useful theories in Nigeria.
Topics discussed include theories of management such as the scientific management, human relations, system and contingency theories. Others are theory X and Y, managerial grid participative models, management by objectives, quantitative and behavioural control models.
BUS 222: Business Statistics II 3 Credits/Units
The emphasis in this second half of BUS 212 will be on statistical inference.
Topics to be covered include random sampling, confidence intervals hypothesis testing linear correlation and prediction, and non-parametric statics.
ECO 221: Macro – Economic Theory II 3 Credits/Units
This course deals at the intermediate level with that part of economics which is primarily concerned with the study of relationships between broad economic aggregates.
Topics to be covered include national income (accounting and determination) aggregate saving and consumers expenditure, investment, employment, money, supply, price level, the balance of payment. The course attempts to explain the determinants of the magnitudes of these aggregates and their rates of change – over time.
It looks at government expenditure particularly in Developing countries such as Nigeria (budget), taxation, monetary policy in determining the general level of economic activity under static and dynamic equilibrium.
HRM 221: Human Resources Management II 3 Credits/Units
This second leg of the course completes the in-depth examination of the various activities in HRM. The themes and issues covered include compensation systems and benefits management, pensions system and management, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, developing and administrating disciplinary procedures, organization development and change, development and managing HRM database systems, conducting and applying the results of HRM research and related issues.
This module of the course pays particular attention to Globalization and HRM, international Labour Organizations and International Labour Standards, Quality Assurance Systems and Organization (international and Nigerian), collective bargaining and alternative methods of disputes resolution, the role of statutory institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Labour, Employment and Productivity, the IAP and the NIC in industrial disputes resolution and HRM and democratic politics.
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While Nigeria and organization HRM activities, the discussions also examine these practices in other contexts and cultures.
MKT 221: Principles of Marketing II 3 Credits/Units
The course aims at equipping the student with the tools, skill and techniques for decision making in the marketing area. Issues covered include marketing strategy formulation, marketing intelligence, consumer and industries forecasting, product decisions pricing policies, promotional decisions, distribution problems and decisions, and the measurement evaluation and control of the marketing efforts.
GST 121/122/123: Gender Studies (For Direct Entry Student Only)
6 Credit/Units
UNIBEN 300 Level Marketing Courses
BFN 314: International Economics 3 Credits/Units
An introductory survey of international economics, commercial policy, and the international monetary policy. Topics include trade theory and policy, trade restriction arguments and methods, international flows of funds, the balance of payments structure and adjustment under various exchange rates, the role and nature of international reserves.
Foreign exchange market and its efficiency.Theory and practice of devaluation.International Financial Institutions and market. International Capital Flows external debt and financing, portfolio and foreign direct investment. Bretton Woods system and institutions (History, crisis and prospects), external debt burden and exit strategies.
MKT 31 1: Product Management 3 Credits/Units
The purpose of this course is to equip students for decision making in the areas of new product planning and development and the management of existing products.
It covers topics such as the relationship between the products and other elements of the marketing mix; importance, conception and development of new products; reasons for the failure of the new products, adoption of new products, diffusion of innovation, the product life cycle concept, branding, product image, packaging, product labeling and product positioning.
MKT 312: Consumer Behaviour 3 Credits/Units
This objective of this course is to provide students with an appreciation of basic behavioural concepts that are relevant of marketing management. The course builds on foundation knowledge acquired in MKT 211 and MKT 221 and equips the students with the skills needed to analyze consumer buying decisions.
This course covers theories and models of consumer behaviour, personal group and societal influences on consumer behaviour process, family influences on consumer behaviour, consumer research, consumerism, etc.
MKT 313: Marketing Management I 3 Credits/Units
The thrust of the advanced course in marketing is to equip students with conceptual and analytical skills for identifying marketing problems, formulating marketing goals and objectives, and marketing decision making and control in various areas of marketing including product planning and development, market segmentation and marketing information.
It also explores the impact of environmental and internal factors on marketing strategy. It relies heavily on the case method and role play.
MKT 316: Business Law (Mercantile Law) 3 Credits/Units
The purpose of this course is to demonstrate to the student the need and how to operate within the various laws and regulations regulating marketing and to familiarize him or her with such legislation.
Among the topics covered are laws relating to contracts, sale of goods, product quality, patents, packaging, labelling, advertising and agency. Other are laws regulating pricing collusion, competition and distribution.
MKT 317: Computer Application in Marketing I 3 Credits/Units
History and development of computer technology. The why and how of computers. Computer types: analogue, digital and hybrid, central processing unit, input/output information.
Data preparation equipment: keypunch, sorter, etc. Data transmission nature, speed and error detection.Data, capture and validation including error reduction. System analysis and design: the programming process: problem definition, flow-charting and decision table. Introduction to Basic Programming, data types constants and variables, statement types, assignment statements, input-output statements, control statement. Common software such as words and spreadsheet.
MKT 318: Organizational Buying Behaviour I 3 Credits/Units
This course with MKT 328 prepare the students for industrial marketing or marketing to non – final users including business organizations, governments, resellers and other non-business organizations. Issues covered include
extensive study of industrial markets and industrial products and simple models of organizational buying behavior .
CED 300: Entrepreneurship Development 3 Credits/Units
This course introduces students into Entrepreneurship and corporate governance. This course exposes the students into entrepreneurship and business opportunities for accounting major both at the local and international levels.
Topics include definition, concept and classes of entrepreneurship, its phases, entrepreneurial window, youth entrepreneurship, agencies, challenges, economic and socio entrepreneurship, consultancies, services, various forms of business (one man, partnership and company).
Business formation, Business incorporation, company quotation, seeking for quotation, entrepreneurial idea generation, screening of ideas, business plan, feasibility studies, non-auditing services, pricing of services, management of resources, source/type of entrepreneurial funds, etc.
marketing financial systems, international markets, models of corporate governance, corporate governance framework, issues in corporate governance, the effect of corporate governance on growth and development, management role in corporate governance, a study of corporate governance in Nigeria etc.
BFN 327:Quantitative Methods of Financial Decisions 3 Credits/Units
The course is aimed at grounding the student from basic financial calculations to time – series processes. Topics include invoices, trade and cash discounts, simple and compound interest, annuities, mortgagees, ratios, inventory insurance premiums, index number, calculus and probability distribution.
Others will include an introduction to regression analysis, time-series analysis up GARCH, optimization and multi variate analysis.
BUS 322: Business Research Methods 3 Credits/Units
This coursed is designed to help the student’s conceptual and writing skills in applying multi-disciplinary theories and principles to special research situations.
It seeks to build upon previous knowledge from such courses ad quantitative analysis, statistic and data processing, with the terminal objective of preparing the student for research studies requiring project reports, and perhaps, more importantly, providing basic tools of research for those with an aspiration for postgraduate work.
Students will cover the range of introductory design efforts by simultaneously working on projects individually or collectively in three different but related general areas. Conceptualization, operationalization and analysis.
Other areas that will be covered include data collection, processing, hypothesis formulation and testing, knowledge utilization, style of writing research paper presentation outlines, draft, footnoting and the final product.
ENL 321:Business Communication 3 Credits/Units
Rudiments of communication: Communication Defined, Elements of Communication, Principles of Communication; Oral, Written and Non – Viral Communication. Language Defined, Non – Verbal Communication, Listening, Oral and Written communication; Functions and Settings of Communication; Communication Theories and Models: Linear Model, Interaction Model, Transactional Model etc. Writing and Communication Method:
Writing Defined, stages of Writing, other aspects of the Writing Process, Corporate and Public communication, Commercial Communication Method and Letter Writing. Process of meetings Conferences, Seminars, Symposium and Debates: Meeting Defined, Conduct, Procedures, Aims and Benefits/Disadvantages of Meetings, Written rules Affecting Meetings, Conference, Seminar Symposium and Debates.
Uses of Words, Sentences and Figurative Expressions, Words and their Meanings, Synonyms and Antonym Dynamism in words, and Predication, Suffixation, Sentences/Figurative Expression. Reports and Handover notes: Organization communication: Concept of Organizational Communication. Organizational communication Types.Public Relations and Marketing Communication.
MKT 326: Business Law II (Company Law) 3 Credits/Units
This course is designed to expand the knowledge of commercial law which the student will already have obtained in Business Law I, Placing particular emphasis, however, on the constitution and operations of corporate entities
(company law) and the administration insolvent estates, trusts, and estates of deceased persons (Insolvency , executorships and trusteeship law).
Topics covered include, company law, types of companies, company formation, procedures, documentation, issued and meeting and resolutions, duties of officers (directors, secretary, auditors etc), provisions relating to disclosure in corporate accounts, reconstructions, amalgamation and takeovers. Insolvency,
MKT323 Promotion 3 Units
The concept and nature of promotion, the role of promotion in marketing, behaviour and communication, cultural and social conditions, creativity in promotion, elements of the promotion mix: personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity
(WOM, brand ambassadors, social media, email and e-commerce; Management of the Promotion, Promotion ethics and legal environment of promotion. The environment of promotion, budgeting for promotion. Application of soft wares in teaching promotion.
MKT325: Sales Management 3 Credits/Units
This course adopts a multi-diciplinary approach to the study of sales and sales force management. The course focuses on the total sales, e.g. selection, training motivation and compensation of sales personnel, sales forecasting,
sales territory management and sales analysis, the emphasis of the course will be to provide the student with a fundamental understanding of the elements of the sales process as well as provide them with management perspective to plan, organize and direct sales force. executorships voluntary and compulsory liquidations; disposition of property by wills and letters of administration, etc.
MKT 327: Computer Applications in Marketing II 3 Credits/Units
This course builds on the knowledge gained in BUS 317 by familiarizing the student with the use of application of computer packages in marketing, such as word – processing, database management, data analysis (especially SPSS), spreadsheets, graphics, desktop publishing, and internet packages.
The student will be required to develop competency in using the computer to analyze marketing research data and to solve complex marketing problems such as those relating to brand switching, queuing theory , distribution problems and internet
marketing. The course is a practical one.
MKT 328: Organizational Buying Behaviour II 3 Credits/Units
This course if a continuation of MKT 318 which prepares the students for industrial marketing or marketing to non-final users including business organizations, governments, resellers and other non – business organizations.
Issues covered include more complex models of organizational buying behaviour and the formulation and implementation of strategies for marketing to industrial users.
UNIBEN 400 Level Marketing Courses
BUS 412: Business Policy I 3 Credits/Units
This course focuses on giving students an opportunity to pull together what they have learned in the separate business fields and utilize this knowledge in the analysis of complex business problems.
This course seeks to develop an integrated (organization-wide) perspective of problems of management which the student may already be partially familiar with through earlier courses. The course offers the student the opportunity of considering business problems, etc.
the emphasis of the course is on the development of skill in identifying, analyzing and solving problems in a situation which is as close as the classroom can ever be to the real business world.
Lecture and cases will deal with the following topics among others, the concept of policy and strategy , decision making and goal/objective formulation the environment of strategic management including the social, political, technical and economic facets of the environment. Internal appraisal, formulating strategy at the concept level, strategy formulation at the SBU level.
BUS 414: Quantitative Analysis for Management Decision 3 Credits/Units
This is an examination of various business decision problems and the quantitative approaches in finding solution to these problems are discussed in this course.
Topics include allocation, queening, investment, marketing and pricing problems are considered using linear programming, simulation and probability techniques. Decision – making under conditions of certainty and uncertainty are reviewed.
BUS 419: Small Business Operations 3 Credits/Units
This course has the following objectives: to assist the student with identifying, planning, and successfully managing a small scale business.
To develop a conceptual framework for making sound, effective, and profitable decision, and to demonstrate the use of modern business techniques which help to minimize risks involved in starting and successfully operating a small business.
This is a practical and not theoretical course. Its end product is increased understanding and acquisition of skills, which should lead by way of increased efficient planning, to higher levels of performance in terms of sales and profitability.
The following issues will be addressed. Definition of small business Operations, the role of Small Business Operations nu the Nigerian Economy and Government Policies towards them, common types of small business operations.
Factors which affect the decision to won and manage a business, business planning, financial needs, financial management techniques, marketing policies and procedures for small business, interpretation of company accounts and ratio analysis, success or failure determinants.
MKT 41 1:Research Project I 3 Credits/Units
Marketing Project I will comprise original empirical investigation of a current local marketing problem, the AI being to help the student identify problems and make use of various concepts, tools and techniques of research and marketing in arriving at appropriate finds and recommendations for dealing with them.
The course requires the student to apply the knowledge acquired thus for in marketing research, computer applications and marketing to investigate and find solutions to extant marketing problems.
MKT: 412: Marketing Research 3 Credits/Units
Prerequisite: MKT 21 1 & 221 BUS 322
This is an advanced coursed in marketing which seeks to develop the student’s competence in the application of research techniques in solving various marketing MKT 412 Research. It helps the student to relate the methodological skills learnt in a previous course Business Methods to specify marketing situations especially in the areas of market analysis, market testing, advertising and promotion sales forecasting.
MKT 415:Industrial Marketing 3 Credits/Units
This course is aimed at equipping the student with the tools needed for marketing to non – final users including business organizations, governments, resellers and other commercial organizations. T opic include the nature of
industrial markets and industrial products, organizational buying behavior and models, measuring and assessing industrial markets, and formation of market mixes.
BUS 422: Business Polic 3 Credits/Units
Lectures and cases in the second semester will cover the following topics, organic business function of marketing, production, finance and personnel in Nigeria, management processes of corporate planning budgeting and control relating organization to the changes taking place in its environment strategies for managing change,
resistance to change, strategy and structure social and psychological influence, policies and strategy activation, corporate suture and power and politics, strategic evaluation and control model evaluating and controlling the strategy, evaluation and controlling the strategy, evaluation and controlling strategic performance, ratio analysis.
BUS 429: Entrepreneurial Development 3 Credits/Units
The aim of this course is to develop entrepreneurial orientation and skill in students. The course exposes students to the opportunities in entrepreneurship and the basic characteristics required for the successful function of the entrepreneur .
Issues covered include the nature and evaluation of business opportunities, feasibility study, financing and managing growth in entrepreneurial firms negotiations, succession, socio-cultural constraints and theories of entrepreneurship.
MKT 421:Research Project 3 Credits/Units
This is a continuation of MKT 411 and it will end in the submission of an original study.
MKT 422: Distribution Management 3 Credits/Units
This course is designed to prepare marketing students to make decisions aimed at ensuring that the company’s products are available to customers at the right time, at the right place, and at minimum costs.
Some of the channel types, channel decision; selecting, motivating, evaluating and controlling channel members; nature sources and management of channel conflicts and rigidities; physical distribution activities and physical distribution decision including those relating to transportation, warehousing, inventory control, JIT (just in time inventory) and materials handling.
MKT 423: Services Marketing 3 Credits/Units
This course is concerned with the application of marketing tools techniques in the marketing of services. Topics covered including the distinction between goods and services, types of services, service intangible and intangibles, characteristics of services, distribution of services and promotion of services.
MKT 424: Global Marketing Management 3 Credits/Units
The objective of the course is to equip students with the tools and concepts which marketing on a global scales demands, and to acquaint them with a framework for making more effective international marketing decisions.
Topics examined include The various ways that business can enter the international market and sustain profitable operations. The market dimensions which may be useful in segmenting marketing on a global scale. Researching international markets, products pricing, promotion, and distribution policies for world markets.
MKT 413: Advertising and Sales Promotion Management 3 Credits/Units
This course focuses on one of the components of marketing communication. The issues covered include mass communication and consumer motivation and behaviour as they relate to advertising.
Other topics discussed form a managerial viewpoint include the determination of the advertising budgeting message development and media selection and management. Also treated form a practical perspective are choosing working with and managing effectiveness.
Students are required to develop a promotional campaign for a client. Through role-playing students from small groups in which members assume the roles or account executive, creative director, research director, media director, and research assistants.
MKT 414:Non – Business and Services Marketing 3 Credits/Units
This course is aimed at enabling the student apply marketing tools and techniques to the marketing of non-commercial or not-for-profit entries such as governmental services, causes, programmes, personalities as well as intangible commercial services.
It extends the concepts studies in business marketing such as those of the marketing mix, customer – orientation, competition, product differentiation, market segmentation, market share, relationship between marketing and customer service to the marketing of those special products.
MKT 415: Brand Management 3 Credits/Units
The objective of this course is to equip the student with the wherewithal to initiate and coordinate marketing programs for ensuring the short and long term success of the brand in the market.
The course covers concepts such as the evolution and scope and importance of brand management, the concept of brands, branding; the role and functions of the brand manager; product management, product-based marketing structures, brand extension, coordination of production, distribution, pricing, promotion, and customer service for achieving goals of brand management.
MKT 425:Agricultural and Petroleum Products Marketing 3 Credits/Units
This course focuses on the marketing of the products of two important sectors that dominate the Nigerian economy in terms of total contribution to GDP/export earnings and the percentage of the population involved in the respectively.
The course is essentially an application course covering the following issues, among others: importance of petroleum and agriculture in the Nigerian economy, the peculiarities of the sectors, the organization for role of cartels, trade associations and cooperative societies; domestic and international dimension, pricing and promotion policies and decisions, governmental incentives regulation and control.
MKT 426: Public Relations 3 Credits/Units
This is an introductory course in Public Relations. The objective of the course is to equip the student with essential skills for identifying public relations-related problems and for formulating innovative strategies for their resolution.
Among the issues covered are the twin concepts of mass communication and public relations, the evolution and scope of public relations tools and media, and ethics and social responsibility in public relations.
Note: For all non-MKT courses, see course descriptions in the appropriate departments.
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Nice one… your site was helpful.
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Thank you